Left Blog: “Fuck The Troops - So 4,000 Rubes Are Dead, Cry Me A Tigris”

April 27th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I shit you not. That’s the little yellow pukes face right there. Prepare to have a very strong desire to put your fist through something close by, just don’t hit your computer screen.

I cannot comment on this right now, as my fingers keep gnarling up into fists, which makes it hard to type…

It is called “The BEAST: America’s Best Fiend” and it originates in Buffalo, New York. The guy that wrote the piece of shit article is named Ian Murphy.

Editor & Art Director:
Ian Murphy

Somebody get me more info on this guy, this website, and some type of sedative.

“Fuck the Troops”
By Ian Murphy.

So, 4000 rubes are dead. Cry me the Tigris. Another 30,000 have been seriously wounded. Boo fucking hoo. They got what they asked for—and cool robotic limbs, too.

Likely, just reading the above paragraph made you uncomfortable. But why?

The benevolence of America’s “troops” is sacrosanct. Questioning their rectitude simply isn’t done. It’s the forbidden zone. We may rail against this tragic war, but our soldiers are lauded by all as saints. Why? They volunteered to partake in this savage idiocy, and for this they deserve our utmost respect? I think not.

The nearly two-thirds of us who know this war is bullshit need to stop sucking off the troops. They get enough action raping female soldiers and sodomizing Iraqi detainees. The political left is intent on “supporting” the troops by bringing them home, which is a good thing. But after rightly denouncing the administration’s lies and condemning this awful war, relatively sensible pundits—like Keith Olbermann—turn around and lovingly praise the soldiers’ brave service to the country. Why?

What service are they providing? I don’t remember ordering 300,000 dead Iraqis—although I was doing a lot of heavy narcotics back in ‘03. Our soldiers are not providing a service to the country, they’re providing a service to a criminal administration and their oil company cronies. When a mafia don orders a hit, is the assassin absolved of personal responsibility when it’s carried out? Of course not. What if the hit man was fooled into service? We’d all say, “Tough shit, you dumb Guido,” then lock him up and throw away the key.

As a society, we need to discard our blind deference to military service. There’s nothing admirable about volunteering to murder people. There’s nothing admirable about being rooked by obvious propaganda. There’s nothing admirable about doing what you’re told if what you’re told to do is terrible.

We all learned recently that the Bush administration instituted its policy of global torture during quaint White House meetings. And we already know this war was started with lies. Shame on them. But what about the people who physically carry out these atrocities? We’ve seen bad apples punished and CEO despots walk free, but all verbal and written denouncement is focused on our leaders. Surely, they deserve that and more—decapitation, really. But why can’t we be critical of the people who have actually tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens? We deride private contractors like Blackwater for similar conduct—why are the troops blameless?

Take John McCain, or “McNasty,” as they called him in high school. While the conventional wisdom says that Obama gets a pass from the media, McCain is clearly the least scrutinized presidential candidate. He diddles lobbyists, sings about bombing Iran and doesn’t know Shiite from Shinola, yet he remains unscathed, cloaked in his Vietnam “hero” legend.

Again, what is heroic about involving one’s self in a foolish war, being a shitty pilot or getting tortured? Yeah, it must have sucked, but getting your ass kicked every day for five years doesn’t make you a hero—it makes you a Bad News Bear.

Here’s where America’s military lust becomes a true perversion. If we truly valued military prowess, John McCain would be viewed as a failure. But duty alone is enough to inspire our gratitude. Hence the left’s tendency to obligatorily praise the troops while decrying the sum of their actions. Good thing, too, because this war is unwinnable.

George Washington warned that the biggest threat to the young United States was in keeping and deploying standing armies. An overextended military is a drain on any nation—eventually it will break. It also pisses off the people your army is standing on. We’ll never heed this warning and break the cycle of violence, so long as military service is so reflexively praised.

People want to be respected. And in a country with an abysmal education system and disappearing economic opportunities, they seek respect wherever they can find it—as street corner toughs or as government-sanctioned thugs. It beats McDonald’s. But this kind of victim-of-circumstance-sympathy for the troops turns them into automatons, neither deserving of praise or damnation. Disregarding the Stop Loss back door draft travesty, they had a choice.

We’re a squeamish people; we eschew heated debates and, in principle, strive for political correctness when arguing with those who hold contrary views. The left does anyway; the right makes no such pretense. That’s one of the reasons liberals have taken such a beating in the last few decades.

As plainly stupid as religious belief or participating in immoral and illegal wars may be, the castrated left can only argue against these things by appealing to reason. In America, that fails every time. We respond best to partisan venom and ad hominem attacks.

The right has no problem painting their opponents as cowards or godless heathens, but liberals—instead of sticking to the merits of their arguments—fight those accusations by leaning right, praising god and guns, and pandering to the people who cling to them. The left has taken to appeasing bullies as their only course to victory. And that’s no victory at all.

