Troubling Trend: Texas Girl Has Sex With 10 Boys At Trendy Teen Party

April 2nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

“..not isolated…they see this over and over…..” Girl: “I would give anything for things to be the same again. They’re not. Ever.”

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5 Responses

  1. Typical White Texas Mom

    I have a 15 year old daughter and I know a lot of young people . . . I don’t know these young people. Am I living in some alternative universe?

    The thing is . . . I am THAT MOM - The one who is in everybodies business - embarrasses my daughter terribly . . . but I am the one who would kick your ass if I found out you got even close to he dark side.

    I have a sort of “adopted daughter” - lives in “foster care” but hangs out at my house when she needs a real family . . . and she has become the closest to the dark side of all the kids I know and love - and I am on her now like ticks on a coon dog. And for all her escapades, she says that disappointing me is not worth it and I remind her daily how it is not worth it.

    What kind of world do kids live in where they don’t have adults in their business?

  2. Steve in NC

    So did her parents ever discuss morality with her? Talk about what is right and wrong? About dealing with peer pressure?

    Maybe they just let MTV raise her.


    I do think there is a growing part of society that is made up of essentially wild humans, like those 3rd graders planning a lynching, street gangs, and more.

    I know I have to keep my younger children aware of and away from such lost souls.

  3. David Ross

    Way to go Texas Mom. My daughter is 9, but I’m already prepping for what’s to come. I told her that once she is old enough for dating I will appear everywhere she goes without warning.

  4. TedB

    My job used to require lots of travel overseas and in the US. I got a transfer to the home office just so I could be with my children and of course Mrs.Ted. It is a pay cut, but raising my children is job #1 and my presence is needed. Mom can’t do it all alone. Keeping them on the straight and narrow, and most importantly explaining WHY they need to be that way is producing intended results.

  5. Roscoe

    A new trend? Hardly. Oozy, juicy, this-is-disgusting-show-me-some-more “news” from yet another SuperActionNewsSquadAtFive “reporter,” designed to keep us appalled/titillated and ignorant of the swelling economic tsunami that will make 9/11 look like a 7-11 Big Gulp? For sure.

    Way back in the early 70s, when I was a middle schooler, there were girls who pulled the train. In fact, I ran into one of them, recently, at my high-school reunion (I’ll call her Bambi). She’s married to a pretty well-to-do gentleman, has some cute kids, and, of course, has found Jesus. Girls have been doing this longer than anyone wants to admit. Often, it’s not the end of the world, as Bambi has proven.

    When her husband asked me if his wife and I were friends in school, I just grinned and said, “We had lots of friends in common.”

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