Let’s Be Clear On “Black Liberation Theology” - Racist Or Not? You Tell Me…

April 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Read the statement below…

White theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the white community. If God is not for us and against black people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of white theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the white community. . . . White theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the black enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in White Power, which is the power of white people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.”

What kind of church would you call that?

When Sean Hannity grilled the Rev Jeremiah Wright over a year ago, instead of answering a certain question, Wright just kept asking Sean “Have you ever read Dr. James Cone’s book, “Black Power and Black Theology”?

The reference is to Black Liberation Theology, the basis for the foundation of the Rev Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, and many many other churches around America that follow the doctrine laid out by Cone with regard to Black LIberation Theology.

It was born out of a bitterness and antipathy for the white man who had opressed Black America for years, at the height of the Civil Rights Movement in the 60’s.

Jeremiah Wrights church website reads:

“The vision statement of Trinity United Church of Christ is based upon the systematized liberation theology that started in 1969 with the publication of Dr. James Cone’s book, Black Power and Black Theology.”

In this book, Cone stated:

Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community. . . . Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.

Let me rewrite that, substituting the word “Black” with the word “White” and vice-versa…

White theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the white community. If God is not for us and against black people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of white theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the white community. . . . White theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the black enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in White Power, which is the power of white people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.

I ask you again, what would you call this kind of church?

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16 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Black Liberation Theology

    A “black” man is running for president of the most powerful country on the face of the planet … and just a few short days ago was caught demeaning “small town” people for being devoted to their religion(s).

    He needs “liberated” how??!!??

  2. Kevin M

    Stopped reading at the phrase “White theology.”

    Can’t comment on anything other than the drooling stupidity of those first two words.

    [Can’t seem to remember how to use first person pronouns, either. Must…get…to…utility belt!]

  3. mike3481

    Well done Bash, I saved the whole thing, the last two paragraphs are gold that should be saved and stored away in it’s own folder on one’s computer…you know your going to need it someday to get a idiot relative thinking instead of reacting, and it’ll be there ready to use. :gun: :beer:

  4. hegelbot

    black theology, black liberation, is racist, but it is honest. I don’t expect a black liberation advocate to be the president of the united states. it is racist, but i bring new and different meaning to the term racist, rather than dealing with racism as some sort of social ill it treats it as a constant, reality. do i sympathize with black theology/liberation, yes. Do i agree with it, no. I am white, i can’t agree with or participate in a movement which is against what ever it is to be white. But, and this is a big but, these people, the black liberation, back nationalist, black theology, people at least realize the division of American society along racial lines, and reject the lie of multiculturalism and reject the mandate of a diverse society.

    I have been studying critical race theory and critical racial jurisprudence all semester and the one thing that is apparent is that there are two Americas, maybe more. and they are drawn along race lines. Can they be drawn together? Perhaps, but not through empty rhetoric. Should they be drawn together? I don’t know. As a white person it really doesn’t matter to me because i am apart of the dominant or privileged class of people. But if it can make this country a better more successful country then yes we should be one people. But it is never going to happen unless people are honest about race and reject the empty rhetoric of liberal America.

    I know that I could probably be more clear about the way i feel about all this, but this article, and post have kind of struck a nerve, i have been listening to smug white people take about racism for the last six months as if each and everyone of them did not hold some manner of prejudice in their hearts. and they are all afraid of the truth cause the media, and schools tell them racism is a dirty word. But racism is just another social fact, folks don’t get along, and race matters. There are groups of people with power and privilege, and there are groups who have not. So god bless those blacks how actually realize and want to do something about it, but they are going to have hell to pay, as all of us are…cause its ugly…but its true.

    Black power, white power, till we genuinely sort it out.

  5. Arthuraria


    How does being white make you privileged? Is every white person born with a trust fund? If they are, I got screwed. Does being white mean you have an advantage in the workplace? I would argue, no, because the very thought of PC in an employer’s mind will make him hire the minority individual over the equally qualified white individual.

    I definitely believe that this country is divided along racial lines, and it always will be. The differences between blacks and whites are as stark as the difference between men and women, but that doesn’t mean the lines of division have to be filled with fear, hate and suspicion. I would also argue that forced multiculturalism does more harm than good to race relations. I don’t see Jews getting affirmative action benefits anywhere in the world, and they’ve certainly been treated worse than black people as a whole.

    The problem is that from our earliest childhood, we are taught that we should feel guilty for a past we played no part in. Germans today are still apologizing for things their parents did. Whites in America are still called upon to make reparations for slavery. Britons are still criticized today for the bombing of Dresden in WWII. We are taught that, because our ancestors thought a certain way, it must be inherent in the blood of our race. I believe we are products of our environment. So long as our children grow up in this environment, whites will always have a sense of guilt and blacks will always have a sense of victimization and entitlement. The only way to truly move beyond our past and have a harmony among the races, is to begin raising our children with the mentality that each generation begins with a clean slate - and that they will be judged by their own actions, not the actions of their ancestors.