Liberals need to start calling a moron a moron—and openly mocking that moron if his positions or actions are indefensible. Just as Limbaugh or Hannity insults the left, tilting the battlefield so liberals are left scrounging for their patriotic bona fides, the left must begin attacking stupidity whether in the form of religious nonsense, “free market” capitalism or military worship.

Instead of blowing the troops every chance we get, to prove our patriotism and insulate ourselves against attacks from the right, liberals should grow a pair and start dishing the damnation.

How despicable must a military campaign be before Americans turn on their beloved troops? After chiding the “War on Toddlers” as fool-headed and pointlessly barbaric, would Keith Olbermann still thank the troops for their service? After the “Great Grandmother Slaughter of 2010,” will the press remove the fat military cock from its mouth? Following “Operation Murder Fluffy Kittens,” will the left finally nix the “honored service” crap? No. No, they won’t.

Condemning the “troops”—a term coined during the Gulf War—is almost unthinkable. And it won’t win you any awards. “Troops” are a monolithic entity, a cohesive group of pride-inspiring order-takers. Whereas an individual soldier is accountable for his or her actions, the “troops” are too abstract to blame. For Americans, there are only bad apples, never bad orchards.

But what kind of world would we rather live in: one where fools are admired for being fooled and murderers are extolled for murdering, or one where we have the capacity to step back and say, “I don’t care who told you to do what and why; you’re still an asshole!” Personally, I’d rather live in a world where people who act like retards are treated like retards: executed in Texas.

Americans fear the truth. It’s the slipperiest slope of all. Once we start extending responsibility beyond those who gave orders to those who took them, it won’t be long before we’re blaming ourselves. And we can’t have that.

Well, guess what, kids? The Iraq debacle is a pointless bloodbath—and every time you applaud those who “bravely” fill that tub, you’re soaking in it.

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99 Responses

  1. Brandan

    I’ll handle it :evil: :gun: :gun: and then :twisted: :beer: :beer:

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Don’t come anywhere near me dude. It’s too tempting to go to jail for breaking your back… :gun:

  3. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Jesus, Bash …

    I didn’t get any farther than this:

    “… But after rightly denouncing the administration’s lies and condemning this awful war, relatively sensible pundits—like Keith Olbermann—turn around and lovingly praise the soldiers’ brave service to the country. Why?” (Honestly … anything AFTER “Olbermann” you can pretty much erase)

    before I’d had more than enough …

    The BEST thing about this is knowing the fucker doesn’t even have balls the size of M&Ms to go up to a group … or even ONE of our troops and recire word-for-word exactly what he wrote.

    And you know what too?

    I would lay odds that 9x out of 10, as hard as it would be, our guys would say “Fuck you” to the jerk-off phlem and walk away from him without busting his head off his shoulders in order to …

    Well, you guys know the rest.

  4. RJI

    Please provide this assholes address and e-mail so we can communicate our feelings appropriately.

  5. Steve in NC

    The ignorance evident in his writing is not stunning to me at all, he is a perfect example of what many think. Do not think he is alone on this, I know many will read that article and agree with him, but are too shy to admit it publicly like he has.

    His depth of argument is as shallow as the warm piss puddle my dog left in the yard.

    Let me go to his level:

    :arrow: He is a pustule on the ass of Ted Kennedy.

    George Washington warned that the biggest threat to the young United States was in keeping and deploying standing armies. An overextended military is a drain on any nation—eventually it will break. It also pisses off the people your army is standing on. We’ll never heed this warning and break the cycle of violence, so long as military service is so reflexively praised.

  6. Steve in NC

    ^^^^ forgot to delete that quote, was going to go over points, but he is not worth the effort.

  7. will

    yea i didnt get anywhere after the 1st 3 or 4 paragraphs.
    raping female soldiers blah blah balh i dont know anyone who has done that. the troops commit less crimes than the same amount of people who are civlilians in the us in that agegroup. go check it out for your self. most of the guys i know go out of their way to deploy. i wont say who but i know guys who are going to iraq that dont even know if they have a home to comeback to because of money problems and debt. so stfu, i bet he just sits back and watches mtv, all he does is complain does nothing about it damn hippy

  8. RacerX


    Evil Editor & Art Director:
    Ian Murphy

    And yeah Dick Head (Ian), there’s a reason we don’t shit on our troops. This guy better steer way clear of my yard.

  9. A. S. Wise- VA

    The asshole is still doing heavy narcotics. We always knew so many of these pathetic excuses for human beings felt this way, and here’s proof.

    Voting McCain to stick it to all these despicable shit heads, is a good enough reason, IMHO.

  10. Tom in CO

    Wait, so WWII was a bad idea? what?!


  11. 007

    I wont even give this Puke my time to read his shit!! :twisted:

  12. Kurt(the infidel)

    this guy is a nutless loser. 300,000 dead iraqis? yeah you’re really informed you fucking waste of human flesh.

    the argument of some people hiding behind their computer and talking shit is in some cases a valid argument. this guy is proof. this made me sick and ill only got through hald of it.

