Photo of the Day: You Write The Caption

April 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This is actually the thumbnail for a video on one of the sites I frequent throughout the day, but I just can’t bring myself to actually post the video here, if you watch it, you’ll know why.

The vid is entitled “The MOST Emo Video Ever Created in the Entire Universe.”

I started watching it but had to quit after about 5 seconds.

But every time I visited that page I would see this thumbnail pic and it just cracks me up…

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24 Responses

  1. Chandler (Typical face for radio Infidel)

    Mommy!!! Why?!!

    Why didn’t you kick my ass to keep me from becoming emo?!!


  2. Typical White Texas Mom

    Leave Miley Alone!

  3. A. S. Wise- VA

    Would anyone here frown on me, if I admitted I’m prejudiced against Emos? :lol:

  4. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    STFU ya freaking weirdo.

  5. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    “I AM sorry, Mrs. Pelosi, but as I told you the last ten visits you have far exceeded the FDA approved limits for Botox injections on any one person in a given lifetime … You are a walking WMD, Madam Speaker.”

  6. mike3481

    “‘OH MY GAWD, I MARRIED YOU!’…What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”.

    :mrgreen: :gun: :beer:

  7. T-Bagg

    Typical White Texas Mom,
    Oh, you are good. Very good. I couldn’t think of a name to put there. But you did.

  8. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I tended bar at a wedding reception for a bunch of EMO kids. My tips weren’t very good after I asked them if they’d be cutting themselves before or after the cake….

    Caption: Why didn’t you molest me daddy, didn’t you love me?

  9. Steve in NC

    your teeth! watch your teeth Senator Reid!

  10. KBar

    Brandon Lee realizing those AREN’T blanks.

  11. John Goodrow

    You just don’t understand! There is no such thing as normal!

  12. Ivan the Kafir

    “Gollum, after having encountered ‘nasty elven rope’: ‘It burns us!’”

  13. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: KBar

    Brandon Lee realizing those AREN’T blanks.



    :lol: :lol: :beer: :gun:

  14. Kentucky Jim

    Leave Obama alooooone. He gives and he gives…

  15. Kurt(the infidel)

    I wish my grass was emo. then it would cut itself

  16. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    I’ll waste your time while you watch my art/freakoness.
    STFU A-Hole.

  17. Arthuraria


  18. ssgduke54

    :gun: :sad: shoot me! Just shoot me out of my misery!

  19. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)

    I wish my grass was emo. then it would cut itself

    ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :beer: :beer:

  20. mike3481

    For all the Dino’s like me who asked the question; WTF is an EMO?,

    Here it is.

    Emo Kids
    The term for the teenagers who listen emocore is emo kids. The society thinks about them as failures; they are not strong enough to hide their emotions, they’re sensitive, shy, introverted, and often quiet. Usually, Emo kids like to express their feeling writing poems about their problems with depression, confusion, and anger; all because the world fails to understand them.
    :arrow: mike3481

    Article - “…all because the world fails to understand them.” :shock:



  21. Bash

    guys, I cannot stop laughing. I don’t know what the fuck it is, this picture is just…i’m laughing so hard at some of the responses and I think I may crack a rib.

    But, seriously, how can you not just look at that picture and not just start laughing…oh shit i can’t type anymore…too funny…needed a real good belly laugh today…

    :beer: :gun:

  22. serfer62

    God!!! I hate lemons…..

  23. Gaige Mosher

    This is an easy one:

    The face of all of Rosie O’Donnell’s flashing victims.

  24. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Nobody likes emo kids.

    Here’s one reacting to the news that he’s actually expected to get a job and support himself.

Respond now.

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