Modine Says “Uppity-Nigger” On O’Reilly

April 29th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Now, I understood the context of his statement, and I didn’t think he had any personal racist undertones in what he said when he said his Dad’s generation would have classified Jeremiah Wright as an “Uppity-Nigger”…and I noticed that O’Reilly’s producers bleeped it out.

Here’s my question: If O’Reilly had said exactly the same thing, in exactly the same context, what do you think would happen?

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18 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    odd that i didnt pick up on what he said exactly. just didnt put that word behind the bleep. crazy, but i bet the “controversy” ends here on this site. no other mention of it again in the news, why? because a liberal said it. liberals can say whatever they want because they ‘care’ about black people. bullshit!

  2. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Blah, blah, blah,

  3. Word-Drum

    He’s not worried about incoming…his hair will protect him.

    He said The Police should handle terrorist… I don’t like Sting’s singing either, but will it really stop the jihad?

  4. Rob

    Of course they “care” about black people…or should I say their VOTE. I like the Coultler quote…”Democrats “care” about blacks because they need the black vote. Republicans don’t need the black vote, but would greatly appreciate it.”–or something along those lines. Fact is, we don’t lie to get votes from blacks.

  5. Steve in NC

    :arrow: Marc Stockwell-Moniz,

    agree blah blah blah from an actor, like I care what he says.

    This is unrelated, I have been watching The Revolution on History International. Did you get an audition for that series?

  6. Sarah

    He was really good in Married to the Mob. A true classic. Mostly because of Michelle Pfeiffer but Modine was funny. Oh and Dean Stockwell, he was really funny too. I don’t think I’ve seen Modine in anything since then so it’s good to know he’s still alive.

  7. Rob

    Is it just me or was he trying to say McCain’s mindset is that Write is an uppity “n***r”? Because that’s how he’s coming off. Especially since there’s about 15 seconds of McCain and McCain’s generation…and then at the end, 2 seconds of that’s how past generations felt.

  8. Brian

    Private Snowball must really be p*ssed. First, he gets fired and replaced by Private Joker, and now Joker makes these caustic remarks.

  9. Steve in NC

    :arrow: ROB, you got it. That’s what that pussy meant. I thought the same thing when I heard him spewing.

  10. Steve in NC

    :arrow: the point Rob mentioned, it just is another example of the thought process the leftists have, ian murphy speaks to him.

    He jerked o’reilly off tonight, but not the Dollard readers.

  11. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: Steve, not this time around. Hopefully, now that I am getting to be better known, perhaps I will get a shot in the future. I would do it in a heartbeat. Right up my ally. Maybe Pat could pull some strings for me. My (4) Great-grandfather, Daniel Stockwell was Seargent Major for General Washington during the siege of Boston and Moses his younger brother (my 4th G-Uncle, was a staff officer of the great man.)
    Thanks for asking! :beer: :beer:
    I have seen that series over and over. It is great!

  12. mike3481

    BASH - O’Reilly missed it…useful idiot “Modine” implied that John McCain would use the phrase, “uppity-nigger”!

    …AND MODINE GOT AWAY WITH IT :shock: :shock:

  13. rightangle

    Ahhh! That’s the guy who played Robert Morgans role as pilot in “Memphis Belle.”

    :arrow: Word Drum - Sting’s singing stopping jihad.

    The folks at Heathrow had experimented with sound systems to repel avian jihad (suicidal birdstrikes upon innocent jet turbines), from what I’d heard, loudspeakers blaring Tina Turner’s voice showed promising results.

    Sting is just a secular Cat Stevens aka Yusef Islam. Actually, Sting likes yoga, so he can twist himself into any shape in order to better understand all his fellow Earth inhabitants.

  14. Erik

    Wright is awfully uppity. Good call Matt. Very safe way to call someone a n!&&#@, by saying someone else said or would say it.

  15. 1LT JAF

    GI Film festival starts in DC in two weeks!

  16. Sammy Milius

    Modine was great on WEEDS this past year. I think everything he said was dead on.. Glad he’s doing well…

  17. Joel

    I can’t believe they bleep out nugger. That’s what these beasts are.

  18. tabingins911

    The phrase “uppity nigger” is still used today in certain more-enlightened circles that haven’t been brainwashed by politically-correct liberal thought-control and communistic re-programming camps. I’m 50 years old and very familiar with that phrase. :evil:

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