  13. SCredneck

    Yep, that’s the left…
    Just sitting on your ass smokin crack while others fight…

  14. commander0

    This might be satire. He calls himself “the caustic satirist”
    I hope so anyway.

  15. The Opinionator

    Yesterday, our little town laid to rest our first fallen hero from the GWOT. This asshat does not want to come down this way and spout that shit from his cake hole. No more needs to be said.

    Note the reference to McCain as a failure rather than a hero. Same thing McGovern pulled the other day. I think we are seeing the first stages what the Left hopes will be a swift-boating of McCain.

  16. TJ (The Kafir)

    Being a BuffaLOONian myself,

    I understand that New York generally is filled with leftist loons like this coward, but understand this same idiot wont be seen at a recruiting center or base spouting this stuff cause he knows that would taker real courage, rather he uses print media to show how tough he is.

    What he doesnt get, is that if the lefty politicians condemned our military outright as he suggests, if elected they would do best to disband our military altogether, because no one would enlist. aparently, to some libtards, disbanding the militaryt would bring “peace” to the world, just as disbanding the police would rid us of ther menace of crime. :razz:

    Ill remember this guys name like I remember the Yemeni 7 (BuffaLOONians as well)

    I would like to see this guy say such words to my face, and believe me I will seek him out. :mad:

  17. JTS

    I’ll put my “fat military cock” somewhere for him….

  18. spmat


    Idiot. At least they’re no longer hiding behind their “patriotism.”

    An apropos syllogism for the left:

    - Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
    - Treason is the highest form of dissent
    - Therefore, treason is the highest form of patriotism

    What’s ironic is that these people stand to lose the most from a weakened or denuded military, living in major urban areas as they do.

    Even more ironic: these people’s political heroes (FDR, Woodrow Wilson) would have jailed them for such speech.

  19. PhilNBlanx

    Yeah, I couldn’t make it very far through his tantrum either.

    This wanker needs to throw mama from the train, grow a set and get a life.

  20. Rick Spung

    These are the sponsors of the website. I recommend writing them and letting them know how much business they will be losing in the future…

    MotoSport, Inc.

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  21. Angry Sapper (typical white vet.)

    Just read the article, and holy shit, I am so pissed off right now, I need to take a walk to calm down. Fuck that guy, some of those dead “rubes” were good friends of mine.
    :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  22. Clutch250f

    I have no problem going to prison for sniping this fucker.Give me a M24 i’ll take his ass out. You know 30,000 dead iraqs? how many were actual combatants? By his thinking none. They all really want to hug us all, with a bomb vest but hey if that little fucker wants to go over and try to show the terrorist that he wants to hug them and suck them off let him do it. Maybe if we are lucky we’ll get to watch him get his head chopped off in a online video. Hey that’ll show us.

  23. Angry Sapper (typical white vet.)

    One other thing, I am one of those “30,000” and I will tell ya what, my body might be a little bit more fucked up than it used to be, but I’d crawl through a mile of shit to punch this asshat in the face,

    Apologies for my language, but this is the kind of shit that really pisses me off.

  24. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    AH! YES!!!

    You know … Something was slamming the dark recesses of my once pot-fogged mind when I read this putrid opinion piece Bash posted in an attempt to purge it from his very soul after having read it himself …

    What was it slamming the back of my brain, you ask …hmmmmmm?




    And it makes a hell of a lot more sense than Ian Murphy …

  25. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Angry Sapper (typical white vet.) :beer:

    I actually felt you were … too kind. :twisted:

  26. spmat

    ACTUNG! There’s a virus at that lefty prat’s site!!


    Quote from LFG:
    “Your “4000 rubes guy” is also distributing security compromising viruses. I just clicked on his donation link to see where it led, and Kaspersky on my computer sounded and set off a warning and blocked the HTML warning that it contained “Trojan-Spy.HTML.fraud.gen”.”

  27. spmat

    Whoops.. “ACHTUNG” not ACTUNG.. apologies to the German speakers. :oops:

  28. Steve in NC

    drillanwr -

    “Fuck ‘em and feed ‘em fish heads”

  29. Chandler

    Good people sleep safe at night because there are rough men who are prepared to do violence on their behalf. :gun:

    It’s obvious this guy doesn’t sleep at night, thus we must conclude that he is not “good people”. :beer:

  30. C-Low

    Guys I just left LGF and they have a update saying this guy is using this article to put viruses in peoples computers.

    I am not a tech guy and cannot call either way but Charles at LGF is and I would trust his call.

    http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/29757_So_4000_Rubes_Are_Dead :wink:

    “UPDATE at 4/27/08 4:55:26 pm:

    Beware! Just received from a reader:

    Your “4000 rubes guy” is also distributing security compromising viruses. I just clicked on his donation link to see where it led, and Kaspersky on my computer sounded and set off a warning and blocked the HTML warning that it contained “Trojan-Spy.HTML.fraud.gen”.

