Video: Despicable Puke Bill Maher Has No Balls - Actual Footage
Bill O’Reilly’s take on the story we brought you a little earlier on this puke Maher.
Maher is a pussy who has no balls. Nor does anybody else who attacks Christians. And the mainstream media, by its silence and refusal to condemn Maher for his comments, are just as guilty as being pussified anti-Christians. Like cowardly bullies, they will only pick on those they know will not fight back.
As O’Reilly says here, “It’s open season on Christians.”
I guaran-fukn-tee you, if it was an Imam or Mullah, or Rabbi, or some other religious leader other than a Christian, and Maher said what he said, the MSM would crucify him. And even that crucifiction would pale in comparison to the one Jesus went through for even Bill Maher…
Watch the little weasel-dicked faggot, here.
Wow, lotta expletives there…oh well, fuck it. I am not now, nor have I ever been…mainstream.
Hey I’m not mainstream either Bash, I’m a Christian not a floor mat
Remember we have already won!
April 15th, 2008 at 5:10 pmIsn’t Maher Jewish???
April 15th, 2008 at 5:16 pmHe’s a human disease …
April 15th, 2008 at 5:46 pmLet me be clear about this:
Maher is and always was a nutless sleazebag who, like Jerry Springer, reaches to the very bottom of the barrell to find his jokes. He has long known that in today’s society, the more vile and outrageous you are, the more “hip” and “edgy” you are perceived to be. And O’Reilly is correct: It is open season on Christianity in the US. The only two positive things I can say about Maher is (1) he had the nominal intelligence to reject trutherism, which most of his Hollywood cronies have embraced, and (2) one day he will disappear.
Now, in no way has the past behavior of the Catholic Church in the matter of sexual misconduct with minors justified Maher’s vile remarks; however, the truth behind the Church’s scandals makes the Catholic Church and its leaders a likely target for remarks such as Maher’s. As someone who was raised a Catholic, I have always been appalled at the manner in which the Church handled (actually, didn’t handle) the offending priests’ behavior. When Tylenol was found to have been tampered with, its parent company came clean to the public immediately and decisively, and it rebounded with the deserved faith of the public. Not so the Church. Rather than roust the minority of priests who were at fault, they played three card monte and hoped the problem would go away.
Well hope in one hand and crap in the other. See which piles up first.
The Church should have booted the lot of them out and handed them over to the authorities. Recently, the California Archdiocese paid out $65 million in a class action suit to the families of abused children, victims of pedo-priests. I suspect the money came from people who desired to help the poor, etc, not to bail out some pervert who should be serving hard time.
When you behave like that, you lose the faith of your followers.
Hopefully, Benedict will deal with future offenders in a manner befitting their appalling behavior. This will restore the Church in the eyes of those people, like me, who were brought up in the Church to believe that there is a line between right and wrong…and that line is never to be crossed.
Maher is a vile pig. But this whole “We will forgive anything as long as there is contrition” bullshit is a mentality for liberals.
What goes around comes around.
No offense.
April 15th, 2008 at 5:50 pmWhat does it matter. Its not like he made the decision to be, if he is. The guy is as useful as having an ass***e in your elbow..
April 15th, 2008 at 5:51 pmKevin M.
April 15th, 2008 at 6:07 pmWell said. Thank you. I am glad the current Pope is addressing the pedo-priest problem. If there was one knock that I believe is legitimate and should be brought up concerning the former Pope John Paul 2 was that he was part of the problem. He dropped the ball on this big time and it was late in his Popedom. I freak whenever I hear somebody talk about the former Pope as someone who should be a saint. Well, saints would have attempted to protect children. He didn’t. I guess he must have been senile. This Pope is a least trying and hopefully he will get it right or at least try to to get it right concerning the kids.
I appreciate the sentiment. I have fond memories of the late Mgr. Fitzpatrick (of my old Church) who was the embodiment of a church leader and a kind and great man. When I think of priests engaging in statutory rape, it enrages me that people like Fitzpatrick are grouped together with them.
You have to police your own or you will be policed by others. Regrettably, Maher stepped up to the plate. The Church deserves better.
April 15th, 2008 at 6:14 pmThrow all the mud you want Bill, after all you keep painting yourself as someone who ‘evolved’ from it. However, until you are able to blow life into it you’ll get zero respect out of me.
