Show Expanding To 1 Hour This Sunday - Pat Dollard Radio Show Podcast From 4/27 Is Archived, You Can Still Listen

April 27th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Times: 8 P.M. PST, 10 P.M. CST, 11 P.M. EST Call-in Number: (646) 652-2357

To listen to the show simply click on the button on the host channel page
at or click the play button on the blue player provided below. However, the player below NOT BE ACTIVE until the show starts. Until then, it will take you to a dead page.

If you listen from the show’s page, reachable by this big ass button here: Listen to Pat Dollard's Jihadikiller Hour on internet talk radio, the show’s page, just scroll down to “Shows” below the last Jihadikiller picture, and you’ll see the player, and can start listening from there. Again to call in, call (646) 652-2357. If you continue to have any problems during the show, just post comments here and we will guide you on how to listen in real time. Thanks.

It is an open-forum, free for all, whatever comes to mind show. No rules. Not set topics, per se.

After Show Report:

You can listen if you missed it, just click the button, it’ll take you to the page, and you can play it back, or more likely, playback will begin automatically. You’ll hear a song first. Also, you can go here- and subscribe via RSS feed- and the podcasts will download directly to itunes- every time we do a show. You have to select itunes from the drop down menu “choose applications”

Yo, thanks to everyone for listening. I was working without notes, vamping, recently off a plane. I’d like two points of feedback, please:

1. What was good and bad about it, what did I do wrong?

2. What technical issues did you encounter trying to listen or call in.

3. Is 11 PM too late for Eastern Time listeners?

Show is expanded to an hour next week. We will also open the chat room next time.

UPDATE: here’s the poll:

Start at 6 PM EST



These are the only times available to me from Blog Talk Radio.

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65 Responses

  1. Gregory Donald Hiel

    Can’t Wait!!!

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    this is gonna kick ass! :gun: :gun: :beer:

  3. Sandy

    I can’t wait either. It will be great to be able to listen to Pat live. :beer: :gun:

    His message will get out to more people who maybe do not read blogs like this but they will put a radio show on and listen. For some it will be easier.

  4. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Give `em hell, Mr. Mannnnnn! :gun: :gun: :gun:

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    is it working or am i the one having a problem?

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    i figured it out. i had safe search on lol dollard is too dirty for that

  7. LftBhndAgn

    I’m listening guys - I just can’t log in to send ya a message… :beer:

  8. Steve in NC

    If the listen to button is not active dump the browser and retry. I am having login issues.

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    Great show Pat. it will keep getting better too.

  10. momps

    glad you’re doing this! Can’t wait for YA, even if it’s just direct to DVD.

    keep it up!

  11. Birdddog

    Good job Pat and Bash! :beer: :beer: :gun:

  12. LftBhndAgn

    Well Done Guys!

  13. John Goodrow

    Damn good show, looking forward to the next one.

  14. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    There will be no living with him now … :lol: :beer: :gun:

  15. Rick in PA


    Thanks for putting this out there. Sorry about the disconnect. Ran into some technical difficulties. I will be looking forward to future episodes.

  16. Steve in NC

    I’ll get my shit tight for next week. Tried to set up a login in after the show started, probably did not help.

    This it’ll get good as it goes along. We’ll need more than 45 minutes soon.

  17. Jimmyb

    Great show, didn’t know how to log-in and comment and wasn’t about to compromise my connection for whatever reason, I loved when Pat was telling people how to log-on and call in and Welsh pointed out that if they weren’t already listening, that it would be kinda hard to get the message…. hilarity ensues :lol:

    So I take it this is going to be a weekly deal? This was good stuff!

  18. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah i had no chance to call in. couldnt believe what happened. i just got an account right before the show started. kept following both links provided and it would show the page, just not the player button so i went in and disabled safe search and then the player appeared.

    heads up to anyone with a similar problem.

  19. Paula in KY


  20. 007

    :arrow: Pat:
    Good Start to something new! :beer: :beer:

  21. Mike D

    Pat, caught the last 15 minutes. I visit your site daily. Great info I will be sure to listen to the podcasts in the future. Keep up the good fight.