    Nature of the virus is on this site: Viruslist.com - Trojan-Spy.HTML.Fraud.gen.


  31. mindy abraham

    Nobody has to apologize for insulting this waste of DNA :mad: What is wrong with him? I actually felt my hands clenching into fists reading this, which is rare for me. I’d rather have a house full of “uneducated” rubes than just one elitest like him. Do not apologize typical white vet-you have no need to.

  32. ssgduke54

    :mrgreen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXZMZ-XvvzI :mrgreen:
    They Coming to take ME AWAY HA HA
    Here is my answer to the pathetic corrupt tin foil hat loon Ian Murphy.

  33. Goodbye Natalie

    I say let him yell a little louder. America don’t agree with this scumbag. Preach it to the choir Ian because anybody worth anything isn’t listening to your horseshit.

    Grab yourself a cigar Bash, get the word out and sit back and watch William Arkin, Redux.

  34. KBar

    :arrow: Bash,
    The “Beast” is a rag underground newspaper in Buffalo that will print anything controversial, just to be “avant garde” or edgy or whatever. Anything to provoke some type of outrage. These guys have been printing crap like this for years. The writing and ed. staff are angry failed journalism and english majors who couldn’t get a job filling thermometers.

    I wouldn’t worry too much about this garbage. In fact, the less attention paid, the better.

  35. KBar


    Here is the website: http://buffalobeast.com/

    See for yourselves. These morons are not worth getting worked up over. There are plenty of “real” enemies like Clinton, Obama, Murtha, Pelosi, Moore, Penn, Reid, etc.

  36. Kurt(the infidel)

    if this guy really is distributing a virus isnt there a way to get him for that? viruses are not legal and especially trojans that compromise someone elses computer.

  37. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :roll: Holy crap, this is what happens when you are a self-loathing liberal-white that attempts to bring guilt to all. It must suck to be him and hate your nation in the manner in which he does. This person is totally pathetic. God bless our troops who keep us safe every day.

  38. mike

    Rick Sprung is right on. Hit those shitheads right in the wallet. Well, the wallet among other places…

  39. MarineDoc

    Thanks guys..I am truly enjoying the DR Dimento flashbacks.

    As far as this puke…..he is obviously lacking in morale character as all have astutely pointed out. Really not worth the waste of webpage to comment on but like corresponding with friends.

    This is another useful (or useless) Cobert watching idiot. You know…one of those “my life is horrible and I do the things I do because my childhood was so bad”. Apparently ripped away fro the tit too early.

    I agree with all. Just returned from Iraq about 4 weeks ago and after about the 3rd paragraph found myself having some serious issues over what I was reading to the extent I almost found myself cleaning and breaking down all my weapons in my gun locker.

    The bullshit that this guy is spewing is just unbeleivable but as said earlier there are so many that believe this tripe. It is furthest from the truth. Our military is “professional”. We have guys brothers getting killed because they will not return fire unless they have PID. We protect the detainess from the Iraqi’s themselves because the treatment they get from them often times does not have a healthy outcome.

    I would like for this guy to stand in my shoes when I am telling the young Marine that he no longer has his legs because AQI used a command wire land mine IED which ripped through the floor of his Hummer. Processing a brother in arms that did not make it. Cracking the chest of a brother to get your hands around his heart to pray to GOD resuscitate him.

    What a piece of shit waste of our oxygen.

    What a pathetic excuse of life and a waste of the liberty that we fight for.

    Let me know if you guys get a plan of action together on this idiot. I would like to roger up for that!!

  40. Snooper

    :arrow: :shock: :arrow: :gun: :idea: :gun: :gun: :gun: :arrow: :twisted: :arrow: :smile: :arrow: :???: :gun: :gun: :gun: :cool:

  41. Erik Marsh

    For a little innoculation just click on my name, or here…


  42. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Steve in NC

    I’m sorry, Steve …

    The ass-clown gave me some weird flashback to that careless time in my young adult life.

    Yeah, I was slightly left of conservative in my 20s … More libertarian, than liberal.

    Oddly, the “Fish Heads” song seemed to just pop-up during those purple-haze gatherings. And a “WTFH” would never fail to be my response.

    I thought the song was behind me, when years later … in the infancy, hype, and novelty that was MTV ran as background noise in our house in the mid 80s …

    I was in the next room when I stopped dead in my tracks as that insidious tune and maniacal lyrics echoed from the living room TV. The next thing I knew I found myself standing in the room’s doorway glaring at the video of that … demonic mantra

    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Rolly polly Fish heads
    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Eat them up, Yummm

    I sat on the couch the rest of the day and night … waiting for them to replay the video. Why? I dunno. And they never replayed it that day … But that damn tune and the chorus echoed inside my skull for days.

