Question Of The Day: Piglet Malfunction? Or Piglet Triangulation?

April 26th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

I have heard some people say that this may not have been an actual mortar malfunction, but that this piglet was triangulated and exterminated…


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25 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Bash -




    I love that,”Allah AkBOOOOM”!

  3. John Goodrow

    Who cares he’s dead. :twisted:

    Say hi to muhammed you fucking waste of space.

  4. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!!!


  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    I was watching the fuzes and the rounds he was dropping. They looked normal. Could have been a weapon malfunction.
    Then again, I’ve never seen a misfire detonate in the tube. I was always told that the round has to travel a certain distance before it arms itself.

    So the counter-battery suggestion might be a valid one.

    Still agreat video. Allahu…Boom….LOL. Say hello to hellfire and damnation oinkster. No 72 virgins for you.

  6. Kermit

    So the flash began behind him at the wall. Should we cook up a mess of eggs? How about grits or hash browns to go with that.

  7. Bill Smith

    Finally I agree with you, Fish.
    :beer: :beer:

  8. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    :lol: Too funny… adios, motherfucker… :beer: :gun:

  9. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    To funny.
    Allah Akboom.
    To freaking funny.
    Bye, bye piglet.

  10. GBU43

    Thats not counter battery fire. For a few reasons.

    #1. Hes up against that wall and the guys filming probably are up against another. That means an incoming round would have to have had an almost vertical trajectory to land right there. Arty (not counting new GPS stuff) just doesn’t come in that way.

    #2. The explosion is way to small for a 155 round.

    #3. As for the fuse. Most dumb fuses have an inertial cam that when fired rotates the firing pin/contactor in line with the detonation initiator. If that safety is already in the locked position the action of firing it could easily initiate the explosives.

    #4. Somewhere liveleak has a good video of what counter battery looks like from the receiving end. Dont have a link sorry.


  11. RememberOurFathers

    Misfire, you would have heard the incoming.

  12. Leatherneck

    It was either “Death In The A Shau Valley” by Larry Chambers, “Six Silent Men” by Reynel Martinez, or “Reflections Of A Warrior” by Franklin D. Miller where I read about recon/LRRP teams booby-trapping the NVA’s booby-traps & or artillery.

    I am no expert & I couldn’t tell by the above clip, but I’m sure our guys are utilizing the same kinds of tricks today.

    It must be an enormous mind-fuck for the enemy & it gives me a chuckle every time.

    By the way, the above books are **HIGHLY** recommended reading. Excellent documentation/witness to the fact that our military had actually WON the Vietnam War.

    Any books by Bruce H. Major Norton are also brilliant.

    Now that I think of it, it might have been “Force Recon Command” by Alex Lee where I read about the booby-trap thing.

    Anyhow, all worth a serious look.

  13. Chuck

    Is it sick that I laugh my ass of every time I see this rag throwing munitions down an exhaust pipe? I say self inflicted. Gotta love his look up to see if it fired. Fuck you Muj!

  14. Dan (The Infidel)

    When I said counter-battery fire, it doesn’t necessarily mean arty. Could have been a mortar. One thing about mortars is high angle fire. A mortar could easily get into such a confined spot. With GPS..I don’t see how they could miss. Yeah, arty can do HA too…but not as good as mortars. The explosion was too small to be arty anyways. But without sound confirming incomming, we’re only left with a misfire with some bad ammo…or some really neat SOF tricks on haji.

    Still, I’ve seen misfires in arty (8″) and misfires with mortars (60, 81 and 4.2) Never saw one go up like this. All
    misfires turned out safely. No premature detonations.

    Bottom line is haji had a bad day. And that’s all that really counts. Hell, even my wife enjoyed the vid. I don’t who was laughing harder me or her. :beer:

    And a toast to cannon-cockers and mortar maggots both Marines and Army types for reaching out and touching people long distance. It’s the next best thing to being there. :mrgreen: :beer: :beer:

  15. BlueOval8950

    There was an article in this months American Rifleman about the SOG in Vietnam inserting booby trapped 7.62×39, 12mm AA rounds and 82mm mortar rounds into VC and NVA weapons caches. The mortar rounds would detonate when the round dropped, which is what that looks like.

    Whether it was a booby trapped round planted by US Spec Ops or just shitty Russian/Chinese/Iranian ordinance, thats one dead piglet.

  16. alexjensentx

    seems to be working fine to me :razz:

  17. Ranger

    Bash, Dan, Leatherneck, all good input.

    I’m thinking it’s a booby trapped round or simply some ill-maintained ammo.

  18. Giorgi

    definately a missfire, old-ass mortar round probably stored in a humid basement, weak fuse actuated upon the projectile sharge set-off, i’ve seen a vid from chechnya, they were firing a recoilles rifle, SPG-7, and it exploded similarly…it looks like a commando 60mm mortar here, if it was a counter-battery, the cameramen would have been smeared, 155 mm round can destroy a house, guys, and hellfire has got more punch to it than the explosion seen on the vid…nontheless - funny as hell, allakh-bang! that should make them add to their coran, dont use the lords name in vain

  19. Specter


    It was divine intervention.

  20. Big Sarge

    @ Specter
    We have a winner (although I’m inclined to believe bad ammo)

    Suddenly, I’m craving a BLT for lunch.

    Send Me
    Rock of the Marne

  21. Egfrow

    It detonated at the exact moment it was supposed to launch out of the tube. He had his loading pattern pretty consistent.


    :arrow: Bill Smith
    I have no argument with you, we’re all independant thinkers here. :beer: :beer:

  23. T Double Dash

    ha ha, allah akbar to that

  24. TO (typical white person)

    I want to see this video as a series. Allah Akbar …. I agree.

  25. Joshua

    You could hear a slight wizzing sound as he dropped it into the tube before detonation, if that tells you anything.

    It didn’t sound like an incoming round though.

    All I want to know is how did someone get their hands on this tape, the insurgents wouldn’t have posted it.

    However I’m sure they have been filming plenty of times when a missile impacts right next to them.

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