Muslims Threaten YouTube Over “Fitna”

April 2nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Related: Geert Wilders Lays It All Out To The Powers That Be

JAKARTA, Indonesia: Indonesia said Tuesday it would block access to YouTube unless the video-sharing Web site removes an anti-Muslim film by a Dutch lawmaker within 48 hours. Various other threats have begun to pour into the internet video site from angry Muslim protestors.

Communications and Information Minister Mohammad Nuh said the government sent a letter to the site informing it of its demand on Tuesday.


“The deadline is two days. If (the film) is not removed by that time, we will block YouTube under cooperation with the Internet service providers,” Nuh told reporters in the capital, Jakarta.

Anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders posted the 15-minute film on on Friday. It has since been available on other blogs and file-sharing sites, including YouTube.

Last year, Thailand blocked YouTube for four months because of clips it deemed offensive to the king. The ban was lifted after YouTube’s owner, Google Inc., agreed to not allow videos that break Thai laws or offend the Thai people.

In February, YouTube was inaccessible globally for several hours after the government of Pakistan blocked it, citing what it said were clips in which Wilders made denigrating remarks about Islam.

Wilders’ film intersperses scenes of recent terror attacks with versus from the Quran, Islam’s holy book, and speeches from Islamic extremists calling for attacks on non-Muslims. It has been condemned as racist and misleading by governments around the world.

Earlier Tuesday, about 50 people rallied outside the Dutch Embassy in Jakarta calling for Wilders to be put to death.

“Islam is a holy religion,” Shodiq Ramadan told about 50 protesters who shouted in agreement. “Those who have insulted it deserve to be sentenced to death.”

Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim nation, but its government is secular and hard-line interpretations of the faith generally do not attract much support.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who relies on the support of several Islamic parties in parliament, has condemned the film and urged protesters in Indonesia — a former Dutch colony — to stay calm.

(Agencies )

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15 Responses

  1. Leatherneck

    My oh my. What in the *fuck* are we gonna do if INDONESIA goes against us?!


  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    Indonesia doesnt need youtube anyways. who gives a rats ass about this threat.

    Islam is a holy religion,” Shodiq Ramadan told about 50 protesters who shouted in agreement. “Those who have insulted it deserve to be sentenced to death.”

    See Ramadan, this is exactly what we’re talking about. its all about ‘death’. some holy “religion” you have there. you dont kill people for disagreeing with you. man these people are really pissing me off these days. they just keep pushing and pushing.

  3. LftBhndAgn

    :roll: What DOESN’T offend them?

  4. Steve in NC

    Fuck ‘em, let them isolate themselves.

  5. Sandy

    Tell the truth. I KILL YOU! :gun: :lol:

    or related, in this case I suspend you . . .

    Why we are suspended:

  6. Dr. Jerry

    Continue to prepare to become part of the nation-wide and world-wide resistance. Only by force of arms shall we defeat radical, terroristic, and murderous Islam.

    Just like Charles “The Hammer” Martel, at the Battle of Tours, we must take and make our stand.

    Come on Haji it’s time to play.

  7. azpatriot

    As someone once said “We haven’t begone to play cowboys and Muslims yet”

  8. EDinTampa

    I think that is the point of “Fitna”, radical muslims threaten all who are unbelievers of islam.

    That threat is always present. SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW?


    How about a big FUCK YOU ! :gun:

  10. Jeanet

    As far as I’m concerned, this is just another clear sign of how Islam wants to/already dominates the world.

    What’s fucking me up is that there still are many who try to down-play the situation where the signs are plenty.

    Being able to follow the situation here in The Netherlands very close for being Dutch, I can say that THIS exactly is what Wilders is playing at. What is it whith people that e.g. a wall is scientifically prooved to be white there are alway those who say: No, it’s purple.

    Dumb, deaf, blind and crazy, that’s what they are when they still don’t WANT to see/read the signs!

  11. Old Chief

    Where is islamic rage boy? I sorta miss that guy.

  12. Reign in Blood

    “Islam is a holy religion,” Shodiq Ramadan told about 50 protesters who shouted in agreement. “Those who have insulted it deserve to be sentenced to death.”

    Another quote from a muslim that illustrates quite clearly why this film was made. Offend us and you will die. Religion of peace my ass. The muslims themselves are making the case for us daily. Someone just has to point it out clearly and concisely on an international scale.

    Be strong Youtube, Geert and all those who oppose these worshipers of death.

  13. TJ

    Good, shut off YouTube, then put on your “seven-day shitters” and spin around in circles while hitting yourselves in the head with a big sword… Teach your kid to be a moron

    Somehow this is supposed to concern us?
    Ramadan reminds me of Robin from the old Batman show and his ironic exclamations:
    “Holy religion Batman…it’s Islam — rruuuuuunuuuuunn”

  14. Dan (The Infidel)

    I see the tolerant ones over at the Religion Of Peace are foaming at the mouth once again. (sarcasm, burp, fart) :twisted: :roll:

  15. Brian H

    Reign, et al.;
    Yeah, that quote says it all. And I’m sure he’s quite incapable of seeing the oxymoron.

    “Vengeance is mine,” saith the Lord.

    “Vengeance is a free-for-all,” sez Allah. :???: :razz: :roll: :gun: :evil: :mrgreen:

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