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15 Responses

  1. kenneth

    either the lack of common scene or love of America is dead in our government run educational centers.

    i say both

  2. Ang

    I quit a job because they would not allow me to accept calls from my son who was deployed. Less than a week after my last day my son was killed in action..Thankfully I spoke to him on the phone within that week….. Let them take those calls!!
    Those calls are far far too important and those serving can not call a time out in the war to call us at our convenience.

  3. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Ang

    I completely agree.

    You have probably stated your loss on the site before, but I don’t recall … and possibly haven’t expressed my deepest gratitude to him, and to you, for the dedication, love, service, and sacrifice he offered to this country … and which can never be repaid.

    I offer you my sympathy and understanding.

    God bless.


  4. Vehement

    Hasn’t this happened before? I remember a similiar story.

  5. mindy abraham

    :arrow: Ang-sorry to hear that :sad: just know i am thankful. Regarding the school, I think if a parent voluteers to serve, they should have more leeway, because the worst could happen.

  6. Mike Mose

    Ang, I offer my thanks and respect to you and your family. It is people like you and yours that give the ultimate gift of freedom throughout the world.
    Many,many thanks with respect

  7. monkeysdad (pinche' gringo en sur tejas)


  8. Ang

    Thank you all for your support..

    I feel very strongly about phone calls from our troops. I don’t want a family member to miss one. Those calls are so few and far between. Like I stated our troops can not stop the war to call us at our convenience. Nor can we simply call them back after class or work.

    We need to use our heart and common sense together on this and let these families ( who in their own way are serving this country and making sacrifices too) talk to their loved ones when ever that phone call comes in.

    Copperas Cove High School - (Bookmark This School)
    400 S 25Th St
    Copperas Cove, TX 76522
    Phone Number: (254) 547-2535
    Copperas Cove Isd School District

  9. mommyrn

    The death of common sense is is now complete. The libtards have placed a “do not resucitate” order on its chart.

  10. Jeanet


    :arrow: Ang.
    I can not express in words how I feel about what happened to you. Just, accept me giving you a cyber-bear hug from across the big ocean.

    For this son-dad-phone fitty:
    Now, what does the world exactly wants?
    Everybody knows and talks about youngsters behaving these days like they lack most braincells.

    Here we see a dad-son relationship that is obviously so good and strong that a dad, althought being on a mission, still takes his fatherhood-responsabilitys and makes every effort to support his son!!!!!

    Dad visits the school to make things clear before leaving and STILL his son gets in trouble.

    Where did TRUST, COMMITMENT, DEDICATION and PRIDE go??????

    Do even the children of those who serve need to get punished for the sacrifices brave men an women make for their country?

  11. Ang

    I have to add.. Our local middle and high schools allowed my younger kids to always answer calls from their brother. They would quietly answer and walk into the hallway to talk to him. Then return to class. They were never disruptive about it. So not all schools are completely ignorant.

  12. Kevin M

    Anybody notice the moment when this kid’s mother whispered “sit up” and the kid’s posture went rigid?

    Ya think there’s a difference between this mother and the [expletive]s that raised those eight kids who beat up one of their classmates?


    Gee. I wonder if there’s a difference. :cool:

  13. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Kevin M

    Anybody notice the moment when this kid’s mother whispered “sit up” and the kid’s posture went rigid?


    And he said “Ma`am” more than once.

    Bottom line, the M.Sgt. went to the school and laid out the “mission” before them, and it was agreed to … And the school was the one who failed at holdng up their part of the mission.

    Proof … For all its own perceived failings, the US Army is more efficient than the damn public schools.

  14. Ang

    Yes you can most assuredly see the difference between a child raised by parents and a child who just has big people in the house.

  15. Dan (The Infidel)

    Common sense is not part of the curriculum that is a part of the utopian libistan culture that has taken over the nation’s school systems.

    In general a “no cell phone” policy is a good idea. But not in this case.

    Nice of FOX to put together a small meeting with his dad. Despite that annoying Jamie Colby (her voice is like someone scratching their nails on a blackboard) telling the story, it was great to hear that all turned out well for the kid.

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