Shock Video: Teacher Beaten In Classroom

April 9th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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14 Responses

  1. mongo

    you have got to be shitting me. sound familiar with what happened in columbus ohio a while back. a girl got raped in school during school and no body called the cops. black crime is out of control. i would never ever ever live in or near a city. these people can not control themselves period. that teacher , with a good lawyer will be living on a island in a few years. freakin animals

  2. ECM

    Jesus, that poor woman. WTF is wrong w/ people (especially the f’ing principal implying that it was the teacher’s fault!!)

  3. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Hey Mongo, did you see the video of the white girls beating the other one unconcious? That was in the nice suburbs, guess you better dig your hole a little deeper.

  4. reaganmarine84

    I’m I one of the only people who can understand that when religious and moral teaching was taken out of schools this countries teaching system went right to hell. I’m 42 and still remember a time when I was in grade school in the 70’s and every year we had some group (dont’t remember who they were) that came in and distributed small,red,pocket sized New Testaments to all the students in the school. This is not coincidence people.

  5. Brian

    TBinSTL? Nice suburbs? Its a town that used to only be a penitentiary in a swamp, which has a reputation for this BS.

    What Mongo said isn’t racist. Look at demographic crime statistics, then come back. Yes unfair. Black on black violence is extremely prevalent in the united states.

    What we can all agree on is that we are all people period. And there are a lot of cowardly irresponsible assholes in this world who need the tar kicked out of them. They represent chaos in this world. White, Black, Yellow, Red -Fuck the colors. We all have exactly the same propensity for this kind of evil.

  6. TJ(the kafir)

    they want answers: talk to joe clark the man who turned eastside highschool around in new jersey. Libs wont do it because Joe clark is a conservative black man who stood in the face of thugs and kicked them out of school. He is an american hero much like our troops and libs dont want to believe that confronting evil is righteous. :wink:

  7. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    When God was taken out of the classroom in 1963 the stats for violence, drugs, unwanted pregnancy, crime by youth, and all the other social ills went thru the roof. On a graph chart the line took a 90 degree turn upwards.
    Kids these days at best are amoral; not knowing the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. Immorality may not even play a part in this.
    They are just uneducated about what is right or wrong.
    Thank you libtards for taking and keeping God out of the schools. Good job. Way to go.
    Teacher associations, school administrators are all responsible for our pathetic school system.
    That is why I send my child to a private school.
    We need school vouchers for parental choice. But guess who opposes this? You got it right. I think we rank 27th in the world as far as collective smarts is concerned.
    I need a freaking beer. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  8. Gary in Midwest

    Results unlike BS takes a strong individual with uncommon drive Joe Clark, Jaime Escalante, Gen. David Petraeus, Joe Arpaio, Ronald Reagan all had it. What makes it harder yet is not having the backing of your cohorts or superiors.
    Joe Clark and Jaime Escalante fought the educrats and apathy of failed schools sytems.
    General Patraeus has to run the gauntlet of an extremely hostile congress while making strides and meeting goals in Iraq.
    Joe Arpaio has faced a huge contigent of naysayers and bleeding hearts with little or no cooperation in trying to stem the flow of illegals into the U.S.
    Ronald Reagan was not only brave enough to name our enemies but to (against the grain of Washington) bring about the demise of a super power that we have allowed back into the game.
    Each one of them facing odds and challenges which we can only imagine. I can only imagine what my reaction would be to being assaulted in my class room and then having the principal lay the blame on the “threat” of defending myself.
    Everyone of us faces a challenge in this life. Some more than others. If only we would take the bull by the balls once in a while, we may be able to slow the Huns’ advance.
    Teddy Roosevelt once said “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing”.

  9. rightangle

    These bureaucratic institutions are prime breeding grounds for promoting rudderless leaders who made their way to the top by not offending anyone. Unfortunately when the shit hits the fan they continue onward, determined not to go down with the ship. :gun: :sad:

  10. mike3481

    I guarantee you every member of the local school board is a Liberal Democrat, every single one!

    To Liberals everywhere…thank you very much, you fucking MORONS :!:

  11. Mark Tanberg

    Only barak can save us now, he will be able to caress the troubled soul of black america and lead us into the promised land.

  12. mongo

    AP, June 14, 2007

    Almost two-thirds of high school students in city public schools do not earn diplomas, giving Baltimore the third-worst graduation rate in the nation, according to a study released by the publication Education Week.

    The study, which analyzed 2004 data, found that 34.6 percent of Baltimore high school students graduated four years after they began school. Detroit had the worst graduation rate, 24.9 percent, and Cleveland was next, with 34.1 percent.

    Baltimore school officials disputed Education Week’s findings, as they did last year when the journal pegged the city’s graduation rate at 38.5 percent, ranking ahead of only Detroit, at 21.7 percent.

    Baltimore’s graduation rate dropped nearly four percentage points from 2003 to 2004, according to Education Week.

  13. Mike Mose

    Just another example of liberal leadership in the urban setting. These kids probably attend a church on Sunday like Obama’s.

    The Dept of Education should be disbanded.

    Minority kids have been held hostage for generations by the school system.
    The Democrats are the slave masters.

  14. David Ross

    Fire the Principal, jail the student and promote the teacher… then distribute tasers to all teachers and if that doesn’t produce results consult Petraeus as to how they should handle the insurgency in our inner city schools!

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