Video: Ain’t So Tough Now - Cheerleader Beating Delinquents Arraigned

April 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


So all of the little toughies have been charged as adults, and were paraded before the judge today. They weren’t looking or sounding as tough as they did here.

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25 Responses

  1. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Make sure somebody tapes them crying themselves to sleep in their cells so they can’t try to come off all old head and shit.

  2. NickD

    HAHA….little bastards getting what they deserve. Better find yourselves some damned good lawyers - that tape is gonna be tough to dispute.

  3. echofivekilo

    maybe this will send a message to today’s youth.. “Stop fucking around!!!!”

  4. ssgduke54

    Not so tough now are you PUNKS?!! You have ruin your life and when you do go to jail MS. Bubba will make sure you will behaved! God I hope the jury will find them guilty and get the max amount of punishment the law can give.

  5. Mark Tanberg

    If this could happen with every court case without the pressure from the public to have justice served.
    This group was obviously not high rent so making bond will
    probably be tough for some of them, giving them a real taste of the authority of the state.

  6. Leatherneck

    Ouch. They’re about to be frozen like Han Solo & sent to Jabba the Hutt with no Luke Skywalker to save ‘em.

    The Force is not with them….

  7. Marc Stockwell-Moniz


  8. JayMS

    I don’t think those shitbags are laughing about it now. I read somewhere that they are looking to charge a few of them with attempted murder.

    I guess the part that saddens me the most is that this is probably the first time in their whole entire lives they have ever had to face the consequences of their actions. What a helluva way to start.


    not to be to racist but thank god they got charged as adults! if this were a black kid he or she would have gotten charged as adults no question its just how it is. my uncles a lawyer lol i see it everyday

  10. luke37

    :twisted: Get ready Kiddies, the Booty Bandit is coming!!!!

  11. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    What a grand way of making your parents proud of you..

  12. Marked Right

    The schools should be showing this arraignment in classrooms. This is the real life version of the “Inconvenient Truth”.

  13. cb10

    Send their skanky little asses out here to sheriff Joe, for a summer they would never forget. “Summer at camp Maricopa”—-

  14. SOC

    If the local judiciary lets these punks worm out of or softens their punishment, they will be sending a clear message stronger than ever that will say,”It is OK to do what you want, Mommy and Daddy will get you out of it. Prison will teach each one of these mis-guided youths the meaning of “Tough”.

  15. RememberOurFathers

    These fucking little pukes need a good ole fashioned Sri Lankan caneing. A couple good whacks and a few years in jail should straighten them right out.

  16. RememberOurFathers

    :arrow: Luke37
    “…booty bandit…” HAHAHAHAHAHA, indeed.

  17. cb10

    Be nice if they could attend our shreiff Joes “camp Maricopa” out here in AZ this summer.

    Theres tent camping, diet food, togetherness group hiking, nice pink underwear, large black and white two piece suits, and classes on attitude adjustment.
    All that for 30 cents a day–whatta country.

  18. brian

    Tie them up in a burlap sack and suspend them a few feet off the ground.
    then cane them till your arm gets tired, or till the bag stops squirming.

  19. franchie

    Brian, that’s whatour elders used to make with pussies :lol:

  20. Vehement

    If these little fuckers were my kids, I leave their asses in jail.
    I wonder if anyone will come to their aid like with Jena Six. This is about as bad, or just as bad, as what they did, and I believe I heard,”Kidnapping in the first degree, punishable by life.” That was too much for 6 black kids, but I bet it suits eight white kids just fine.

  21. Jeanet

    Charge the parents as well.

    What ever happened to “rais a child”?

    If I had a daughter or a son who did this, I would question myself for the rest of my life:”Where did I go wrong?”, feeling for more then 80% responsable of the monster I’d created.

    Raising children is not like bringing up a puppy!!!!(For the same matter: some people are not even responsible/clever enough to manage that in a proper way.)

  22. Gary in Midwest

    Consequences. Possibly their first experience with it. Lessons with consequences from an early age might have prevented this. The victim will have to live with this as long as the perpetrators. That is the worse part.
    I would guess that it doesn’t seem like a rap video or tv show at this point to these young hellions. The inability to change the channel or turn it off becomes a harsh reality the first time you wake up behind bars. That is the feeling you’ve earned through your attitudes and ideas of self entertainment. Enjoy your experience… will never forget it!

  23. Kevin M

    Two years ago I was talking with a young guy (around 22) who came from South Boston…yes, he was Irish. The conversation addressed what we thought brought on the Columbine shooting. He was rather adamant about his views.

    “It’s the fucking bullying, dude. You’re in your late 40s, so I have no clue what high school was like for you, but today, the amount of bullying that goes on would blow your mind. The schools do nothing about it because all the parents have lawyers that would sue the teachers and principals right off the planet.”

    The more I think about what he said and what I see in the news these days, the more I am convinced that he is probably right. What can a school do to prevent predatory teens from terrorizing weaker kids? In NJ a kid can have ANY adult put into jail by calling an 800-number (DIFUS) and saying he/she was making a threatening gesture. You’re in jail before any investigation takes place. It’s totally crazy, and the wrong people exploit it.

    So who is in control of the schools?

    THE GODDAMNED LAWYERS AND LIBERAL POLICYMAKERS, who all send their own kids to private schools.

    This shit will continue until the adults are put back in control of the schools.

    And I think they should videotape these kids crying themselves to sleep in jail and put it on YouTube!

    You like to humiliate people? HERE’S YOUR FUCKING HUMILIATION!

  24. PhilNBlanx

    Concur Jeanet. I saw that Greta segment. The granny of the girl who kind of organized the deal seemed really shook up about things. On the other hand, the mother (term used loosely) took Greta on a tour of the house in full defense-of-her-daughter mode. For instance - she showed Greta the wall that the victim’s head hit that caused the concussion and said (paraphrasing); See…no damage to the wall, no marks or anything. Sickening but not surprising. This creature didn’t turn out the way she did by proper parenting.
    Not sure about the other kids. Hanging with the wrong crowd? Maybe the boys had the hots? Who knows? But if I was the judge I would sure throw the book at the one girl and give her mother an earful…not that it would do any good.

  25. daisy

    I thought it was funny that little ass boy looked hella scared and looked like he was about to cry…I think he knows his asshole is going to be 5 times bigger than his mouth. As for the other boy who was acting like it was nothing…. He is going to get his ass eaten up… Big boys in jail like little fresh meat… The ones who think they are the shit…. As for all the thirsty tricks… those dumb ass bitches, they are nothing and they just proved to the world that they are nothing!! For MERCEDES MOM… YOU DUMB ASS BITCH LET ME BEAT YOUR ASS FOR TALKING SHIT ON TV… “IF YOU CAN’T BACK UP WHAT YOU SAY DON’T SAY NOTHING” BITCH LET ME GIVE YOU A CALI BEATIN BITCH, EAST OAKLAND BEATING.

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