Miller Beautifully Bitch-Slaps Some Idiots - With Video

April 23rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Okay, first watch the “John McCain is Older Than…” ad from some website called

…and Bill O’Reilly had Dennis Miller on and asked him about the ad…

LMAO at “I don’t think they’re getting any bang for their 3.5 billion.”

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4 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    I can’t say it better than the dude below … except, can we have an accounting of what Robert KKK Byrd is older than?


    OK, smart-ass, that sword cuts both ways; here’s my list of things John McCain is older than.

    John McCain is older than betraying national security secrets on the front page of the New York Times.

    John McCain is older than the fundamental break-down of family structure among the poor.

    John McCain is older than Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

    John McCain is older than having to explain to your children why everyone on the TV is talking about the President’s penis.

    John McCain is older than the ban on lawn darts.

    John McCain is older than 9/11 Troofers.

    John McCain is older than the ACLU being taken over by radicals.

    John McCain is older than Hillary’s secretive health-care task force.

    John McCain is older than the public sphere being filled with near-pornographic advertising that is impossible to avoid.

    John McCain is older than facial moisturizers for men.
    John McCain is older than Gangsta Rap.

    John McCain is older than politicized CIA agents distorting a National Intelligence Estimate on Iran’s nuclear program because they don’t like the President’s (i.e., their boss’) policies.

    John McCain is older than Roe v. Wade.

    John McCain is older than Michael Moore.

    So by all means, if the Democrats want to have a debate over what John McCain is older than, let’s have it.

    I suspect a lot of folks haven’t had to wait until 2008 to finally find something about America to be proud of.


    Got it?

    `Cause that’s ALL you got … :gun:

  2. Leatherneck

    College film fags.

    Probably out to make ‘Brokeback Mountain 2″.

  3. Mark Tanberg

    Old warriors go straight for the throat because theres no time to waste.

  4. AFITgrad86

    I am reminded of an earlier presidential debate when Walter Mondale attempted to bring up Ronald Reagan’s age as an issue. “I won’t use my opponent’s youth and inexperience against him,” the Great Communicator quipped in response. (Human Events Online)

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