Social Conservative’s Ad Warns McCain: “No Mitt”

April 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Click Here to see .pdf of actual ad.

Influential conservative Republicans, some of them allies of ex-AR Gov. Mike Huckabee, have launched an online and print advertising campaign to convince John McCain to choose someone other than Mitt Romney for president.

The group has launched an iPetition — — that calls on McCain to “reject any consideration of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney as a Vice Presidential running mate.”

It continues: “We further urge you to only consider for Vice President an individual with a strong and consistent record of support for both the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, and the amendment of the U.S. Constitution to establish marriage as only between one man and one woman.”

McCain opposes such an amendment.

The sponsors of the petition include Paul Weyrich, who endorsed Romney’s campaign earlier this year, Janet Folger, president of Faith2Action, Karen Testerman, an influential social policy activist in New Hampshire, Stephen Strang, a prominent conservative who was an early supporter of Mike Huckabee’s, and Matt Barber, the policy director of Concerned Women for America.

The group is paying for full-page ads that will appear in newspapers in the cities where McCain is introducing his biography.

The ads are designed to counter the popular notion that by picking Romney, McCain would mollify social conservatives.

Romney, the ad says, “would fatally harm your appeal to voters with deep constitutionalist and social conservative commitments.” The ads allege that he lied and flip-flopped about his social conservative instincts, that he sanctioned taxpayer funded abortions, and that he fulfilled a “back door” promise to the Log Cabin Republicans [editor’s note: kind of immature, right?] in refusing to order justices of the peace in Massachusetts to not marry gay couples.


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10 Responses

  1. Mike in Dallas

    Yeah, that is exactly what we need. Crazy ass Bible thumping bigots who don’t like Mitt JUST because he is part of a nutty religion. Well, I think MOST people don’t care about how he prays or that he wears magic underwear as long as he is GOOD for the country. He has PROVEN business sense and would be a great asset to try and get our economy turned around. I grew up in the Bible belt and had a holy rolling church right across the street from our house. I can tell you that THEY are just as nuts and nuttier in some respects. With all the freaking rolling around on the ground and speaking in tongues. All the laying on of hands that knocks them out and all the other BULLSHIT that goes along with it. Group hypnosis junkies and koolaide drinking fanactics should NOT be allowed to control our election process no matter what invisible man they pray to.

  2. Tom in CO

    ^^what Mike said, for the most part

  3. Molly

    You’ve nailed it perfectly Mike. I completely agree.

  4. Sully0811

    Big Dig happened on his watch. I’d rather not see someone who let that happen in the VP office. Best indicator of future performance is past performance.

  5. JonnyMordant (Typical NASCAR Fan)

    :arrow: Mike in Dallas

    I don’t think it’s so much a Bible thumping thing as a Huck wanted to be President thing, now he wants to be V.P. and things don’t look good on that front either… remember when he was crying about Fred taking votes away from him (Fred’s also a protestant like Huck, btw)? He’s just a crybaby and all his hardcore supporters want something for the money they invested…

  6. A. S. Wise- VA

    Mitt would make a good VP. Even Evangelicals aren’t flawless, and not so sure I trust the Huckster. There’s nothing wrong with most Mormons, they’re decent people, with great business ethics, and strong family values. I myself am a Presbyterian/Episcopalian (I alternate the services I go to, depending on time constraints).

    That said, I’d prefer most to see George Allen (not likely), or Duncan Hunter (same chance as Allen) on that ticket.

  7. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    I dont have a thing against Mormons. Im not into telling people what religion to practice since its none of my business. the muslims made it my business when they started killing fellow Americans. Mormons on the other hand have never offended me or affected my life negatively or any way for that matter. Mitt is a great business man so i think he would make vice President. we need someone watching over congress who is fiscally responsible.
    I will actually be disappointed if Romney doesnt get the job

  8. alexjensentx

    I’m glad we’re all on the same page here. I’ve lost all my respect for Mike Huckabee…

  9. drillanwr (typical white female)

    I’m NOT a secularist … but I’m also NOT for a theocracy in our government. But we are losing site in this country that we WERE founded on religious freedom and Judeo-Christian ideology.

    Romney’s religion doesn’t bother me, mostly because he never really [used] it while campaigning. He only addressed it when asked … and asked … and asked …

    I anticipate Mitt is a keen businessman and has a good conservative and Constitutional foundation for what he does. ( :arrow: Sully0811 … not overly familiar with all the local details of said Big Dig, but I’m sure Romney’s not the proverbial ‘beast of burden’ on that one).

    Huck, however, might have had my (tepid) support as Veep … had he NOT gone all Bible thumping on the Constitution and everything else toward the end of his campaigning …

    THAT scared the shit out of this “Christian” …

  10. TO (typical white person)

    I’ve known Mitt since 1994, a personal friend of mine has know him since 1986. Mitt is 100%, totally awesome. There is not a more red blooded, Capitalistic, family loving, country loving man in the USA. His judgment is sound and political instincts excellent. He convinced the asshole liberals in Massachusetts and his track record is solid. The negativity regarding Mitt is based on pure Mormon phobia. Negativity towards Mitt is based on a mixture of ignorance and misperception. I have seen him under pressure and he delivers in spades. He is the very definition of an American success story. It’s phenomenal that he got so close to the nomination. I suggest these Christian fundamentalist short-memory burdened political embryos watch Mitt’s Christian speech he made in Texas a few times. If Mitt ever becomes president, and I pray he does, people will think he was the child of Ronald Reagan. Mitt is the molecular opposite to both HRC and BHO.

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