Death Threats Made On Gun Dealer’s Children

April 24th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Just because Suk Mai Dik or whatever the name of the VT shooter was bought his stuff there. I think the gun dealer made a nice gesture when he offered discounts to Virginia Tech students.

Now you and I and every other rational and sane person on the planet know that it is PEOPLE that kill, not the guns, and if the dealer is legit, which he is, he is not responsible for the actions of idiots like Chung Bung Hole or whatever the fuck his name is.


This dealer has been receiving death threats since the shooting last year, even his children have received death threats.

Threats from people that are no doubt cut from the same cloth as those we find here.

People who do not realize that taking weapons out of society do not make it safer. Satistics show over and over again that crime rates go up in cities like DC where they try to ban guns. These people really need to understand that allowing law-abiding citizens to arm themselves is a benefit to society, and that gun control should only mean using two hands.


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3 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA

    Eric Thompson is speaking at our campus tonight (paying his own way), and I donated to the Tech Police presence ($248) to protect him tonight. Ken Stanton is our spokesman. I have two tests tomorrow, so I won’t be able to attend. I don’t blame Mr. Thompson for the actions of a deranged, evil maniac.

    Here’s the donation link, should anyone be interested:

  2. Molly

    These persons making death threats against Mr. Thompson and his family need to know that they are focusing their anger in the wrong place. If anything, the courts failed to prevent the VT shooter from purchasing a gun. Had he been mentally adjudicated by a court of law, Mr. Thompson’s gun shop would not have been able to sell him a gun.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    I like the background in the pic of the VT murderer. No doubt in my mind that the puke is rotting in a dark cell deep in the bowels of hell. I feel nothing for him.

    The looney tunes who advocate screwing with the second amendment need to acquire a brain at some point in their otherwise pathetic lives.

    Guns don’t do anything. Hey libs, here’s an experiment for you: Put a loaded gun on a table. Then step back and order the gun to fire at an object in the room. Go ahead try it?

    A gun is only as useful or as deadly as the person holding it. So get a clue libs.

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