    Mike D.

  22. Pat Dollard

    Yo, thanks to everyone for listening. I was working without notes, vamping, recently off a plane. I’d like two points of feedback, please:

    1. What was good and bad about it, what did I do wrong?

    2. What technical issues did you encounter trying to listen or call in.

    3. Is 11 PM too late for Eastern Time listeners?

  23. Sandy

    There is also a green reminder button on Pat’s page that you can click on it once you have an account and they will email you the reminder of when the show is starting and they send you a direct link to listen.

  24. Kurt(the infidel)

    first off,

    good part was you shooting from the hip. thats the best way to do it. the only bad thing is that 45 minutes just flew by. and the another good part was telling Bash he could say whatever he wanted :lol:

    technical issues from the show itself, i didnt really pick up any. chat room would be cool though

    11pm is a good time for this east coast/midwest listener. then im sure to be home and done with everything.

  25. Sandy

    The show was great. There was nothing wrong with it.

    I had some trouble with the audio. It cut in and out a bit.
    Other than that it was smooth.

    I am sorry I chickened out calling. I went mute! :oops:
    Then Bash got on! :mrgreen:

  26. Rick in PA


    Here is my feedback:

    1. I think the open mike style fits well right now. I can definately see this thing growing and then you can alter course as suits the show at that time.

    2. I got disconnected somehow from your end while you were talking to me. I called back in and was able to listen for awhile, then got disconnected a second time. I called in a third time and got to listen to the end of the show. I don’t know if you guys were able to see that I called back in or not. Hopefully this helps.

    3. I can deal with 11, but if you are able to even make it an hour earlier, that would be great.


  27. Sandy

    :arrow: Kurt

    “The another good part was telling Bash he could say whatever he wanted.”

    That was really great! :lol: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  28. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Play Stairway To Heaven, man!!!

    Naw, ya did good, Pat. The time frame is a bit of a squeeze. You were just getting warmed up. :gun:

  29. 007

    :arrow: Pat:

    Yes to #3 Sunday 11:00 Is late before work the next day, Reminds me of Football season.

    I do like the Idea of Multiple or group callers at once having a conversation on the toppic.

    Like I said: Good start and hope to see it continue.

  30. just posting

    I think its good that all topics are in the back of your mind but its a spontaneous way of doing it, talk about whatever shit comes up. Like kurt said 45 minutes was pretty short.

    The only technical problems i had was every 10 minutes or so the show paused for 5 seconds then resumed. But that coulda just been my computer. Overall good show, ready for next weeks

  31. Pat Dollard

    Show is expanded to an hour next week.

    Also, here’s the poll:

    Start at 6 PM EST


    11 PM EST

    These are the only times available to me from Blog Talk Radio.

  32. John Goodrow

    The only bad thing I can think of is the time was too short, you and Bash need like 2 hours tops.

    Audio cut out a few times but other than that it kicked ass.

  33. Rick in PA


    With that being the case, stick with the 11pm timeframe.

  34. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: 11 PM EST


    Works for me - but Im not on the east coast.

  35. Leatherneck

    The good things:

    -You all weren’t full of yourselves.

    -The show was very blunt & to the point.


    The bad things:

    -The audio dipped in & out a few times for a couple of seconds. That might have been on my end so who knows. (I only have Cable DSL & that seems to be pretty slow nowadays).

    -45 Mikes seems kinda short. Another half-hour would be good. No kidding, time just flew by when I was listening.

    Seriously guys, it was a very good show. Is this going to be a weekly/monthly thing now?

    Will it be available for download so I can load it into iTunes?

  36. Mark

    11 PM EST, for sure.

  37. just posting


    -The audio dipped in & out a few times for a couple of seconds. That might have been on my end so who knows. (I only have Cable DSL & that seems to be pretty slow nowadays).

    same thing happened to me

  38. mike3481

    1 vote for 11:00 PM EDT/ 8:00 PM PDT

    great show Pat, no problems connecting or otherwise. tip - after you create an Account with a username and password, you have to go to the E-Mail they send you and click on the highlighted sentence, it says, “click here to complete registration”, this will complete the process and you can post comments or I imagine questions as well. :wink:

  39. FriscoFT2

    Good start Pat. Keep it off the cuff.

