McCain Calls Howard Dean A “Pig”

April 3rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Louie rolled in the mud laughing at that one…

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12 Responses

  1. Kevin M


  2. dad3-7

    i luv it….good going fly boy…

  3. Reign in Blood

    He just keeps winning points with me. I think he will take whoever is nominated on the Dems side to the cleaners when it comes debate time. I just hope we are able to get some good debates with the indecision on the left going on.

  4. LftBhndAgn

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :beer:

  5. A. S. Wise- VA

    I tell you, though I sometimes wish he would sling mud right back at the Dems, I believe he looks more like a true Statesman each day. Like Pres. GWB, I believe his heart is on the right course.

    (sigh) Anyone else want Dean to do a repeat of his infamous 2004 tirade? Yee-ahhhh! :lol:

  6. EDinTampa

    I am ready to get this party started, John McCain, President of the United States of America!

  7. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    McCain would make a great Democrat. I mean he would be a formadable foe for a conservative Republican. Somebody ya could live with if your man got beat.

  8. Old Chief

    I think McCain is a good man. The republicans should not make the same mistake as the democrats have made. The democrats are being led from the fringe of the party, and are alienating the base. The republicans cannot be run from the far right fringe, or the base will also disappear. A lot of the dislike of McCain comes from his stance on immigration, and he seems to remain steadfast. But, he is our our guy. In my lifetime, I don’t know if I have ever agreed with anyone 100% of the time, and that is an understatement when it comes to politicians. What we all have to think about, is what will happen if the democrats win. We’ll certainly have a lot more than immigration to worry about.

  9. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: Bash, What an insult to Louie.
    Da man with the funny little mouth of which he speaks out of both sides.
    Howard Dean a disgrace to the nation. :!: :!: :beer:

  10. Rob

    Yup, Dean is not only a PIG, but he is an ASSHOLE too. I’d like to see McCain knock that smug look off his fat face!!!

  11. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    The fringe of the Right, Ron Paul (THE ONLY MAN WHO CAN SAVE AMERICA) and his Bircher acolytes, got seriously drubbed and sent back under the rocks they crawled out of.

    The fringe on the Left has been purging the Democratic party of anyone who is to the right of Stalin. The guy moderate Dems could best rally round, Lieberman, was declared an unperson and excommunicated. The Blue Dogs are getting whipped for not taking as Gospel the ideas of such intellectual heavyweights as Sean Penn and Rosie O’Donnell.

    They’re gonna get fucked right up the ass this November, and they threw away the lube.

  12. John Cunningham

    How’s this sound? McCain/Romney. Secretary of Education Colin Powell. Treasury Secretary Paul. Religious concerns on Romney pale in comparison to BO’s wright. Gen Powell recently gave a Cosby like speech about education in the US. And Paul’s economic policies weren’t all that nutty. And as for the immigration concern, President Bush has given the go ahead to get the southern border wall built with all the local court holdups over ridden. Number one on immigration was get the wall built then we go work on the rest, the swarm from the south will be greatly reduced.

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