    That’s my piece.

  6. LftBhndAgn

    Very Interesting: The color Black or White is not listed anywhere in what I read in the below article. As a matter of fact - it states:

    “Liberation is first and foremost liberation from the radical slavery of sin. Its end and its goal is the freedom of the children of God, which is the gift of grace. As a logical consequence, it calls for freedom from many different kinds of slavery in the cultural, economic, social, and political spheres, all of which derive ultimately from sin, and so often prevent people from living in a manner befitting their dignity. To discern clearly what is fundamental to this issue and what is a by-product of it, is an indispensable condition for any theological reflection on liberation.

    Faced with the urgency of certain problems, some are tempted to emphasize, unilaterally, the liberation from servitude of an earthly and temporal kind. They do so in such a way that they seem to put liberation from sin in second place, and so fail to give it the primary importance it is due. Thus, their very presentation of the problems is confused and ambiguous. Others, in an effort to learn more precisely what are the causes of the slavery which they want to end, make use of different concepts without sufficient critical caution. It is difficult, and perhaps impossible, to purify these borrowed concepts of an ideological inspiration which is compatible with Christian faith and the ethical requirements which flow from it.”

    Instruction on Certain Aspects of “Theology of Liberation”
    Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
    August 6, 1984


  7. Mark in WA

    Bash, I can’t even call it a church. I’m sickened by this. What can one surmise about the doctrinal foundation of Trinity United Church of Christ? It’s certainly not Christian.

    Where is the message of God’s grace in this church? Where is the message of God’s love for us through the sacrifice of His Son for our sins?

    If their “vision statement” is taken directly from the content of “Black Power and Black Theology”, and the teaching from the pulpit that we have seen in the video clips is typical Sunday fare, then the whole church membership is being led astray, far from the true message of Jesus Christ.

    As angry and frustrated as I am in regards to people such as Wright, and having difficulty to even act as a Christian should in response, I can’t allow myself to participate in their arena of hatred (as tempting as it may be). I will, however, in discussion with those who blindly support Obama, point out this seperatist/racist theology and the unacceptable influence it has to have had on Obama the candidate for the last twenty years.

    For Jeremiah Wright: “…let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgement.” James 3:1

    :arrow: Bash, thanks for the research. As mike3481 suggested, I have copied the article and source material for future idiot intervention.

  8. First Team Signaleer

    So hegelbot responds, yea it’s racist, but that’s o.k. because it’s honest.
    William Ayers bombing the Pentagon and the White House was terrorism but hey it was honest.

    Hegelbot then qualifies this ridiculous point by scolding us rubes because we are the privelaged and can’t possibly understand the circumstances of these poor pigment challenged people. That dear hegelbot is what W hisself called the soft bigotry of low expectations.

    Hegelbot is torn on whether multi-culturalism is good or bad for the country. Get a clue, we have decades of proof.
    Please read classics professor Victor Davis Hanson tome Mexifornia and you will “know” the answer of your semester long struggle.

    Finally, do not presume to tell me what I have in my heart. Your entire treatise is so reminiscent of the Marxist playbook, class warfare, at any cost. Let it be through religion or whatever wedge we can find.

    You may be thinking deeply, but I’m not feeling the ripples, maybe the water is to shallow.

  9. scotty

    You guys have no clue what is coming. Here in Canada, Native Americans are handed everything. They do NOT pay ANY taxes, they get cheques handed to them every 2 weeks (so why would they work if the govt pays them?). As a white male, I cannot open a casino, only a native american can do that. They dont follow our laws for hunting, fishing and many other laws (exempt because their ancestors werent governed on it). They get FREE college/univeristy, yet they dont use it! We scrape every fucking penny we have together to go to college, and have big loans to pay off afterward, yet they get it for free and dont even bother going. But then again why would they, when they govt will pay them for not working. Where I work we have a rented billboard outside saying we need to hire welders and people in every position in this shop, anyone who can read a tapemeasure can get a job…. The list goes on and on. Its funny how they do not pay taxes, yet want the benefits from it. Dont pay taxes but yet MY tax money goes to snow removal for them, working on their roads, taking care of their garbage, etc etc. So they lost their land hundreds of years ago, get the fuck over it. You dont pay taxes, get free schooling, jobs are BEGGING for people to come and work. Everything is handed to them on a silver platter already, yet im here busting my balls to get ahead, while they take that cheque from the govt. Oh ya, and that cheque? that comes from my 35% deduction that comes off my cheque.

  10. scotty

    I also want to add, so I dont seem to harsh, that i am not painting all native americans this way. 2 of my best friends are of native background, and they are really good, hard working people. But the system is being abused by the rest, simply because we feel sorry for them because they have to follow govt rules that they never used to hundreds of years ago. I see it this way, if you dont want to be a part of our govt, you can provide your own services, your own roads, you own jobs. They dont pay into or help our govt, but yet they leech 5x as much as every other citizen.