  40. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: Leatherneck

    Thanks for the feedback. Yes, the show will be weekly, and yes it is available on itunes.

  41. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Perhaps the volume could be turned up. It might be my computer’s sound system, but it certainly could have been louder.
    Give out the phone number more often and repeat it twice.
    Take calls ASAP. People have alot to talk about and want to ask questions. Try to get as many calls in as possible.
    Congrats. :beer:

  42. Greg M

    1. What was good and bad about it, what did I do wrong?

    From what I got to listen to you did great. When I get some courage next week I’ll try to call in if I remember! Uhh yeah that open mic stuff was sick with the different callers and stuff.

    2. What technical issues did you encounter trying to listen or call in.

    I didn’t have any problems at all got right on and started listening.

    3. Is 11 PM too late for Eastern Time listeners?

    Hell I’m from the pacific time and it is about as good as you can get over here.

  43. Pat Dollard

    The show remains on the site, so you can go back and listen anytime. Just click the link to Pat Dollard’s Jihadikiller Hour page, provided above, and a player will be there where you can play the show.

  44. the gunslinger

    awesome, keep it up!!!! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  45. Pat Dollard

    Instructions for iTunes download from Sgt. Welsh: they can go here- and subscribe via RSS feed- and the podcasts will download directly to itunes- every time we do a show
    face45piece (9:40:24 PM): they have to select itunes from the drop down menu “choose applications”

  46. Pat Dollard

    We will open the chat room next time, as well.

  47. Steve in NC


    Go with 11:00 est.

    Consider some recommended topics for individual shows. i.e. “Tonights hot topics are _________ , __________ and whatever topics you the callers want to heat up.”

    It would give it a bit of focus early in the show and encourage some comments from callers right away. Once it starts it will go where it goes.

    Are you using any call screening system?

  48. Egfrow

    Pat, I’ll listen in. But I agree, free style is the best way. The only suggestion I have is create some talking points or picked topics then divide the topics by the time slot say 15 twenty minutes per topic.

    Eventually you will find that 2 hours still won’t be enough. People are charged like dynamite and need an outlet like your forum.

  49. Jimmyb

    11 P.M. works, I also got a delay of a few seconds every now and again, kinda strange that the whole thing stopped and then picked up, wasn’t like the show kept going it just paused and then started, oh well.

    Again great stuff, as soon as Rick in PA started about the ” instant gratification ” I thought about how everyone gets divorced now a days and sure enough Pat, you said almost word for word what was on my mind, great show, just great.

  50. James "Jihad This!" Hooker

    :twisted: ….can’t comment now, I’m off to iTunes……. :arrow:

  51. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I woulda been on the phone wid youz guyz but I had a memorial for a past Commander of my Legion Post that died this week. They’re droppin like flies these days. I listened to the archived stream and it was great to hear you all.
    The only issue I noticed was that volume for callers was unpredictable. This is something that I have noticed on most every blogtalkradio program I’ve listened to so far. Not sure if you have any way to balance out for that.
    Keeping callers around for longer than 30 sec is great, it’s more like having guests than just callers. As long as the callers are as good as Rich and Bash their’s no worries. It might bum some people out that they can’t all get on but hey, we can’t have everything we want. God bless and keep it up! I’m looking forward to next week, hopefully nobody will die this week and I’ll be able to listen live.

  52. Lee__

    Thanks Pat…

    This is kind of like the icing on the cake for your site. I had a bit of a problem at first finding the program, but got it via the feed thingie. Great job first time out!

    Looking forward to more.

  53. Vehement

    I work nights, so 11pm works for me. No technical difficulties really, I think I just came on too late and the recording was gone.

  54. Mike Mose

    6 est would be better for me, I’m up about 4:30am

  55. Jeanet

    Yo Pat,

    I’m listening to it right now.

