Jimmy Carter Calls Condi A Liar About Hamas Meeting

April 23rd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


ATLANTA (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter denied on Wednesday that the State Department warned him not to meet with leaders of the Islamist group Hamas before he made a recent trip to the Middle East.

Carter said Hamas’ top official Khaled Meshaal told him during meetings in Damascus on Friday and Saturday that Hamas would “accept a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders if approved by Palestinians.”

The United States brushed off the comments on Monday, arguing that Hamas’ basic stance, which includes a call in its charter for the destruction of Israel, had not changed.

The State Department has said U.S. Assistant Secretary of State David Welch, the top U.S. diplomat for the Middle East, urged Carter not to meet with Hamas, a position restated by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, but Carter denied this.

“No one in the State Department or any other department of the U.S. government ever asked him (Carter) to refrain from his recent visit to the Middle East or even suggested that he not meet with Syrian President (Bashar) Assad or leaders of Hamas,” said a statement released by the Atlanta-based Carter Center, which speaks on the former president’s behalf.

Carter lays wreath at master terrorist Yasser Arafat’s grave for no real or good reason

Hamas, which controls Gaza, is viewed as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union and Israel.

The Carter Center statement said the former president attempted to call Rice before making the trip and a deputy returned his call since Rice was in Europe.

“They had a very pleasant discussion for about 15 minutes, during which he never made any of the negative or cautionary comments described above. He never talked to anyone else,” the Carter Center statement said.

“President Carter has the greatest respect for … Rice and believes her to be a truthful person. However, perhaps inadvertently, she is continuing to make a statement that is not true,” the statement said.

Carter’s reference to the 1967 borders spoke of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which Israel occupied in the 1967 Middle East War, and to a referendum on a peace deal Washington hopes to clinch this year.

Hamas won a 2006 election and briefly formed a unity government with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. It seized control of Gaza from Abbas’ secular Fatah faction in fighting in June.

Hamas has refused to accept major conditions laid down by the quartet of Middle East peace mediators. Those nations include the United States, Russia, the United Nations and the European Union.

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17 Responses

  1. PhilNBlanx

    Carter continues to live in never-ever land.

  2. Steve in NC

    We should ask Professor Ken Stein if the jimmah lied.

  3. el Vaquero

    Jimmah Carter will be the keynote speaker @ the Dhimmi convention in August…maybe he can finally get a chance to fire up his base…

  4. Caligula

    meet the man who single handedly set the stage for the destruction of the world! :gun:

    good job jimmah

  5. brian

    old-timers disease setting in?

  6. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Jimmah has a mouthful of peanuts.
    Jimmah, go build a house some place. :razz:

  7. serfer62

    I wonder if Barry makes it to prez will he replace that fool as the new fool?

  8. Boo Boo

    Well, this is interesting…who’s lying? Rice or Carter. My money is on Carter…those who lay down with dogs get fleas. But, once again, the Bush Admin. isn’t doing its spin control properly, isn’t getting its message out. Rice or a spokesperson should get out there and flat out confirm or deny what happened. By not responding, they let their integrity be impuned.

  9. DC

    :arrow: Boo Boo

    I think their integrity would be better served by just ignoring the old fart. You’ve done nothing when you’ve bested a fool.

  10. Boo Boo

    DC: the strategy of not responding hasn’t worked too well, with Bush’s historic low approval ratings. They don’t respond to anything they should respond to: N. Korea says we won’t let you inspect, they say “OK.” Iran says “F. You. We are developing nukes” and we say “OK, we won’t clamp down on US companies and our allies to boycott you.” Various congressional leaders and others say “the strategy in Iraq isn’t working”–and after 4 years, and the Nov 2006 elections, they finally fire Rumsfeld and get with a different strategy. SLOW LEARNERS.

  11. JayMS


    NOW it all fits together :twisted:

    The old good cop/bad cop routine. Carter tries to get Isreal to withdraw to the ‘67 borders while he hold out the carrot of recognition from Hamas. He basically wants Isreal to give up land and power on the outside promise that Hamas will abide by some lame-ass peace “agreement” they never agreed to in the first place and have zero intention on honoring. Hamas, for their part, gets to save face with all the shitheads that voted them into power and gives up exactly jackshit.

    I could forgive Carter if he was just an old fool. But he is a dick-sucking collaborating asshole who wants to fuck over Isreal because it makes him feel better about himself and his shitty legacy.

  12. Dan (The Infidel)

    Jimmah Kohtair penut salesman to the world. More like carnival barker extrodinairre. This guy is a complete nut. A simple search on “Hamas Charter” on Algore’s internet would have brought up the reason why his trip would be a waste of time.

    A fool and his way are soon parted Jimmah. You keep messing with Israel and maybe the real God will finally tire of your sorry ass and call you to your fate in the next life.

    Nice job BTW of allowing the apostates to take over Iran…dipshit. Oh yeah and thanks for those l;ong gas lines and a 19% interest rate. You should have stuck to Billy Beer and growing peanuts…

  13. B. Veener

    I agree - with the dismal approval ratings, Bush (and by association, McCain), don’t need this now.

  14. RC

    Jimmah’s legacy to the world, Peanut Diplomacy - “The Nuts are always right”

    Then we wonder why terrorists everywhere are lining up for photo ops to shake this old fool’s hand. He makes Neville Chamberlain look competent, shivers.

    .. and to think he’s the left’s poster boy of foreign policy - we’re starring at very dark times ahead if they get up.. God help us all.

  15. cnchess

    Maybe we need to write him a note and pin it to his sweater so he can remember it. Pull his passport and consider legal action against him. Let him spend his remaining golden years in a federal lock down.

  16. Denghis (ibm al Himar)

    Carter is trying to fix his Iranian hostage fuck-up by bringing peace to the Middle East, ala Nixon’s trip to China.
    But Carter is no Nixon (Tricky Dick had testicles), and all he is succeeding in doing is making us look like a nation of simpering idiots.
    It’s all about legacy.
    No wonder the world hates us.

  17. Ang

    Carter needs to be put in a home and not allowed out. He created this mess and now he is making it worse. How stupid can one man be?

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