Video: Hussein’s Weak-Ass “Dodge What I Actually Said” Defense Of His Attack On Heartland Americans

April 12th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Where’s the part in the video or written statement where he addresses the specifics of what he said? There isn’t one, because what he said is too self-damning. Instead he keeps it vague, offering an empty vessel of twisted rhetoric. Even Hillary got it right. Self-interest or not, she got it right: “People don’t need a President who looks down on them.” So did McCain.

Background: Hussein Attacks Heartland America For God, Guns And Racism

The Atlantic:
by Mark Ambinder

Republicans sense an opportunity in the developing storm over Barack Obama’s remarks.

His comments have been distributed to allies on Capitol Hill, to members of the Pennsylvania press corps, to talk radio hosts across the country, to Republican state parties and to the congressional campaign committees. The National Republican Congressional Committee is using the statement to whack Chris Carney, a vulnerable frosh member of congress from Pennsylvania. ((Note: contrary to an earlier sentence, he is neutral.))

Tommy Vietor, a campaign spokesman, was designated to give what the Obama campaign wants you to believe is a “ah, it’s not a big deal” response:

“Senator Obama has said many times in this campaign that Americans are understandably upset with their leaders in Washington for saying anything to win elections while failing to stand up to the special interests and fight for an economic agenda that will bring jobs and opportunity back to struggling communities. And if John McCain wants a debate about who’s out of touch with the American people, we can start by talking about the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans that he once said offended his conscience but now wants to make permanent,”

Excerpted Thrashing From Politico:

The What’s the Matter with Pennsylvania reading still has its problems. For one, it is a refusal to take voters’ devotion to faith and guns at face value, psychologizing it instead.

He’s now saying, basically, that he meant his comments in the What’s the Matter with Kansas? sense — that he was arguing that economic insecurity and frustration have been displaced onto social issues. (A correspondent who was at the San Francisco fundraiser, Marcia Ewing, emails that he delivered a parallel diagnosis of the bitterness of inner cities.) So when he said that people “cling to guns or religion…as a way to explain their frustration,” he meant something along the lines of, “displace their feelings of economic insecurity onto fears of social change.” He was, he’s suggesting, talking about the politics of guns or religion, not the things themselves.

And even if it was what he meant, it isn’t what he said. What he did suggest, most problematically, is that there’s something wrong, or symptomatic, about clinging to your faith, or to your gun. It’s a suggestion that probably plays better in San Francisco (politically, the worst possible place to say it) than in the middle of the country.

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13 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    It’s easier to go after mid-Pennsylvania because there’s little likeliehood there will be any mooslums, talk about a cling to a cult of death. Pennsylvanians don’t chop off the heads of each other because the Presbyterians aren’t getting along with the Methodists. And it’s also not typical of mid-Pennsylvanians to do what inner-city scum does that shoots each other everyday. Oh, I know it’s what Ted Turner was talking about, they’re shooting each other everyday because they’re canabalizing each other. I love living near the city, but we spend the first five minutes on the news catching up on the latest actions of the savages.

  2. Kermit

    There must have been one of those applause signs to give the hand picked audience proper cues.

    This guy is an absolute idiot. I don’t care how much education he has. I just goes to prove the point of educated idiots, both for him and his supporters.

  3. Birdddog

    As I have told you before BHO…Fuck You :gun:

  4. ssgduke54

    First denying what his pastor truly is and now this! Its shows at the slip of the moment how Obama truely feels about the blue collar/middle class people! Another words the 75% of the people who believe in traditions, first and second amendment! Let me ask those who still believe in Obama and Hillary! Which of the three candidates running for President have any of their Sons or daughters in the military and are in harms way fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan? I will give you a hint! It ain’t Hillary or Obama!!!


  5. EDinTampa


    Nothing new here, he is a ultra liberal nut case!

  6. hegelbot

    this guy get less articulate and more difficult to listen to as time goes by, some one ought to whip up some new speeches for him, cause this ship is sinking fast…

  7. Ron

    Hussein, won’t deny racist wright who spews hates towards non negroes.
    however he feels he can lectures whites about racism. funny keep it up
    abed (Arabic) you’ll get a huge smack down in November.

  8. serfer62

    Ahhh Ron, thats what it takes to be a Kommiecrat…

  9. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Pat

    I agree about Hillary having a moment of clarity, as “opportune” as it was for her.

    As to Hussein … Luckily he waited until AFTER deer season to make these remarks about Pa. folks and their guns …. or he [might] be facing a real “MLK” moment, (as was insinuated in his “speech on race” of a couple weeks ago …)

    Just sayin’ …

    Anyhow, perhaps some “typical white democrats” with guns in PA might now have some [indicator] of where he stands, exactly, on the 2nd. Amendment.

    (”The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution.” — Doug McKay)

  10. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Let me just add this:

    Just about EVERY young man I know in this war(s) in the Marines grew up in “small towns” … WITH guns.

    All, but one, has come home … alive.

    One was hit right after getting off the plane in Iraq for his second tour by a fucking sniper.

    One lost a leg to an enemy mortar launched into his “dwelling” while getting some R/R (couple of his buddies killed).

    The BULK of our military IS loaded with boys/young men who grew up in small towns … WITH guns.

    I am so fucking sick of this liberal mentality that small town “hicks” are the gun/crime problem in this country … when it is the fucking urban thugs who view a gun as an extension of their dick in the world.

  11. Birdddog

    :arrow: drill: Turkey season starts in 9 days :twisted: :gun: :gun: :beer: :beer:

  12. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Clarification and ALL DUE props to my “local” boys mentioned above …

    The young man gunned down and killed by a sniper in Iraq right after getting off the plane was an ARMY RANGER …

    HOOAH !!!!

  13. Mr. Standfast

    ”The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution.” — Doug McKay

    Damn, I wish I had thought of that one. Brilliant!

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