Israel’s Prime Minister Refuses To Meet With President Jimmy Carter

April 12th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Arutz Sheva:

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has turned down a request from former American president Jimmy Carter for a meeting during his visit to Israel next week. The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni both said that their schedules will not allow a meeting, but an anonymous Israeli official told the Washington Times, “You draw your own conclusions.” Other officials have expressed anger at Carter’s proposed meeting with Syrian-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal.

However, President Shimon Peres, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Israel Is Our Home (Yisrael Beiteinu) leader Knesset Member Avigdor Lieberman have scheduled to meet with the former president, whose recent book compares Israeli policies on the Palestinian Authority (PA) with former apartheid policies in South Africa.

Carter is scheduled to visit Sderot as well as Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah before traveling to Syria.

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11 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn (Not Your Typical Anything)

    “You draw your own conclusions.”

    The writing is on the wall dems….
    Stevie Wonder wouldn’t even have a hard time reading this message…

  2. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)


    I saw the



    Banner, and thought is was a sex video …

  3. Ivan the Kafir

    Good heck! Anyone here wondering how the Metamucil’s been treating the old man? That guy looks so unbelievably old that even Reagan looks youthful by comparison.

    So Carter’s planning on visiting Sderot? Gee golly, guess who else is visiting Sderot…no! Not Daily Kos, surely they wouldn’t stoop that low! Little wonder the Israeli government has no patience for this peanut-headed do-gooder. Perhaps they remember all the wasted attempts at peace brokered by this nut-case and summarily broken by the Palestinians.

  4. Fight4TheRight

    Jimmy Carter wasn’t content in just fucking up America. No, he had to keep his asshat in the ring of world politics for all of these years to fuck up the entire world, as well.

    If this guy wasn’t a former president, he’d be on the 10 Most Wanted Terrorist Enablers in the world list.

  5. GregGS

    “has turned down a request”


    The dems live in a world from that movie “Weekend at Bernie’s”…


  6. Egfrow

    Who appointed Carter a US ambassador? He keeps over reaching. Carter and his words do not represent American interest. I don’t think they ever have.

  7. Gary in Midwest

    If he is soooo intelligent,why the hell does he never do the right thing?

  8. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    Just curious, but what kind or how big a state funeral do ya all think Jimma will have?

  9. cb10

    Jimma, it’s time to go home and have some billy beer with your brother. Billy, he be waitin on y’all.

  10. SOC

    Maybe Carter will disappear somewhere in Syria. I hope he doesn’t go too close to Iran. They may decide to have a redux
    of hostage taking with him as the guest of honor. Then we could send in the Marines.

  11. Mike Swann

    I wonder what promises Jimmy broke to Khomeini that precipitated the hostage talking? Guess they didnt have God in their hearts any more, just a good old fashion lust for power.

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