L.A. Riots - Protect Yourself, Society Can Turn On A Dime

April 5th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Even if it is only temporary, as in the L.A. Riots…what are you going to do if it all goes upside down and you have thirty of forty looters high on crack and all law restraint gone, walking toward you or your property?

The Korean men in this video were defending their family-owned business during the L.A. Riot.

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12 Responses

  1. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    “they were shooting at anything and everything”

    Yeah and i bet their business was left alone now wasnt it?

    Guns saves lives my friends :gun: :gun:

  2. John Cunningham

    Gotta’ do what ya’ gotta’ do.

  3. JimmyB


    I remember this, and yeah the Koreans didn’t take no shit during the riots, there is a famous picture of one korean man protecting his store from an overwatch position on his roof, and from what I remember, it was the Korean neighborhoods that came out of the riots with the least damage……. I wonder why……

  4. a Golden BB

    “they were shooting at anything and everything”

    I doubt that, they were shooting a t perceived threats.
    One shop clearly has all the glass in the store front broken out.

  5. Kufir Ken

    Good for them!

    And they live to sell another day. Perfect reason why gun ownership should not be fucked with.

    Where were the cops? Busy with bigger things I suspect…

    If you can’t protect yourself when the facade of civilization peels off then you deserve what you get.

  6. Kermit

    I was living in Seal Beach across the county line from Long Beach and working in Carson at Shell Refinings former Dominguez Hills site, at the time. What I remember the most from driving around after the riots was that the targets of the rioters were Korean owned businesses, and any store that contained alcohol or pharmaceuticals.

    Yes the Koreans had every right to protect their property.

    Since I was commuting from Louisiana, I did not have any firearms. However, one of my new friends (and still so) at the time had several weapons and a few thousand rounds to go with each weapon.

    It is really funny that my libtard brother-in-law keeps a pistol in his bedroom in New Orleans since Katrina. He found in his mother’s house (she passed a month before the storm). It apparently belonged to his grandfather who was an army intelligence officer in the Pacific in WWII. He never showed it to me but I believe that it is a Browning 45 and he had a gunsmith check it out before getting the ammo.

  7. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Talk about one-sided reporting. The idiot reporter says they’re shooting at everything, but only showed the Koreans, not their targets. Guess if they showed a bunch of gangbangers headed over to do some looting, maybe a little rape, the public might not grasp the metanarrative.

    By the way, for all the moron rioters, first you pillage, THEN you burn. Fucking amatuers.

  8. Kermit

    An EMT on our jobsite was telling me that his former coworkers were telling him that during the riots the vast majority of the car jackings were pickups and vans, not cars. He also said that when he worked for in LA County, the police had to make sure that it was not a trap before the firefighters and emts could respond to a call in South Central parts of LA.

  9. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)


    It’s a rule that, in certain neighborhoods, EMTs and firemen don’t go in without police escort. One guy I worked with who used to be an EMT once told me about the time he and his partner decided to ignore the rule and went into the projects alone.

    They responded to a shooting, and immediately began stabilizing the victim. A guy walked up and asked if the victim was going to make. The EMT said the usual reassuring stuff, yeah, he’ll be OK, don’t worry.

    The guy pulled out a gun, shot the victim, and walked away like he’d just stepped on a roach.

    The only thing that surprised me about the story is that he didn’t shoot the EMTs.

  10. JonnyMordant (Typical NASCAR Fan)

    The Riots may not have been a proud moment in American History, but these Korean shop owners protecting their shops was amongst the greatest moments in our history during my lifetime… :beer: :gun:

  11. fmder

    OUT - Fucking - STANDING :!: :!: :gun:

  12. Mike Mose

    Solving problems the only way that keeps you alive.

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