Man Arrested After Pumping Gas Into Imaginary Car

April 22nd, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


And his imaginary girlfriends with his other imaginary cars.


Dude! Where’s my car?

LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A Frankfort man was arrested on drug trafficking charges early Sunday morning after he was reportedly pumping gas into an imaginary vehicle. According to the arrest report, Metro Police arrived at a gas station at First and Jefferson streets in Louisville and immediately smelled marijuana coming from Joshua L. Moore, who station clerks contend was filling up an imaginary vehicle.

Officers searched Moore and found “two large baggies” of marijuana and a large amount of Ecstasy. Police said Moore also had a cell phone and a large amount of money, which they said was indicative of trafficking.

Police said that more narcotics were located on Moore when he was being booked into Metro Corrections.


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9 Responses

  1. mike

    what? Who?

  2. NickD

    Lftbhndagn, how did you get into my driveway to take this picture? The girls told me you just showed up….did the guard let you in?

    His ass is fired if he did.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    I wish i had an ‘imaginary’ car sometimes. instead i have a pickup truck and gas is more expensive for real vehicles :lol:

  4. JonnyMordant (Typical NASCAR Fan)

    Here’s a liddle rittle…

    Place the “G” where it belongs in this sentence:

    Damn Dawg! I sho’ wood like to be Pumpin’ ass fo’ a livin’ right ’bout now!

    O.K. enough fucking around, I’ve got customers waiting on pumps 7, 9 and 12… Shit! That asshole who always pulls up here for two gallons and wants his windshield washed just pulled up on pump 11 also… Fuck ‘em! where were we? Oh yeah…


    “…two “LARGE” baggies of marijuana and a “LARGE” amount of Ecstasy. Police said Moore also had (a cell phone) and a “LARGE” amount of money…”

    I’m no expert on the subject, but hypodermically speaking; I would have to deduct that since he didn’t have a “LARGE CELL PHONE” then that means he wasn’t dealing on a “LARGE” scale like the guys from “Miami Vice” and “GTA-Vice City”, cause those fools always needed to hire a moving van to follow them around with their mobile phones…

  5. JonnyMordant (Typical NASCAR Fan)

    Here’s a liddle rittle…

    Place the “G” where it belongs in this sentence:

    Damn Dawg! I sho’ wood like to be Pumpin “G” ass fo’ a livin’ right ’bout now!

    O.K. enough fucking around, I’ve got customers waiting on pumps 7, 9 and 12… Shit! That asshole who always pulls up here for two gallons and wants his windshield washed just pulled up on pump 11 also… Fuck ‘em! where were we? Oh yeah…


    “…two “LARGE” baggies of marijuana and a “LARGE” amount of Ecstasy. Police said Moore also had (a cell phone) and a “LARGE” amount of money…”

    I’m no expert on the subject, but hypodermically speaking; I would have to deduct that since he didn’t have a “LARGE CELL PHONE” then that means he wasn’t dealing on a “LARGE” scale like the guys from “Miami Vice” and “GTA-Vice City”, cause those fools always needed to hire a moving van to follow them around with their mobile phones…

  6. vehement

    Wish I’d been there. Maybe I could’ve got a free fill up at his expense. lol

  7. mike3481

    12:24 A.M. PDT - Lftbhndagn, sorry, but was there an article posted along with the top photo :beer: :beer: :beer:

  8. EM

    WTF is a large baggie? Same thing as super long mini skirt?

  9. PhilNBlanx

    Arresting Officer: Sir, could I please see your license?
    Suspect: Whuut?
    Arresting Officer: Your license. Where’s your license?
    Suspect: It’s back there on the bumper, man!

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