April 15th, 2008 at 6:23 pmJust when you think Bill Maher can’t get any lower…he goes and gets lower. What a jackass.
April 15th, 2008 at 6:40 pmMaher is an atheist and egocentric to boot. He attacks all religions and those who have beliefs in anything except liberalism. I give a shit what he thinks. BUT… honestly, the whole naughty priest thing needs dealt with. It’s much more vile to me than a douche with a shitty TV show.
April 15th, 2008 at 6:45 pmOne of the most striking and unforgetable pictures of 9-11-01 is this one:
Father Mychal Judge was NOT a “perfect” man of the cloth, as we would like to romanticize “priests” to be.
He had his own ‘demons’ and personal ‘identity’.
But by his DEEDS did we know him.
April 15th, 2008 at 6:50 pmI’ll let the Lord deal with the Bill Maher, Christopher Hitchen types. Let them mock…I say yell a little louder Bill. That will make the victory for me all the more sweeter.
However, as someone married to a Catholic with children raised Catholic, I am sicked by the pedophile priest thing. What sickens me more is the vast number of priests and parishoners are part of a very large community that makes America the greatest place on earth. I don’t buy a few bad apples have ruined the entire barrel and it is grossly unfair to cast blame in the way the media portrays it.
As a Protestant my admiration for the Catholic community continues to grow by the day.
April 15th, 2008 at 6:59 pm“they persecuted me , they will also persecute you” unlike in islam christians can handle this kind of stuff, because our lord has suffered much worse. God is not mocked, in the end!
April 15th, 2008 at 7:02 pmI volunteer to fuck him up
April 16th, 2008 at 12:24 amMy beef isn’t with what he said or that he got away with it. My problem is, as was pointed out, that had it been said about any other religion he would have been publicly castrated. The issue, for me, isn’t even that there are enough people still watching his show to keep up the ratings. The issue is, that no matter what kind of ratings another show gets, if it talks shit about anything other than straight, white, male Christians, it is immediately condemned and pull off the air. Like with Don Imus.
April 16th, 2008 at 3:05 amIt’s bullshit, where’s the freedom of speech? If you don’t like it, don’t fuckin’ watch!
This goes for Christians, Muslims, Jews, Black, White, Yellow, Brown, Red.
I don’t believe there should be any retaliation for Mahers comments or any comment about anyone else, by anyone, except by his viewers who may or may not decide to continue watching his show.
Luke37 - Can’t my friend, me is already there. He is totally f’ed up already. He is not worth the slime off an eel - a low grade ORC.
April 16th, 2008 at 3:45 amI didn’t watch the video; why anger myself? I was an altar boy, went to Catholic school from 4th grade thru high school, was never molested, never had anything trip my “gaydar”. It’s so true that a few bad apples spoil the barrel, and it is also true that in the Church’s attempt to keep it’s face it ended up cutting off it’s nose, but it does not give Maher and his ilk the right to indict the rest and totally dismiss the Church’s message. This is how the faithless justify themselves, not to you and me, but to themselves. Pathetic.
April 16th, 2008 at 4:48 amVehement,
Sorry, but I can’t sit here and let your post go by without responding to it. If I am understanding your tone and belief system, it seems to be fairly cynical and have a strong defense of relativism. There are absolutes in this world even though many deny there are. To those who say there are no such things as “absolutes” I ask you, are you ABSOLUTELY sure? That’s why we knock off terrorists as often as possible. They’re basic DNA is WRONG. I can’t take “F***k em’ If you don’t like ‘em, ignore ‘em” attitude you present. I know you aren’t saying THAT, but it is the logical end of that attitude. No, KILL them because they are murderously WRONG and thereby we protect our society and freedoms by taking them out. I know you don’t disagree with that.
Some things are wrong and yes, we believe in freedom but just letting people spew crap out of their mouths uncontested and insult other’s beliefs isn’t exercising “freedom.” That’s anarchy and just plain irresponsible. I may be wrong, but I suspect you also don’t have children. If you did, your cavalier attitude about what should be flippantly accepted as spoken opinion in society for any and all to hear would change in a heart beat.
