Japan High Court Finds Iraq Involvement Unconstitutional

April 17th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.



The Nagoya High Court on Thursday found the dispatch of Air Self- Defense Force troops to Iraq unconstitutional, marking the first court decision that declared the dispatch to be against the Constitution.

In the decision, Presiding Judge Kunio Aoyama said the ASDF’s airlifting activities to and from Iraq run counter to the war- renouncing Constitution.

The three-judge high court panel acted on a suit filed by a group of citizens who sought suspension of the dispatch to Iraq of the ASDF and the Ground Self-Defense Force and the payment of consolation money, saying the dispatch violates the Constitution.

In April 2006, the Nagoya District Court turned down the suit, giving no judgment on the constitutionality of the deployment of the Self- Defense Forces to Iraq.

The lower court said in the decision that the suit “is illegal as it does not involve any specific right or duties…there is no room for the plaintiffs to exercise their rights of claim.”

Former Japanese Ambassador to Lebanon Naoto Amaki is one of the plaintiffs in the suit.

Completely irrelevant, but hot picture

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7 Responses

  1. TBinSTL (just typical)

    The law of unintended consequences bites us in the ass again…

  2. hegelbot

    ok well i am not totally sure how the Japaneses judiciary works but they have a court of highest appeal, or a supreme court so perhaps this is not the end of the road.

  3. Denghis (Ibn Al-Himar)

    After the ass-whupping they got in WWII, the Japanese constitutionally renounced war, and commendably so.
    Times change, though, as do threats.
    Perhaps an ammendment is in order…
    They do us a great favor, though, by providing us with completely unrelated, but hot, woman’s athletics.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)


    pictures like that are always relevant! :lol:

    too bad the Japs cant change the laws now considering all of our lives depend on winning this one.

  5. Maynard

    Instead of black and white uniforms I prefer
    Shirts and Skins. i like the numbers though.

  6. CPLViper

    I think Japan has been wanting to change their constitution so they can have a ‘real’ military again as they are worried about China. The court may have passed this decision to force the change, if not, they would have simply thown it out like the first attempt.

  7. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    One of the nice things about constitutions is that they can be amended. The men who went to war against half the world and the culture that grew them are dead. The time for Japan to stand up as a responsible, honorable ally has come.

    Combined, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand have enough power to keep China on the mainland and North Korea in its box, even without our help. That secures our Pacific front, letting us concentrate on the Islamic threat. i definately think the time has come to form an Asian and Pacific equivalent to NATO.

    I think eventually China will go democratic or go to war to secure energy, either against Russia to control Siberia, or our allies in the Pacific and Asia to seize the oil fields as Japan did in WWII. But those are problems for another day.

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