McCain Gives Whoopi And Hussein Shit On “The View”

April 10th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

These bitches are unbelievable. First they start out by slyly making fun of his age, then Barbara Walters says Americans don’t support the war in Iraq and asks him “what are you seeing that others aren’t?” in such a manner and tone as to imply that he’s hopelessly out of it on the issue.

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12 Responses

  1. ssgduke54

    Hmmmm….Guess which three Presidential runners has family (Sons/daughters) who are in the military and in harms way? I give you a hint its not Obama or Hillary! I rather vote for a candidate that talk the talk but also does (or did) the walk. And since McClain has MILITARY EXPERIENCE and also has his own Sons in harms way he got my vote!

    We few soldiers who have suffer many great hardships so the many back home live free from Tyranny….


  2. ArleighB

    McCain will get my vote as well,although I don’t agree with his stance on illegal immigration,Juan Hernandez as his immigration advisor ?!!! He understands the hardships of war,and the importance of winning…

  3. Mike Mose

    Most impressive.

  4. Gary in Midwest

    He was doing just fine until he got on the “Climate Change” scam.

  5. John Goodrow

    Damn good man. One of the few politicians I can listen to. I just don’t see him loosing.

  6. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Excuse me …

    Can someone tell me when in a time of war, on two fronts no less, a military isn’t “stressed”???

    Leave it to fucking Joy ‘Bearhair’ to eagerly ask for a draft. Look at her squirming like she forgot the Preparation-H as Elisabeth states SHE believes he is the President to lead us to success.

    WOW, Joy! That was some democrat/Kos talking-point speech in the form of a faux question!

  7. Kermit

    The more he goes on the campaign trail, the more I see LANDSLIDE IN NOVEMBER.

    Yes I disagree with him on immigration and definitely on the bogus science used in the climate change argument.

  8. Jarhead68

    In my opinion, he could have done a lot better than that. I would have put Behar in her place with her “tax cuts for the rich” comment. That canard is always used by the idiots on the left. Every American wants to bring the troops home. The REAL Americans want them to come home victorious. The traitors want them to come home with their tails between their legs. THAT’S THE F***ING DIFFERENCE.

  9. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    David walking willingly into the lion’s den.
    Mr. McCain, WTF were you thinking?
    It isn’t worth the 23 votes that you won today. You only gave the wenches and hags a field day to insult you.
    I need a freaking beer. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  10. drillanwr (typical white female)

    McCain erases Obama lead

  11. mike3481

    Well, I heard good news, that being Mac’s global warming support is all bullshit because the ChiComs and India has to be on board with him and that will never, ever happen :gun: :beer:

  12. jake

    can’t believe he bought into the global warming crap, i want to go to that show just to raise hell in the audience

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