Video: Hussein Calls For “Diplomatic Thurge” With Iran

April 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Shut your homo fuckin’ weak-ass mouth, you fucknut. Why is weakness the great ideal of the Left? And what is this bullshit of him claiming to have a mind?

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19 Responses

  1. Tom in CO

    Pre-9/11 mentality my ass. This guy has a pre-Hitler mentality. Appeasement does NOTHING.

  2. Laura (are Jews white?)

    What the f*ck is the US going to talk to Iran about? What Iran wants to stop supporting insurgents in Iraq? This man is dangerously, frighteningly naive.

  3. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Miracle Max was a “theurgist”, maybe thats what he meant.

  4. Kevin M

    You let Iran have a say in matters, you’ll have no Iraq and an Iran twice its original size.

    This is a poseur clowning for the camera in his bid to sit in the White House without having to hold a broom in his hand. Nothing more.

    When it comes time to cast your vote, most Americans will realize he is nothing but a salve for liberal white guilt.

    Ann Coulter skewered him in her latest column. His latest book is nothing but black angst and anger vendted without shame. His pastor is a racist, and so is he.

    “…truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man’s son may, but at the length truth will out.”


    Who’s the Nazi next to him?

    He’s A Dangerous man!! :evil:

  6. Tusk

    Nelson looks like he’s in in LUV ! :oops:

  7. 007

    :arrow: Pat:

    As I watch these Leaning Left Video’s of Osamma sorry Obamma. I need another drink!

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Osama Bin Lying is a white-flag waving quisling. He’s as much a coward as Neville Chamberlain was. This POS is no American…he’s a weasel in disguise. Every time I hear him on the Tube, I want to shoot my TV. Damn this punk to hell.

  9. Vehement

    I’m sorry, Senator, what the fuck is your question?

  10. JayMS

    Just curious…

    Exactly what type of conversation are we supposed to have with Iran? One where we beg them to stop their nuclear program and they either jerk us off or tell us to get stuffed? One where we offer them concessions in exchange for promises they have no intention of keeping?

    I just love how Hussein takes this opportunity to state HIS view of the situation in Iraq. I could care less what this assclown thinks. He isn’t worthy to like the dog crap from Petraeus’s boots.

  11. PhilNBlanx

    After today’s shameful display of ingratitude by the Dems, I can’t begin to imagine how eager Gen Petraeus is to get back to the more generally American friendly/respectful company of the Iraqi leaders.
    At the least, in Iraq you can return fire on those that wish to do you harm.

  12. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :???: Yes, what exactly is it; and how is it, that you, Mr. O’Bambam, are going to say and make the towel-headed bed-sheeters see the light and not build nukes?
    You are kidding yourself and the American public.
    I need a freaking beer. :beer: :beer:

  13. Denghis (ibm al Himar)

    He is just tossing out policy that he thinks the chickenshit appeasers of America want to hear. He is the most ridiculously surreal candidate for the Presidency that I could ever imagine. Why he has any support at all is conceptually unfathomable.
    Mickey-fucking-Mouse has more credibility in my estimation.

  14. Boo Boo

    He reminds me of Neville Chamberlin. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. How can he not see that a a timetable for withdrawal is a timetable for Al Queda to plan their victory party? How can he not see that there’s nothing to talk about with Iran? For gosh sakes, his allies in the CIA and NSA gave him the NIE report that said Iran wasn’t developing nukes. His allies/traitors gave him cover to ignore the Iran nuke development. So, he has nothing to talk to them about. Everything is hunky dorey.

  15. BoomBoom

    I believe Obama needs to provide the US public with a timetable in which he will state only facts, truths, and his real intentions.

  16. mike3481

    Pat said :arrow: And what is this bullshit of him claiming to have a mind?
    Pat, you are so correct about this clown.

    I’m fairly certain that you, me and the rest of the Dollardites (sic?), each of us could write a 60,000 word, 200 page book about the idiocy in the above video alone, much less everything else that’s come forth from that moron’s mouth.

    It’s as if he’s channeling Jimmy Carter for crap sake :shock:

  17. Mike Mose

    You want to talk to Iran. Say this ” you send one more bullet, man, arms in any form to Iraq, the US Air Force will turn your country into a piece of glass. Say the same thing to Syria.

  18. A. S. Wise- VA

    What more could Diplomacy due, than let Iran get stronger? We gave it every chance, but the time has come to bomb the shit outta them.

    Obama is dangerously naive, or worse, the Mecca Candidate.

  19. allahlovesporkchops

    Barry Hussein Osamabama, the “Mecca Candidate”. Thanks to A.S.Wise- VA.

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