    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Rolly polly Fish heads
    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Eat them up, Yummm
    They can’t play baseball
    They don’t wear sweaters
    They’re not good dancers
    They don’t play drums

    Now, you explain to me why Ian Murphy’s practice in self-emasculation at the perceived expense of others who could bust his desk top to shards with their dicks and balls would bring such an ungodly song to mind?

    Go on, play “doctor” on me, Steve …

  43. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: MarineDoc

    People in dire need are damn happy to see our troops coming in to save them.

    Our troops are damn happy to see you coming in to save them.

    Welcome home, Doc. :beer: :beer:

    As you see, little, if any, has changed in the useless and demented parallel universe within this country that we call “The American Left” … :gun:

  44. byron

    this guy, Ian Murphy, i hate him.
    this crap he and others write makes me angry beyond belief and even angrier that i cant do shit about it.


    i am comforted
    because i know that if this yellow piece of shit ever grew a pair of testacles and walked out into the open public, into the middle of a town like mine, and said anything along the lines of this, he’d get his ass beat.
    probably to death.
    i’d love to see it.

  45. LftBhndAgn

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

  46. Steve in NC

    :arrow: drillanwr,
    actually, I sang that tune at work recently and no one knew what the hell I was singing.

    Why did that spewing ass ian murphy trip that tune into your head?

    Fish heads & ian murphy, both useless wastes?
    You were a bit too far left when that tune was hot, and the spew from i.m. opened a dark corner of your mind and it then attempted to protect itself by bringing out the fish heads song like some kind of twisted mental comfort food?

  47. Q_Mech

    Oooooo… I made it to the third paragraph and thats it. I would seriously like to beat the living shit out of this sub-human cocksucker.

  48. Righthandgirl

    What the FUCK.

  49. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Steve in NC

    Fish heads & ian murphy, both useless wastes?

    There ya go, Dr. Steve! …

    Now, what did you say you charged an hour??? :lol:

    Actually, you CAN make a lurky soup or stew from fish heads.

    Ian Murphy … I don’t think even Jeffrey Dahmer would chew on him.

  50. Judith, typical White Ohioan

    Ugh, what repulsive garbage. Moron, cannibal, idiot, f***head, bas****, yellow bellied coward, a**hole, etc. Some of the great terms from my service oriented spouse. This bum should be wiped!!

  51. EDinTampa


    Only his ILK feels this way.

    His words SHIFT normal liberals RIGHT!

    The more they say what they truly feel the more isolated they become!


  52. mindy abraham

    To Devildoc-thanks, i can’t imagine what yoou’ve seen. the closest I got was reading on call in hell :sad:

  53. mindy abraham

    I meant Marinedoc

  54. John Cunningham

    K Bar, well, I guess that narrows down the search to the UB area or along Elmwood Avenue. Or he may have taken an basement apartment in Lackawanna.

  55. KBar

    :arrow: John,

    Actually, last I knew, the Beast’s offices are downtown in the old Statler Bldg. Next time I’m in Buffalo, I am going to find out.

  56. TedB

    “The left has taken to appeasing bullies as their only course to victory. And that’s no victory at all.”

    I agree totally, but I wonder if it is in the same context?

  57. Robbie

    He is a pussy. I told him to go to FT Drum and run his mouth. I doubt he will take my advice.

  58. John Cunningham

    K Bar, the Statler? They really should turn that beautiful old building over to the Senecas and let them turn it into a casino/resort. And while they’re at it since City Hall is right across the street they can give them that too. Just thought, also give them the Pennsylvania railroad station. So much they could do with that city and they just sit on it.

  59. KBar

    :arrow: John,

    Like I said, I’m not sure if they are still there, or moved to the Elmwood Area (Greenwich Village of Buffalo for all you non-Buffalonians).

  60. SFC Cheryl McElroy US ARMY (RET)

    Oh my gawd. What a waste of skin. What an ass. I’d love to send Mr. ‘cry me a Tigris’ over to one of the many, many Islamofascist nation- states in the Middle East who harbor the same animosity. This son of a bitch has a real hard on for people far better than he.

  61. JCD

    You have to give this punk credit for at least being honest, because alot of angry leftists feel this way and they know it but are to afraid to admit it. They see American soldiers as mercenaries and tools for the administration and nothing else.
    Their world view is so twisted they actually believe that if one toddler dies during the course of a war, or someone’s grandma, that the whole effort is not worth it. Not that they care for kids or old people anyway. They are the first people you hear bitching about how they don’t like kids and never want to have any, and they have zero respect for the elderly, seeing them as dinosaurs who need to be put to pasture along with their antiquated belief system.
    Read this guys words carefully and think about what the logical outcome of a world populated by and run by this type of sociopathy personified will beget. Scary stuff.

  62. nopanacea2004

    The Ian Murpheys of the world are what guys like Rove dream about.

