Teen Busted On Terror Charges - Sudden Jihad Syndrome? Who Gives A Shit, Fry Him

April 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This puke piglet needs to be roasted on a spit, alive.

Question: is this a case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome, Stuck On Stupid, Teen Angst?

Answer: Doesn’t matter, he was acting like a jihadi so he should be treated like one. Rub him down with pig blood and stuff pig intestines down his throat with a blackberry vine until he is dead.

Yep. That ought to do.

The teenage son of an NHS consultant accused of possessing explosives and plotting terrorist attacks was remanded in custody today.

Andrew Ibrahim, 19, of Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol, was arrested by police who then carried out a series of controlled explosions in his suburban home.

He will remain in custody until May 23 following the short hearing at City of Westminster magistrates’ court in central London.

Avon and Somerset Police, supported by Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorism Command, said more work remains in the “challenging and complex” inquiry.

Mr Ibrahim, whose full name is Andrew Philip Michael Ibrahim, but is known as Isa, was charged with three offences yesterday.

The teenager is believed to have shunned his Western lifestyle in recent months and adopted a radical interpretation of Islam after the break-up of his parents’ marriage.

By the time he was arrested on April 17 he was wearing traditional Arab dress and had grown a large beard.

He is accused of possessing an explosive substance, hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (HMTD), with intent between January 1 and April 18.

Mr Ibrahim is also charged with intending to commit terrorist acts.

In a statement released through the police last night, Mr Ibrahim’s family said : “As a family we have been shocked and deeply distressed by the events of the past fortnight.

“We are still coming to terms with the news and trying to deal with this shock as a family.”

Mr Ibrahim is reported to have lived in a hostel for the homeless and completed a drugs treatment order before moving in February to the house in Westbury-on-Trym.

His father, Nassif Ibrahim, 60, is a consultant pathologist at Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, and his mother, Victoria, comes from West Yorkshire. The couple are thought to have separated last year.


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5 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Andrew Ibrahim

    Okay … I may be way off here but … THAT sounds, maybe, Jewish??? :???:

  2. SOC

    Wrong choice Ahab……..

  3. Typical White Texas Mom

    grown a large beard ? :shock:

  4. monkeysdad (GLOBAL WARMonger)

    There is probably some room at Gitmo

  5. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: Driller
    I am not 100% positive, but I think because his name is Ibrahim and not Abraham, makes him Islamic and not Jewish.
    Jews spell the name, Abraham. Sorry for the speculation, but I think I am correct.

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