Video: Hillary Discusses Being Pinned Down By Snipers With Leno

April 3rd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.



by Craig Gordon

It’s a well-worn presidential campaign custom by now — go on a late-night talk-show and joke about something bad happening in your campaign, to show you can laugh at yourself and try to convert the problem into a punch-line.

So based on that formula, what did Hillary Clinton joke about on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night?

Sniper fire, of course.

According to the AP, Clinton told Leno she almost didn’t make it to his studio. “It is so great to be here, I was so worried I wasn’t going to make it. I was pinned down by sniper fire,” Clinton said — referring to her earlier claims that she had dodged sniper bullets once while flying into Bosnia as first lady. Clinton later had to admit she “misspoke” when video surfaced of a very un-sniper-fire sort of arrival ceremony on the tarmac that day.

“This has been such a mismatch of words and action,” Clinton said. “Obviously I’ve been so privileged to represent our country in more than 80 other countries, lots of war zones. I wrote about it in my book and obviously had a lapse. But here I am, safe and sound.”

Also included was a gentle Leno jab at Clinton’s two 3 a.m. and the phone is ringing at the White House ads. “Answering the phone at 3:00, that’s gotta be tough,” he joked.

“It happens every single night. Someone calls up and they have something to say. You’ve got to stop calling me,” Clinton told Leno. She also talked of her family, saying she’s proud of her daughter, Chelsea, and tsk-tsking hubby Bill because “he does get a little carried away sometimes” on the campaign trail. Many Democrats would agree.

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5 Responses

  1. mike3481

    Sen. Clinton, next time your in front a microphone and or camera, you might want to start with an apology for disparaging the U.S. Military that kept you safe, sound and NOT exposing you to any DANGER what so ever during your trip to the Balkans:!:

    Yes, Hillary, I know that’s never going to happen.


    I think that light at the end of the tunnel you see is the “Long Black Train” that’s going to end your families political future…either in August or November 2008 :mrgreen: :beer:

  2. stevek100

    Hillary keeps the same plastic front up all the time with her entitlement to the throne attitude. When she makes a mistake or tells a flat out lie, she expects everyone to just brush it off and ignore it, or lets her spokespeople cover for her in a nonstop state of damage control.

    She thinks everyone should fully accept her and trust her, when she gives not one reason to do so. The only quality she’s shown is tenacity, and that at the expense of truth.

    Her petty Bosnia lie should never even have happened. By trying to joke it away only makes it worse.

  3. el Vaquero

    Is it time for an expose’ on Ron Brown’s fine adventure to Bosnia. The trip where he got the 45 caliber hole in da’ head? Was Ron the recipient of a sniper’s bullet meant for Hilldog? If Leno had any ballz he would of poped that funny question to this bag o lies Hilldog!

  4. Mike Mose

    She is beyond stupid and yet, the Dem best candidate.

  5. Tom in CO

    Gonna love watching her lose :mrgreen:

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