  11. Old Chief

    Right on Bash. Word substitution is a great way to convey the message is racist. One thing I have noticed about the so called Black liberation theology, is that education is hardly mentioned. In my time, I have seen immigrants come from Asia, India, Africa, and now Latin America, they come in and succeed. The first generation works hard, and makes sure that the second generation gets educated. It is a simple formula that works.

  12. LftBhndAgn

    The bottom line…..

    “For I testify to every one that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book: If any man shall add to these things, God shall add unto him the plagues written in this book. 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from these things that are written in this book. 20 He that giveth testimony of these things, saith: Surely, I come quickly: Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. 21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.”

    When men “Justify” their sins, they are not doing as God asks. Who are they justifying their sins for but themselves.

  13. steve m

    :arrow: LftBhndAgn I was thinking of the same passge.

    :arrow: Arthuraria, First Team Signaleer, Mark in WA

    Amen Bro’s. Hat tip to you all.

    Anyone, even us “priveleged” whiteys if they actually read/study The Word, will not discover any references to “white” or “black” god(s), or goals of the “white” community. As a Christian your goals are The Lords will for us and Him. That’s what should be sought. And if I remember correctly, Jesus’ earthly parents were “Semites” not “Caucasion”. The chosen people were “Semites”, of which the Arabs are part of.

    :arrow: hegelbot

    Ask Colin Powell, Dr Rice, Clarence Thomas, et al, about the division of America along racial lines. In the majority of the Black community the aforementioned are looked upon as “Uncle Tom’s” for actually attempting assimilation and casting off the yoke of victimhood. The races hustlers like Jackson, Sharpton, and this “Reverend” Wright promote separatism, hatred, and the defamation of those who don’t “tow the line”, all the while empowering and enriching themselves. The feed and fan the fires of hatred. Let’s ask Rev Wright, if he so loathes “white society” why is he building a new, luxurious, 10,000 s.f. residence in a gated community adjacent a golfcousre in 98% “whitey” neighborhood?… Talk the talk, and..oh yeah…pass ’round the collection plate, but don’t walk the walk.

  14. hegelbot

    :arrow: Arthuraria

    from your response you seems to have grasped the frustration that i have with critical race theory and the multiculturalism movement in America.

    for the rest of those who responded, thanks, i am always surprised by the responses, i certainly didn’t mean to suggest that you are “rubes” or can’t get what blacks are dealing with. Frankly i figured i would get folks calling me racist, lol.

    :arrow: First team signaleer
    “Marxist playbook, class warfare, at any cost. Let it be through religion or whatever wedge we can find.” I actually want to know what you mean by this? if you read this please respond.

  15. reaganmarine84

    :arrow: hegelbot;you ask if the two America’s can or should they be drawn together? What century are you living in? I myself am married to a black woman;her son is engaged to a white woman;one of her daughters is engaged to a Latino and her other daughter is engaged to a white guy; and my daughter is dating a black man; so what’s up? There are more multi-cultural/multi-racial relationships in America than ever before. so what would you say about all of us?? And BTW, it is very challenging bringing together sometimes very different cultural backgrounds together and making things work. But that’s really up to each individual person and what they are or are not willing to deal with in a marriage or relationship isn’t it.

  16. hegelbot

    reaganmarine84 it don’t know if you will read this but, i am living in the 21st century. I respect your right to choose who you marry or who you children date, we live in a liberal society and i wish you all well. I really don’t think I can reply in this limited forum, and i have many ideas which i need to figure out for myself. But the values that i have been raised with and my study of history suggest that the contemporary liberal program of multiculturalism and diversity ignores the lessens of human history which is a record of cultural people struggling for survival and dominance. I recently asked my Critical Racial Studies professor to identify one historical nation in which blacks and whites lived as equals. After some correspondence with associates (anthropologists and sociologist) she reported back that there never has been. Certainly individual blacks and whites can forge genuine relationships of equality which i assume is the case with your wife, and is the case with friends of mine who are black. But the communities black and white, i believe will always remain in conflict to a certain degree. Even nations which are allies experience tensions that arise simply from realized differences and contrary interests. America is a nation divided and this is perhaps its greatest short coming. For my part, and really how this whole conversation got started, blacks need to build in their own communities a strong culture a strong people at which point integration and cooperation can come about through mutual respect and mutual interests, rather than depending upon the current paternalistic relationship between the black and white community. This is why i agree with much of what black liberation folks say, but as far as they are antagonistic toward whites well its kind of fair play considering white antagonism toward blacks. While the color blind society is ideal, i think it is unrealistic. Different nations and ethnic groups can only find unity though mutual interest much like the good relations between the US and Germany or Japan after such a brutal conflict.

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