    Simply attach the subject line “This is the liberal mind at work”

    The text of this article can be circulated via email and cost democrats and liberals millions of votes.

    Use their words against them.

    It’s the best ammunition we have.

  63. ricky ricardo

    He’s right you know, though he’s misplacing his rage in pointing a finger at the poor saps who’ve been duped into 2 or 3 tours in that giant sand pit. In all your wierd-ass bloodlust you forget that for no fucking reason, our country is bankrupting itself and our future purely for the job of killing brown people. If ya’ll used your noggin for one second you’d clearly see the facts that there were no Al-quada in Iraq before we invaded for the invisible wmd and that 98% of the violence in the country is sunni/shiite sectarian civil war which we made possible by breaking up their government and giving power to the long oppressed — which turned around and oppressed the other side. Stupid, stupid, stupid. But then, stupid is what the bush boys counted on as being the dominant paradigm in this slap happy country. what a bunch of easy marks.

  64. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: ricky ricardo

    While generally, and by practice and respect for this site, I have not participated in personal attacks on commentors … no matter how stupid they are.

    However, in your case I will make an exception.

    YOU are a fucking filthy idiot who sits on your over-used fat ass somewhere in the recesses of you fact twisted mind, swimming in your lack of knowledge and your flood of inability to think and reason past your own moments of self-indulgence.

    I would take the time to link to other stories on this site that not only show/explain our successes in Iraq, but completely dispute the already disputed points you believe you have made above … But I won’t, because you won’t read them. So, I have concluded YOU are not worth the time or energy.

    By the way …

    You won’t have to talk your ‘talking points’ about Iraq for too much longer … Because you will soon be pissing and moaning about our bombing the shit out of Iran … :twisted: :gun:

  65. Rob

    recent physical addresses are:

    Ian Arthur Murphy
    IAM/Secure Data Systems
    330 Fairhill Road
    Wynnewood, PA 19096
    (610) 642-2478 (Ian’s Primary Number)
    (610) 642-3005 (Ian’s Computer/Fax Number)

    This traces to an address and phone number registered to:

    K.C. Baldadian
    Uniglobe Wings Travel
    Kaleidescape Travel Service
    330 Fairhill Road
    Wynnewood, PA 19096

    (610) 642-6002 (Primary Business Number)
    (610) 642-4731 (Fax Number)
    (610) 642-2478
    (610) 642-3005
    :gun: :gun: :gun: :razz:

  66. Steve in NC

    Ricky, go back to cuba since America is such an insult to you.

    Thanks for validating everything we think about you and your buddies stunted intelligence.

    You are simply regurgitating the baseless drivel heard from the likes of olbermann, bill mayer, sean penn and others.

    brown people? WTF is that?

    Seriously, your an ass.

  67. Levi

    Thanks for the update on the address i know where thats at.

    I only wish that shitheads like this could see what military service realy is. His views are so fucked its hard for me to even wrap my head around

  68. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Steve in NC

    Actually, it really pisses me off he decided to use THAT name to post under … No class. No balls.

    Desi Arnaz was a ground-floor genius in a new industry in this country (TV) and set the bar for the genre of “situation comedy” that rarely has been matched (See; The Cosby Show) …

    His personal (Hollywood) lifestyle aside, he knew what the American public deserved as entertainment, and along with Lucille Ball and other pioneers, delivered a damn fine product.

    The gentle “self-deprecation” of his heritage as Ricky Ricardo showed us all how NOT to take ourselves so seriously. My whole life I have always admired that spirit.

  69. KBar

    :arrow: ricky ricardo,

    Are you serious? Were YOU in Iraq? If you were, then you know how wide open that country is. And you could hide WMDs almost anywhere in or out of Iraq, like oh…I don’t know…Syria, Jordan, Iran. The Iraqis used chem weapons in the past, that part is indisputable. What makes you think they didn’t have any chem/bio weapons remaining? Chem/bio weapons are the non-nuclear nation’s trump card, and therefore would NOT be given up by that countries leadership. I was in Iraq, in ‘03, and the ATO before that. We found all sorts of weapons caches. There are many Iraq veterans that post to this site that will tell you what they saw.

    And as far as AQ NOT being in Iraq prior to the invasion in ‘03, you are wrong. The media was doing stories on this subject well prior to the start of the war. Not to mention the Iraqis themselves. PWs, civilians, etc. were telling us about AQ operating in the region for years before the war. These people could not possibly ALL have colluded with one another to tell us basically the same thing. And yet, this was ignored by the press. Once it was decided that Iraq was a lost cause, the media simply ignored evidence that justified the invasion.

    You talk of “Bloodlust”. What do you know about it? Did WE fly planes into buildings, killing over 3,000 innocent people? Did WE saw the heads off of unarmed civilians while video-taping it?

