Reuters Cameraman Tank Projectile Mystery Solved!

April 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Leave to the sexy Reena Ninan to answer my phone call and do a little investigating on that idiot punk ass Reuters Cameraman terrorist sympathizer that got nailed.

Remember the green puff of smoke on that projectile earlier…well click and watch…some of you guys already figured it out. Kudos…

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19 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    hmmm … hell of a way to go.

  2. ArleighB

    Flechette round,successor to the Beehive round used in Viet Nam. You used to be able to get them in 12 ga…not sure if you still can…

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    The boyz over in the other links to this story already ID’d the round. The enhanced vid is a nice touch. That’s also a spectacular tank round. Very effective.

  4. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    Getting that close to the target can be painfull, Dumbasses will never learn. You go out and embed with terrorist against someone with superior technology is not the recipe for a long life.

    When your enemy can see you better than you can see them you’re in trouble. I wonder if this ever occured to them? I’m sure the gunner in that Merkova had these dopes crosshaired for some time before they cut loose.


    Its a beautiful thing…

  6. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Does this mean I can get a job as a researcher at Fox? I’d really appreciate being introduced to Reena…

  7. Vehement

    Tell Allah I said,”Hola!” Don’t know about 72 virgins, but you definetly got nailed.

  8. infdel

    Sucks for him. Play with fire get burned

  9. Birdddog


  10. tedders

    Flechette Anti personnel rounds

    Hang out with vermin, then you die like vermin.

  11. LftBhndAgn


    Thanks for the update Bash.

  12. RVN68MIKE

    Laid next to a “duster” that broke up a ground attack with instantanious air burst in the Delta in 68. Artillery, any size, you gotta love it! :gun:

  13. Q_Mech

    Okay - one more time for the slow ones… If you put your camera up on your shoulder and point it at a tank in a war zone, expect to die! The tankers can’t tell the difference between a shoulder-launched anti-tank weapon and your (probably al Qaeda-symathetic) camera.

    How many times has this happened? Three or four by my count…

  14. fronswa

    Is there any proof that this guy was a terrorist?

  15. Ironside

    Route Irish in ‘03, had a dude in a blacked-out Mercedes cut across the median toward a convoy, jump out, throw a black object up on his shoulder. He ate some coax from the lead brad. Turned out to be a reporter with a camera. Shit happens.

  16. brud

    that was kind of trippy….being in the perspective of a man dying

  17. Fadel Shana - More Staged Fauxtography of Israeli Brutality? « BUUUUURRRRNING HOT

    […] - More Staged Fauxtography of Israeli Brutality? UPDATE 21 APRIL 2008: Via Snapped Shot, Pat Dollard has a video and stills that confirm the Israeli shell that killed Fadel Shana as being a […]

  18. Andy

    Seriously, how can you assume he’s a terrorist? Because he’s a Palestinian? So if a reporter or cameraman gets killed by al qaeda or hamas, then and only then it’s wrong? But if Israeli soldiers kill reporters, it’s okay, and the reporters deserve it? You people are sick.

  19. Bs

    To Andy - did you read all above? Man, what do your expect from tank gunner found somebody pointing something on him from a shoulder? What do you think about ‘reporter’ trying to film an armor in the battlefield - right upfront of its gun? What could you do instead of armor crew? And instead of the ‘reporter’? Would you even try to film an armor in battlefild upfront? Come on, tell us your thoughts. BTW, this ‘reporter’ found a nice way to commit suicide - may be got financial troubles before..

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