Israel Intensifies Violations Of Lebanon’s Airspace

April 25th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Israel has intensified the violation of Lebanon’s airspace, raising concerns over the regime’s alleged intention to wage a new war in the region.

“The over flights constitute violations of Lebanese sovereignty and the Blue Line and continue to undermine the credibility of UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces,” the UN Assistant-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Angela Kane, told the UN Security Council.

The daily number of Israeli air violations surged from 282 in February to 692 in March, the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) says, adding that the number has increased to 476 again in the first two weeks of April.

Angela Kane declared that “My representatives in the region and I have regularly continued to reiterate our concern and call on Israel to cease the increasing number of over flights, which stand in violation of Security Council resolutions”.

The regime, however, continued the violations, claiming that “the fights are carried out for security reasons.”

Israel has repeatedly violated Lebanon’s airspace, since a ceasefire declared based on the UN Security Council Resolution 1701 which put an end to a 33-day war between Israel and Lebanon in summer 2006.

According to (Press TV)

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12 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    “The over flights constitute violations of Lebanese sovereignty and the Blue Line and continue to undermine the credibility of UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces,” the UN Assistant-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Angela Kane, told the UN Security Council. ”

    The UN undermined their own integrity by letting the Hizzies rearm. This is a survival issue lady, not a political one. On the day and the hour that the IDF starts taking their strategy from the UN, will be the day and hour that Israel ceases to exist.

    There ain’t going to be another hollocaust as long as the IDF is on the job. So, I guess my reaction to you lady is why don’t you go F*ck off”. And please take your feckless UNIFIL with you.

  2. Mark Tanberg

    I propose this RESOLUTION “Israel can do what ever they want”

  3. ken holton

    I can only imagine the mortars fired into Israel by the lebs also “violate airspace”.

  4. mike3481

    :arrow: Article - “The over flights constitute violations of Lebanese sovereignty and the Blue Line and continue to undermine the credibility of UNIFIL…”

    I didn’t know anyone at all thought that the “United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon” had any credibility what so ever.

  5. Leatherneck

    “Israel Intensifies Violations Of Lebanon’s Airspace”

    That’s fine. Lebanon won’t be needing it anyways.

    I love psychological warfare. Not as good as the IDF going into Lebanon & kicking their asses in (again), but mind-fucking is fun to watch.

  6. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Sounds like UNIFIL ran out of tampons. :mrgreen:

    Bomb them til the very mention of jihad makes Lebanese and Syrians shit themselves.

  7. franchie

    Tic tic , bomb the blue helmets ?

    I bet they won’t, they would loose their credibility in the world wide

  8. John Cunningham

    Franchie, some blue helmets will get killed because the muslims will hide behind them.

  9. John Cunningham

    And they’ll hide behind the Eiffel Tower when France finally decides it’s had enough.

  10. franchie

    John, you read the wrong MSM, try a neutral source :lol:

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    @ticticboom (will kill for oil)

    “Sounds like UNIFIL ran out of tampons.” ROFLOL. There’s no room for sissy-Marys in this conflict. The UN needs to go back to their respective countries before the next war starts…or there just might be 13,500 dead tampon-wearers on the field. Hizzbullshitta will use them as human shields just like they did in the last war. Or run over them like a steam roller on hot asphalt.

    What a waste of life the UN is.

    This ain’t political. Its about national survival for Israel. Sucking oinkster ass doesn’t work.

    Memo to the UN: It’s the Qu’ran stupid.

  12. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :smile: Love the sight of those Israeli fighter-jets.
    Keep up the pressure boys. :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

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