    What’s that? We only went to war for the oil you say? Explain then, why it is $4/gal. We are not taking Iraqi oil nor are we taking Iraqi oil money. That oil revenue is rebuilding that country, but you self hating liberals don’t acknowledge that. You would rather piss all over this country and her veterans by saying we are killing the “brown people” for Dick Cheney and the Bush boys.
    You are a very misguided individual.

    And for the record, I am now 35 now, but would go back tomorrow if they’d let me. Because I KNOW we are doing right over there.

  70. KBar

    :arrow: Rob,

    Not sure if that is the same Ian Murphy. Just a heads up.

  71. Top Ward

    I’m surprised that Ian’s mother would let he say these things form her basement.

    What an idiot.

    And I agree with nopanacea2004, send this idiots words to everyone in your address file. Use the left’s words against themselves.

  72. Top Ward

    I’m surprised that Ian’s mother would let him say these things form her basement.

    What an idiot.

    And I agree with nopanacea2004, send this idiots words to everyone in your address file. Use the left’s words against themselves.

  73. Dan R.

    This pretty much sums up the current state of liberalism in America. They are nothing more than a bunch of spoiled children in need of a good spanking. I laugh at them all.

  74. Scrapiron

    Seems I remember this shithead from a few months ago when someone found the hole in the wall he hides in. It really was his momma’s basement. She let him breast feed twice a day to keep up his stupidity.

  75. brovato

    you fucken yellow puke code pinko liberal Mfer :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: come out of your cave :gun: :gun:

  76. SOC

    Let me extend an open invitation to this piece of shit from the boys from Texas. We would like him to be the guest of honor at one of our nut cutting parties for livestock. We promise it won’t hurt for much longer than 72 hours. At that time we will administer alcohol on the wound to be sure there is no infection. Piece of prick shit…..

  77. BradW (the Infidel)

    I think it is time for a little vacation, I’m going to take a drive and see if Rob has the correct address… PA is close….

    Yeah, the words this puke wrote are best ignored, that takes any power they might have away, but the fact that he wrote them is too much insult to myself, and every other veteran and current armed forces member…

    I hope the guy enjoys eating a louisville slugger…

  78. Mark in WA

    This seditious, traitorous, America-hating POS is my nominee for the “Used-Toilet-Paper-Circling-The-Drain” award. But that would be insulting to all used toilet paper everywhere.

    Murphy is a weeping anal fistula with a pen. He’s in dire need of a lead suppository … preferably .45ACP.

    Suprisingly, I read this with more detachment than usual as I realized this guy probably has an audience that would fill a small closet. No excuse for his disgusting diatribe though, and all the more reason to disseminate his tripe to those that need an education on the far-left liberal mind. If there is a confrontation at any time with this guy, I’d certainly hope it’s captured on video and posted for all the world to see. Pissant prick.

  79. jcrue

    The author of that steaming pile could not hold a candle to a large majority of the Marines with whom I served at least 98% of them - officer or enlisted. He also exposes a great deal of ignorance, inaccuracy and hyperbole in his writing - he clearly doesn’t know much about those things he addresses. He simply totes anti-military stories and assumptions. Because you know he has zero first-hand experience in anything of which he wrote.

    He’s a fair weather fan who does nothing but complain about the team - a whiner and a bitch.

    Case in point his statement, “The benevolence of America’s “troops” is sacrosanct.” He obviously has no idea what this truly means because it is completely false as evidence by the opinions of his and those of the screaming unwashed masses who hate our military. He proves his own point wrong by simply including that statement.

    Second case in point is pointing to Olbermann as a “sensible pundit”. Really? That asshat is a sensible pundit?!?!? Holy sh*t that’s rich.

    Finally, the equation that assigns Iraq “bloodbath” status is juvenile given the user doesn’t know what a f*cking bloodbath looks like - go to Verdun, Ypres, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, the Marne, Dresden, Berlin, Leningrad, Guadalcanal, Gettysburg, or any of the countless battlefields “rubes” have been sent to and tell me Iraq has been a bloodbath. That’s delusional in its own right. But then again, the statement comes from someone who has no clue about what he is writing so why would that surprise anyone?

    The author is jealous of our heroes and their treatment because he knows no one will ever treat him that way outside of a tiny, tiny few who think he’s pretty keen.

    He is to be laughed at. Why assign value to a piss-ant like this?

    Hell, I can’t believe I wasted this much web space on him.

  80. chris

    As someone with a brother on active duty in the 82nd, this maggot makes me sick and I left an email full of vitriol that I did not know I was capable of. If anyone is going to be going up to Buffalo this spring, maybe you should drop by this puke’s office to voice your dsiagreement.
    712 Main St
    Buffalo, NY 14202
    Semper Fi Pat.
    That is all.

  81. Goodbye Natalie

    :arrow: Lucy!,

    If ya’ll used your noggin for one second you’d clearly see the facts that there were no Al-quada in Iraq before we invaded for the invisible wmd

    Well, if true why don’t you let go your wet noodle for a minute, pull your head out, and explain to me why this is not the most brilliant military plan ever constructed then?

