Sean Hannity On Donahue Like, 20 Years Ago…

April 8th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


He looks likesome punk from Brooklyn, “Yo! Phil-ee! You stinkin’ liberal!”

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8 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    wow he looked funny back then. and since then has refined his routine a little bit i see.

  2. LftBhndAgn

    :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: “Yo! Phil-ee! You stinkin’ liberal!”

    I watched this segment @ my sisters house tonight. Myself and my brother in law looked at each other after and were both the same shade of pissed off red. Crawl back under that rock Donahue.

  3. Tom in CO


  4. KBar

    The “Pussification of America” started with guys like Donahue, Alan Alda, Jimmy Carter, et. al.

    Hazzah for Hannity!

  5. Egfrow

    :arrow: KBar

    It started allot sooner than that. I hate Hippies. Donahue has always been a douche. Here is a 1980′ interview with him ineptly take on Ayn Rand.

    There are 5 parts.

  6. Kevin M

    :arrow: Egfrow

    Interesting bit of Alan Alda trivia.

    Jamie Farr (Klinger from M*A*S*H): “If I wanted a sermon I’d go to church. He just wouldn’t quit. He just kept adding more speeches and more moralistic stuff. After he got famous, he got really pompous. He started thinking he was speaking God’s words - not the lines in the script, not his own personal thoughts. He thought he was speaking the words of God. I think he thought and believed that God was speaking through him. A person like that is not easy to be around.

    I met Gary Burghoff (Radar O’Reilly) when I was in college. He, too, said Alda was a “prick.” One of the things Alda liked to do was break Burghoff’s balls over his (Burghoff’s) deformed hand, which he hid behind his clipboard.

    Alan Alda is an asshole, pure and simple.

  7. Kevin M

    Sorry, meant that for K-Bar.

    I’m really losing it today.

  8. KBar

    :arrow: Kevin M,

    Did you know that Alda was an officer in the Army and served in Korea? Mike Farrell was a Marine officer, and Wayne Rogers (Trapper) was an officer in the Navy. Farr also served in the Army, not sure about rank but he too served in Japan and Korea. He donates time and $ to the RNC.

    I knew about Gary Burghoff having a deformed hand. If you watch the MASH episodes, he is always holding something (like a clipboard) or just keeping it hidden from the camera. From what I read about him, he is a pretty interesting guy.

    In short:
    If Alan Alda were an ice-cream flavor, he would be “Peanut-butter Douche Bag”.

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