Support Of Hussein Severely F***S Up Oprah’s Career

April 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Not that she’s going to be eating mostly hot dogs and pizza and drive a Prius anytime soon. Or maybe she already does? But believe it or not, it’s so bad, they say it’s looking like Ellen Degeneres is about to overtake her as the reigning Diva of TV and all that other marketing shit that goes with it…well, Obama promised you “change” right from the start, didn’t he, Oprah?

Excerpted From Politico:

Oprah’s favorability ratings also remained consistently — and unusually — high. In November 2003, Gallup found that 73 percent of Americans held favorable views about Oprah. Seventy-four percent of Americans reported favorable impressions of Oprah in a January 2007 Gallup/USA Today poll.

And then, seemingly out of nowhere, Oprah announced on CNN’s “Larry King Live” on May 1, 2007, that she would officially endorse her longtime friend Barack Obama for the presidency — the first time she had ever thrown her support behind a political candidate. “I think that my value to him, my support of him, is probably worth more than any check,” Oprah told Larry King. At the time, Oprah did not indicate whether she would campaign for Obama.

Almost instantly, Oprah’s popularity in America plummeted. An August 2007 CBS News poll showed only 61 percent of Americans were favorably disposed to her — a considerable drop of 13 percentage points from a similar survey conducted just seven months prior. An October 2007 Gallup/USA Today poll that showed Oprah with a slightly higher 66 percent favorability still reflected a drop.

The following month, with Clinton still dominating most national and statewide presidential primary polls, Oprah announced on Nov. 26, 2007, that she would go on the stump for Obama. To woo voters in crucial primaries, Oprah made appearances in Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire in early December 2007.

Oprah attracted overwhelming attention — and media coverage (mostly positive for Obama) — during her swing through these states. More than 66,000 people reportedly attended the Oprah rallies, and Obama campaign staff members claimed they signed up more than 10,000 supporters at the events and recruited 650 volunteers in New Hampshire alone.

But by the time Fox News/Opinion Dynamics asked Americans about their attitudes toward Oprah in a survey conducted about 10 days later, Dec. 18-19, Oprah’s favorability ratings had dropped even further — to 55 percent — the lowest level of favorability ever registered for Oprah in opinion surveys. Oprah’s negatives also spiked, with one in three respondents (33 percent) reporting unfavorable impressions of her.

The results of a March 26, 2008, AOL Television popularity poll of television hosts reveal Americans may now embrace Ellen DeGeneres over Oprah by a wide margin. Forty-six percent of the 1.35 million people who participated in the poll said the daytime talk show host that “made their day” was Ellen, compared with only 19 percent who chose Oprah. Nearly half (47 percent) said they would rather dine with Ellen, compared with 14 percent who preferred Oprah.

To be sure, Oprah remains one of the most popular figures in America, but recent data suggest her popularity has eroded. One possible explanation for this decline is that her endorsement of Obama and her support for him may have done more to damage impressions of her than to strengthen support for Obama. Then again, Obama may become the next president of the United States, and he may feel he has Oprah partly to thank for going out on a limb for him — not a bad situation for the talk show queen.

Still, a lesson celebrities may extract is that political endorsements carry the risk of alienating fans, often without the reward of considerably boosting support for the candidate. While celebrities are certainly entitled to express their political beliefs — just like every other American — it is possible that the public prefers high-profile entertainment personalities to stay on the tube and off the stump.

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6 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    Identity politics in play, she chose race over her sex, and I have to believe the vast majority of her followers are
    females. Interesting, will Hillary’s women walk away from the election if she does not get the nomination?

  2. Caligula

    well duh… all the obama supporters are the youth and the liberal college students who are indoctrinated socialists and have no bearing to judge what he’s really offering. - they don’t watch oprah

    the people that watch daytime TV are probably mostly hillary supporters; the dunkin doughnuts democrats, the dumpy welfare trash on foodstamps, and/or the ignorant democrats who don’t pay attention to anything and only vote democrat because they always have… they resent oprah for supporting their enemy!!

  3. Boo Boo

    Goes to show, wading into politics isn’t a good idea for entertainment stars. I don’t know of one whose career it has assisted. Better to be like Dolly Parton–never show what your politics are.

  4. Zeke Eagle

    Better to be like Dolly Parton in any case. I love her big blue eyes.

  5. Steady

    How Winfrey ever got to be as rich as she is is beyond me. I don’t see what anyone sees in the woman. She’s difficult to look at and she is annoying.

  6. Brian H

    Stupidity has a way of coming home to roost.

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