Freedom of Speech is one thing, vulgarity any time any place and insulting everyone and anyone anytime, anywhere is not a place I want to live. Whatever happened to defending the truth? Why is not a Christian nation worth preserving? Why are not Christian principles worth defending? That’s what we as an American nation were founded upon. The liberal attitude we are allowing to infuse our society is the problem and it spawns death on all levels. It is wrong.
Your advice seems to be “…screw it ALL and anything goes. If you can’t hack it, tough crap for you.” That, my friend is another slippery slope to beware of. There has to be lines drawn somewhere. That’s why God presented Moses (and us) the 10 Commandments. They aren’t the “10 ideas I really wish y’all would hopefully, maybe consider if they aren’t too much of a bother.” They are marching ORDERS.
Read ‘em and see in this case, if Maher’s garbage stacks up. Can we stop him, no. Should we be able to stop him, no again. He IS free to say what he wants but I will speak up against him and not let his garbage get a free pass. He’s wrong.
April 16th, 2008 at 6:12 amTJ(the kafir)
“they persecuted me , they will also persecute you” unlike in islam christians can handle this kind of stuff, because our Lord has suffered much worse. God is not mocked, in the end!
I couldn’t have said it better…
April 16th, 2008 at 7:01 amMaher and his type have always mocked what they don’t believe. It’s not so much the Pope as it’s G-d. If they can disprove the existance of a god of any kind then it’s easier to justify thier position in this world. They mock and ridicule the belief in an almighty G-d (that will hold them accountable). They are so bound to thier perversions and lusts that they have no choice.
As a kid I did lots of things I shouldn’t have and I could always find so way to justify my behavior. The whole time I knew I was wrong, eventually the foundation of faith that my parents instilled in my took hold and I recovered. Maher and his ilk never got that foundation so they’ve developed thier own belif system , one that elevates the creation over the creator. The religeon of ” man as the supreme being ” neccesatates the ridicule of someone elses belief that there’s accountbility to G-d almighty.
On Judgemnt Day there will be a bunch of people standing before G-d saying the they were just kidding, and I’ll bet G-d replies ” I’m not “!!!
I pray I’m not one of them.
April 16th, 2008 at 7:09 amblastdad( typical white patriot)
Disproving the existence of God is precisely what the theology of evolution is all about. That’s why I rail against it as I do when it comes up here. And to suggest that God used evolutionary processes is nothing more than intellectual acquiescence and gives a mutually exclusive ideology a foothold. Bottom line is evolution elevates man to godhood, and advances the idea that some men are more equal than others, thusly justifying marxist and nazi atrocities. In their minds killing people that were not at the same advanced level as them. Playing out the logical ends of atheistic belief system.
Maher is a God hater and would outlaw and persecute Christians if he could.
April 16th, 2008 at 7:51 amBill Maher uses pedophilia as a subject for jokes. And that pedophiles are to be used as comedic entertainment. To use such evil behavior for “laughs” shows a serious impairment of judgment. If his judgment is that twisted wouldn’t that affect his personal behavior equally so? If he believes, by his own usage, pedophilia is so funny and to be treated so “lightly”, maybe someone should be investigating the type of “relationships” Bill Maher prefers.
April 16th, 2008 at 7:51 amAnd yes, a time will come for Bill Maher along with Mohammad and all of humanity to bend it’s knees and confess, “Jesus Christ is truly Lord”.
Professor Bill
“Maher is a God hater and would outlaw and persecute Christians if he could.”
Exactly my rant on threads on other sites, plus the religeon of man says that man makes the rules so any thing goes . Seeking rewards of the flesh is better than rewards of the spirit. Physical rewards are immediate , those that G-d gives to the spirit require a little more effort, dedication and consideration of others. You must dedicate youself to Him, humanist will have none of that!!!
Christ came as a servant of G-d not only as His son. He came to fulfill the promise of redemption, which was not an easy thing to do. I doubt if I’d have been capable of being scourged and nailed to a cross without losing faith.
Maher and the humanist crowd serve no one but themselves, May G-d have mercy on thier souls and I pray they find the savior before it’s to late.
April 16th, 2008 at 8:17 amYep, I’ve wondered why he seems so singularly focused on that. Is he trying to justify to himself the lack of faith, or revealing a sordid side of himself and his desires?