    Remember, when it was 11 P.M. EST, sunday 27th of April, it was 05.00 A.M., monday (very early :mrgreen: ), 28th of April.

    So, I’m listening, but it’s the “taped version”.

    :gun: , :gun: and :gun: . I’d loved to get on the phone to give a weekly update upon stuff hapenning over here. But, calling to the States is a very expensive thing too. :gun: again.

    I’ll try to puzzle things out, looking for a solution.

    I love the show!!!!!

  56. Birdddog

    Is there a link for a replay?

  57. TO (typical white person)

    Pat, good radio. My only thing will be if callers land the F-bomb every 3rd word it diminishes impact. Callers should be sensitive to this. Nothing is better than a well spoken argument …. and then ending with an F-bomb, obscene put down. That’s fine… and good radio. It’s just when making an argument I find it overly burdensome when a caller is talking hood-like. It sounds………… not good.

  58. jason z

    great show keep up the good work informing people who care about our country.

  59. Iacobus

    “CSI: Ramadi” :lol:

    Too bad that things fell out with Tony Scott.

    I would buy Young Americans in any form in a heartbeat.

    BTW, my offer still stands for making any music for YA if you need it—royalty-free and pro bono, of course.

  60. Iacobus

    Oh, I forgot to add my two cents (since you asked):

    1. I really like the off-the-cuff format.

    2. No tech issues that I experienced other than the occasional millisecond drop of audio (which really can’t be helped; this is the Internet, after all).

    11PM isn’t too late for me. 6PM isn’t bad either. As long as you make it, I’ll listen whenever. I need something to escape this fucking insanity that surrounds me. :)

  61. POD1

    1. What was good and bad about it, what did I do wrong?

    Good: Your solo rants were spot on.
    Good: The callers were interesting and informative.

    Bad: Your constant coughing had me concerned for your health.
    Bring a bottle of water next time.

    Bad: Not enough lesbian dwarfs making arm pit fart music while eating pudding off each other.

    Other than that you did nothing wrong.

    2. What technical issues did you encounter trying to listen or call in.

    3. Is 11 PM too late for Eastern Time listeners?
    I’m on Long Island, the time isn’t an issue for me.

  62. Ranger

    Pat, very good show if going extemporaneous. I recommend a short outline of basic big ideas. Try and connect the message of them all, the flow. But only like a total of 10 words on a napkin. Then go with it off that, occasionally looking down to remind yourself of your overall path.

    Good stuff man!

  63. Kevin M

    Tiny little bits of constructive criticism:

    Intro music is a tad underwhelming and goes on a bit too long. See if you can find some new metal tune with lyrics that include the phrase “Code Pink Sucks Hot Hairy Donkey Dick.”

    The technical glitches, I’m sure, will be ironed out in due time.

    Guests: Try to get John Goodman to come on and do his “Walter Sobchak” character from Big Lebowski. It’ll warm up the Vietnam vets in the audience. If John’s not available, see if Al Pacino is between projects. If Pacino is unavailable, see if Rich Little is still alive and host a roundtable dream-team from the UN.

    Try to stay away from “reality radio,” but give some thought to hosting a call-in interview session for potential assassins who will take out Mookie al-Sadr. Or even B. Hussein O.

    Invite some of the “9/11 was an Inside Job” crowd, and then shoot them on the air. If that’s too extreme for your format, think about pistol-whipping them into a coma and add some sound effects in case they fall onto a pillow or anything.

    Get that moron Congressman who wants to ban Playboy from the PX and gag him with a pair of Joy Behar’s panties. When he’s choking on the ammonia fumes, play a laugh track real loud.

    You might think of adding Bash as your own version of Paul Schaffer, if you can teach him how to play keyboards.

    Other than these minor details, the show is perfect as is. Great job!

  64. Kevin M

    Just noticed: Bash sounds just like Cheech Marin. Try to exploit that.


    i cannot listen while logged into BlogTalkRadio, i have to log off and go back in from the link to listen

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