McCain Attacks Hussein Over Terrorist Ayers, Hussein Responds

April 25th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


American Spectator:

John McCain, in a just completed call with bloggers, demanded that Barack Obama apologize for his relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

“I think not only a repudiation, but an apology for ever having anything to do with an unrepentant terrorist is due the American people,” McCain said.

McCain also said he was offended by Obama’s comments in last week’s Democratic debate for comparing Weather Underground member Ayers to Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, because Obama disagrees with Coburn’s staunch anti-abortion views.

“I’m a bit surprised there hasn’t been more discussion about the comparison Sen. Obama made about an unrepentant terrorist, and that’s what Mr. Ayers is, and a great American citizen who goes back to Oklahoma on the weekends to deliver babies,” McCain said. “I’m offended by a comparison to a man like Tom Coburn.”

While “Tom Coburn may be many things to people who are on the liberal side of the ledger,” McCain said, he isn’t the same as somebody who an unrepentant member of an organization that was responsible for bombings and killings.

He said the issue deserves more discussion in the media.

Politico on Hussein’s response:

Obama spokesman Hari Sevugan responds by sparring over what’s on and off limits:

“We want to take Sen. McCain at his word that he wants to run a respectful campaign, but that is becoming increasingly difficult when he continually tries to use the politics of association and makes claims he knows not to be true to advance his campaign.”

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6 Responses

  1. sully

    The “politics of association”????
    HAHAHA!!! Leave it to the nerd to try and sprinkle fairy dust on his problems.
    We’re just tryin’ to get to know you Barry… y’know, before you fuck us all.

  2. mike3481

    Wow, Mac has a pair, who knew? :mrgreen:

  3. Judith, typical White Ohioan

    I hope a pair we will see more of. Look at the above picture, perfect first couple, eh?

  4. Zachary

    What is it with Obama and that middle finger?

  5. Robbie

    he uses his middle finger to pick bugs off his baby momma & to flip whitey off with

  6. cnchess

    Michelle looks pissed! The photographer must have been white. She does not appear to like white people… or much else about America.

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