SKYY® Vodka, Made in the USA, Proudly Supports Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

April 12th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–In 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo officially ended the Mexican-America War (1846-1848). With the signing of this treaty, the United States gained control of what was to become the Golden West, including California, Arizona, Utah, Nevada and parts of Colorado and New Mexico. Today, SKYY® Vodka, the number-one vodka produced in the United States, spoke out against suggestions by Absolut® Vodka to disregard that treaty, as well as the joining of Texas to the Union in 1845, as depicted in Absolut’s recent advertising.

“Like SKYY Vodka, the residents of states like California, Texas and Arizona are exceptionally proud of the fact that they are from the United States of America,” said Dave Karraker, SKYY Vodka. “To imply that they might be interested in changing their mailing addresses, as our competitor seems to be suggesting in their advertising, is a bit presumptuous.”

In the ad, an “Absolut World” is depicted where the map of North America is re-drawn with Mexico claiming much of the Western United States, negating the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, as well as the Gadsden Purchase (1853), and the independence of Texas (1836).

“Don’t get me started on the Gadsden Purchase,” continues Karraker. “I think the folks in Tucson and Yuma would be rubbed the wrong way if they hear this landmark deal was somehow nullified as suggested by Absolut, a Swedish-owned brand.”

SKYY Vodka was founded in San Francisco in 1992 and continues to be produced in the United States. Premium SKYY Vodka is made from American grain carefully selected from the Midwest and 100% pure filtered water. SKYY’s proprietary four-column distillation and three-step filtration process consistently ensures exceptional quality. SKYY Vodka products include luxury SKYY90® and new SKYY Infusions™, a unique, all-natural infused experience made with premium SKYY Vodka and succulent real fruit.

Map of the United States and Mexico

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18 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: SKYY

    Yunz got yunzself a new customer … :beer:

    Hell, if`n Vlad and I ever patch things up I’ll swap out his Russian stock with a few bottles …

  2. dan (in san diego)

    LMFAO whens the good ole USA going to give mexico the money shot…….nice map.

  3. cb10

    Almost got a new customer here SKYY, drop me a note when you move your ops out of Frisco.

  4. DC

    Don’t ya just love the way Karraker gets a plug in at the end of his rant. :roll:

  5. RJI

    ABSOLUTE IS ABSOLUTELY OUT A HERE…SKYY will share the billing with Grey Goose (Hey Sarkosy is cool).

  6. LftBhndAgn (Not Your Typical Anything)

    RJI - -

    Ohhhhh I LOVE Grey Goose ! Its SMOOTH! I can see it replacing Absolute in a heartbeat.

  7. One Shot

    I drink Ciroc. It’s the only product from France that’s worth a shit…

  8. serfer62

    I’m hooked on Uzbek vodka and haven’nt tasted anything as good here, buy I think I;ll give this a try…

  9. Tom in CO

    I will now buy skyy whenever I decide to pick up drinking vodka at all (it IS a russian concoction after all…).

    I dig the US-Mex map as well though ;)

  10. franchie

    One shot

    Ciroc, unknown in our bataillon,

    must be some sweet of your invention ! :twisted:

  11. Egfrow

    Grey Goose is French not American. Not everyone or everything in San Francisco are liberal hippie sleaze bags but it’s mostly true. Vladmire Putin has his own brand of vodka which is called Putinka. It’s the most popular vodka in Russia.

  12. Vehement

    Give those bitches a “Dirty Sanchez”!

  13. franchie


    “Unlike vodkas with a long history, Grey Goose was tailor-made for the US market in 1997 as the brainchild of Sidney Frank, a self-made billionaire. His concept was to create a super-premium vodka for Americans. He took the idea from the notion of French manufacturing having an inherent link with high perceived quality, quickly dispatching a team to Europe. As a result, Grey Goose was invented”

    I repeat, unknown by us, “Smirnoff” is the label that we drink

  14. Kevin M

    :arrow: franchie

    You drink Smirnoff?

    Don’t say that too loudly. Somebody might hear you.

  15. franchie

    Kevin M

    I don’t drink strong alcools, only wine

    if it was an alccol, it would be cognac, but I am afraid that the Russians and or Japaneses have bought the companies

  16. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    :arrow: franchie :

    Smirnoff?!!!…….I’d rather drink kerosene. UGH!!

  17. James "Jihad this" Hooker

    :arrow: blastdad,

    if you’re drinking Smirnof, you ARE drinking kerosene :!:

  18. franchie

    about kerosene, you might be right :

    though I love that video :

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