Video: Hussein Lies About Stopping Wearing Flag Pin

April 18th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Where’s the flag pin he didn’t stop wearing? Can we have the kid as the first black president instead? He looks much better-suited to the job.

In his own words, when he decided to stop wearing U.S. Flag pins: “I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest. Instead, I’m going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism.” More and More: Terrorists Cheer as Obama’s Flagless Lapel

Where’s the flag pin that he didn’t stop wearing?

Day before yesterday, he was bascially shamed into wearing one when it was given to him by a vet at an event. Last night, he lied, denying he ever decided to stop wearing them:


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10 Responses

  1. hegelbot

    how the hell did a first term senator get the nomination…as an Illinoisan i ask myself this everyday…chrrissttt…the only good that would come from this guy being president is that he would no longer be my senator, but that is hardly a trade off…fuck obama

  2. JJIrons

    O’Blammo, like any true Liberal, hates the America of our forefathers. He despises the military, wants a tighter “global community” that erodes our rights as Americans and in a nutshell wants to redefine and change who we are. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, no doubt about it. He lies, his wife kicks his butt and orders him around, he has mooselimb roots to a fair degree and he would screw up this country as badly as he could. Like any stinkin lib, he’ll do whatever he has to to get into power.

    Now, if we could just get McCain to get the global warming garbage out of his brain. THAT is going to cost us big time if he starts going down that road. He doesn’t talk much about it but he believes it. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  3. David Ross

    :arrow: hegelbot, no offense but didn’t the Daley crime family perfect the corrupt politician and the fixed election? It surprises me not that such an empty suit has risen so rapidly in Chicago. Obama and Rev. Wright are almost single handedly keeping Chicago’s housing market afloat while preaching that their followers abstain from “middleclassness”. Lord help us all!

  4. Denghis (Ibn Al-Himar)

    The simple fact that such a man can even be considered as a viable candidate for the Presidency is a testament to how far some elements in this country have gone away from the fundamental principles upon which this nation was founded.
    It is really hard for me to wrap myself around the concept that there are countrymen of ours who would like to see this ludicrous poser as Commander-in-Chief.

  5. Jarhead68

    :arrow: Dhengis, well-said. My sentiments exactly. I think part of the reason for this is BDS. Two Marxists are running for the nomination because of the hatred that exists for GWB. They think he’s a far-right religious fanatic and it scares the crap out of them. What they miss is that their candidates are far, far left religious fanatics and their religion is socialism. Nanny-state, feel-good-about-myself socialism. Looking for fair outcome rather than fair opportunity. If they win, you can forget about keeping score at sporting events. Might hurt little Billy’s feelings if he realizes he sucks at baseball. :lol:

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    Obamas lies are obvious its like i say, he thinks we are all stupid. He definitely did say he stopped wearing a flag pin. I would also love to know why he wasnt saluting the flag in that picture of all the democrats running for president.

    Its kind of embarassing that Obama could have ever been considered a viable candidate and it really does speak volumes about the current day democrats in this country. Well at least he has Hamas’ blessing.

  7. Kufir Ken

    Well folks, I honestly hope that these things come back up again in the public sphere when he gets the nomination. Sure sounds like he’s going to beat Hillary from what I’ve been reading an hearing.

  8. Goodbye Natalie

    Michell Obama done fell in love,
    She planned to marry ‘MO
    She was so happy ’bout it all,
    She told her Pappy so.

    Pappy told her, ‘Shelly gal,
    You’ll have to find another
    I’d just as soon yo’ Ma don’t know
    But Obama is ‘Yo half brother.’

    So Michelle put aside her ‘Mo
    And planned to marry Slick Bill
    But after telling Pappy this
    He said, ‘There’s trouble still.’

    You can’t marry Slick Bill, my gal,
    And please don’t tell ‘yo mother.
    Put Bill and Obama and several mo’
    I know is yo’ half brother.

    But mama knew and said, ‘My Child,
    Just do what make you happy
    Marry Bill or marry ‘Mo
    You ain’t no kin to Pappy.

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    Obama Bin Lying (again) is trying to be all things to all people. What he really shows me is that he’s just a tad bit better than Hilda in the pathological lying department.

    The real BHO is a member of the racist community that sits in the Wrong Rev Wright’s pews every Sunday.

    I raise my middle finger to you B. Hussein Obama.

  10. Bret

    Roger that Dan. It is truly disgusting to see just how many people are willing to vote for this asshole.
    He is worse than the Hildabeast.

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