April 16th, 2008 at 8:18 amJJIrons
“There are absolutes in this world even though many deny there are. To those who say there are no such things as “absolutes” I ask you, are you ABSOLUTELY sure?”
I have no idea what you’re talking about or where this is coming from.
“That’s why we knock off terrorists as often as possible. They’re basic DNA is WRONG.”
Great, good for us, seriously. But while Bill Maher may be a puke, he’s hardly a terrorist.
“I can’t take “F***k em’ If you don’t like ‘em, ignore ‘em” attitude you present”
Then don’t, that’s your right.
“I know you aren’t saying THAT, but it is the logical end of that attitude.”
That depends on the circumstances. With Maher, yes. With Osama, Hussein, etc. no.
“No, KILL them because they are murderously WRONG and thereby we protect our society and freedoms by taking them out. I know you don’t disagree with that.”
Hell no.
“Some things are wrong and yes, we believe in freedom but just letting people spew crap out of their mouths uncontested and insult other’s beliefs isn’t exercising “freedom.”
Contest, but if I want to hear something you think is crap, I should have that right no matter how stupid it is.
“That’s anarchy and just plain irresponsible.”
What Maher did was hardly anarchy. Bad taste, yes. Anarchy, no.
“I may be wrong, but I suspect you also don’t have children.”
I have 2.
“If you did, your cavalier attitude about what should be flippantly accepted as spoken opinion in society for any and all to hear would change in a heart beat.”
It wasn’t for any and all, unless one is irresponsible and doesn’t monitor their childs viewing habits.
“Freedom of Speech is one thing, vulgarity any time any place and insulting everyone and anyone anytime, anywhere is not a place I want to live.”
This wasn’t any time any place, it was HBO. Do you let your child watch most things on HBO? I don’t even have HBO.
“Whatever happened to defending the truth?”
Is it not true that the Catholic church covered up heinous crimes against children? Should the institution not be shamed for that?
“Why is not a Christian nation worth preserving? Why are not Christian principles worth defending?”
Did I say that? Besides, are you principles so weak that you feel you have to come to their defense? To protect them from Bill Maher? If they are strong your principles will stand on their own and speak for themselves.
“That’s what we as an American nation were founded upon. The liberal attitude we are allowing to infuse our society is the problem and it spawns death on all levels. It is wrong.”
I agree, but liberals have the freedom to be wrong.
“Your advice seems to be “…screw it ALL and anything goes.”
No, my advice is,”Shutup and quit whining. You don’t have the ‘right’ not to be insulted.”
You don’t even have the right to happiness. You have the right to pursue it, but you being unhappy is not a violation of your rights, unless I am somehow preventing you from pursuing it. Which Bill Maher isn’t.
” There has to be lines drawn somewhere.”
Yes, and if Maher had said,”Kill all Catholics they are pedophiles and scum” and actually insited violence against them, that would be crossing the line.
“They aren’t the “10 ideas I really wish y’all would hopefully, maybe consider if they aren’t too much of a bother.” They are marching ORDERS.”
OK, is “Thou shall not be an obnoxious asshole who insults the Pope” on of them?
“Can we stop him, no. Should we be able to stop him, no again. He IS free to say what he wants…”
“…but I will speak up against him and not let his garbage get a free pass. He’s wrong.”
As is your right. Speak out. All I meant is I don’t think he and his show should be shut down simply because some people don’t like what he says. I didn’t mean don’t retaliate in the sense that you shouldn’t say your peace. I just meant that he should be allowed to carry on like a jackass all he wants. By all means, tell him he’s a jackass, show others he’s wrong, but don’t infringe on his right to be.
April 16th, 2008 at 9:04 amMaher’s one of the many reasons why I canceled HBO some time ago. I suggest others do the same to give HBO a signal.
April 16th, 2008 at 10:00 amVehement,
I will NOT shut up or quit :whining” as you call it. THAT is precisely the loser attitude I will not accept. If you do, that’s YOUR choice. Go for it and enjoy the results.
April 16th, 2008 at 11:22 am[…] calling Pope Benedict a Nazi and calling Catholicism a “cult” that promotes “organized pedophilia, I award Bill Maher the […]
April 16th, 2008 at 12:34 pm