    We don’t even have to go looking for Al-Queda. We just get them crawling out of their sandflea box to face off against the baddest f*kers on the planet in somebody else’s sandbox? Just when I start to lose confidence in G.W., this numb nuts named Ricky wakes me up to the fact this has been brilliantly constructed.

    Thanks Lucy!

  82. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    buckwheat. buckwheat for Ian Murphy

  83. Typical White Texas Mom

    ricky ricardo . . . Hit and run . . . WORTHLESS . . . Hit and run . . . Can’t support what he says so he drops in, says crap, and runs.


  84. 31Mike

    Dick Ricardo and MuMuMuMurphy….You two stuttering morons!!!

    This is how stupid you both are. Ready jugheads???

    By expressing your idiotic opinions for all the world to read, you will forever be looking over your shoulder for what’s coming.
    Oh, you can sit back and talk shit like you’re fearless, but you know that about now you wish you hadn’t spewed this vomit, because it will come back to haunt you.

    Karma is a Bitch!!!!

  85. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    This is probably the most attention this dung beetle has gotten since he pissed his pants in the fourth grade in front of the whole class …

  86. mike3481

    ricky ricardo, like your T.V. namesake, you’re a silly, silly IDIOT CHILD.

    If your older than 12, I pity you, you’ll have a perfectly miserable life. :shock:

  87. Scorpius

    Looks like his little “publication” has advertisers. Maybe we should send them all emails explaining how we will never use their services if they keep supporting this guy.

  88. Jules Crittenden » Eff the Troops

    […] great thing about the Internet is that this will be around to haunt Ian Murphy long after he grows up, if he ever manages […]

  89. cuchieddie

    :beer: Hey Ian, your momma give a great blowjob. Check her out.

  90. Brian

    Insolent, selfish fucking piece of shit.

    Fuck him, fuck him and anybody so ignorant and foolish as him.

    What trash heap did this unappreciative ass wipe come from?

    I cannot finish the third paragraph. I will not read further.

    Fuck him and everything involved with him, may he spend

    eternity in a special hell.

  91. lourawls

    looks like a candidate

  92. lourawls

    4 cement shoes

  93. MurphyMasher

    Go back to the site and check the advertiser links, most all of them are now dead. Hopefully by tomorrow they will all be dead links and the advertiser’s graphical references removed. I, and many others, have been busy contacting the advertisers in order to know let them know where their money is being spent.

  94. Robert Freedom

    Something stinks about this website:

    Publisher Paul Fallon is a lawyer for the ACLU.


    Editor-in-Chief Alan Uthman is of “Middle-Eastern” descent
    ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beast_(newspaper) ).

    They have had interviews with Dr. Mahmoud Othman, a Kurdish “Diplomat,” who’s involved with the PKK terrorist group. He is also Uthman’s uncle. ( http://www.buffalobeast.com/118/sayuncle.htm )

    Uthman’s father worked as Saddam Hussein’s dentist, as reported by The Buffalo News in April of 2003:
    “He had very good teeth — excellent teeth,” Uthman, who is 71, recalled in an interview Thursday….

    He may or may not be related to Palestinian militant Umar Muhammad Umar Uthman.


    Associate Editor & Art Director (and the pig who wrote this disgusting article) Ian Murphy is an infamous hacker (http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2001/02/41630)

    As reported on LGF, Freerepublic, the website’s donate (ha!) button was infecting peoples’ computers with a virus.


    Not only is this blog an abomination of free speech, it may also be an Al-Qaeda propaganda-mill.

    These people should be hanged, for treason!

  95. MurphyMasher

    “Something stinks about this website…”

    Nice work Robert Freedom, thanks for the info!

    By chance, do you know if this:


    if this is the same Ian Murphy?

    Today, if you go to the default url:


    they are desperatley begging for donations to keep the site going.

    LOL! :cool:

  96. Wayne

    Here’s Dossier on an Ian A. Murphy; http://attrition.org/errata/charlatan/murphy/
    In view of the virus issue posted ealier it may be the same guy…
    Proud Cold War Vet

  97. Wayne

    Oops didn’t see the arlier post
    Nevermind :oops:

  98. Mark O

    Sad to say that he lives in my neck of the woods. The Beast hasn’t been worth the paper it’s on….and it’s offered to line anyone’s bird cage for free (that is, after you use up the Buffalo News).

    LTC, USAF(ret)

  99. Felix Tam

    I didn’t finish the article, his first two opening paragraph was enough. I hope he lands up in a country that erupts into civil war, and when the Marines come to get Americans and other foreginers out, I hope they leave him behind! Or maybe we should go to Iraq or Afghanistan and see things for himself, then this bloody idiot would see what crap he is spewing behind a computer.

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