The Castration Of George Soros

April 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


The best part of this interview was not the interview itself. There were no real fireworks, in fact I almost wanted to smack O’Reilly for playing himself up with her, where he almost wanted to be esteemed as an equal to her, and appear that way for all to see with all the talk of “us rich folk” getting our taxes raised” etc etc…

However, he did bring up the income redistribution thing with her, but what did he think she was going to say? “Oh, you know what, Bill? Maybe you’re right! Hey! I been wrong all these years and now I’ll change my colors!” or “Wow! You really socked it to me there, O’Reilly I wasn’t expecting the socialism angle.”


But that could just be me. Maybe I just didn’t like seeing Hillary so comfortable in that interview. I’ll admit that, heh heh…

But the best part of the interview was not anything actually said in the interview, but the fact that Hillary did the interview.

I’ll let O’Reilly and Miller Explain…

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5 Responses

  1. Chris, St. Petersburg

    I’ve seen Ann Coulter and O’Reilly, you’re no Ann Coulter.

    He was positively chummy and economically naive. Comfortable bombasts like him are a pushover for a well-oiled Clinton.

  2. Bob USMC

    Anything to piss off the,, Kos and DU spineless pussy dingbats. :mrgreen: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer:

  3. Goodbye Natalie

    O’Reilly takes on a lot of good issues nobody else on TV seems willing to do: activist judges, ambulance chasing attornies, Tiller the baby killer, exposes the loons, and other notable issues like that and I respect him for it. But I have never found him terribly bright. From theology to economics, I usually find him a complete dunce. Laura Ingraham is far more effective and much brighter. She does a better job on his show than O’Reilly. Case in point tonight:

    Hillary and Obama want to establish a “windfall profit’s tax” on big oil with some nebulous threshhold. Complete

    They do that and I will tell you what Big Oil (I was one in a former life) will do. They’ll simply allocate capital elsewhere until another day. The consequence? Supply will decrease, prices possibly could increase, and the American public will be left holding their collective dick (males only) with a bill in their hand. Oil execs are not crooks like the American public has been left to believe. They may be amoral but they are certainly not stupid.

    There is one consequence though that I guarantee you will happen. Not only will people possibly be paying more for gas, they’ll be waiting in line to get it.

    Channeling Jimmah Carter and Gerald Ford…

  4. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    i’ve had little respect for O’Reilly for a long time now. he’s arrogant, ill-informed and frankly, shallow. he does precious little research on topics, he won’t actually debate and mostly pontificates. he used to be good and stand for something. now he’s just caught-up with his own persona. umm, what do they call that, oh yeah, egoism.

  5. Typical White Texas Mom

    Dennis Miller was the best part of the entire show . . . .

    He was “w”right - O’reilly should had taken held her fat feet to the fire on Anwar, etc.

    I agree with Goodbye Natalie . . . when she said “windfall profit tax”, Bill should have screamed AND THEN WHAT - IT GETS PASSED BACK ONTO THE CONSUMER!

    I also agree with Goodbye . . . people will be waiting in line. These people keep talking about Americans cutting back - what the Hell - we are driving to work and home - how the Hell can we cut back on that. Americans will stand in line, indeed.

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