Video: Hussein’s Pastor Prints Pro-Hamas Materials

April 3rd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Commentary By NObama08:

Isn’t it ironic that the same people who agree with Wright that “white people are the enemy” and “God damn America” are also the ones calling everyone else racists if you dare be outraged at Obama’s Klan rallies for the past 23 years. Those people calling everyone else racists are just projecting their own inner-feelings on the outside world. Why vote for Obama? (Continued after video)

He is nothing but a xeroxed speech, his associations, his unscripted pronouncements, his anti-American, racist, black supremacist friends speak louder than empty, political words. The fact is that many people are voting Obama because of his skin color, blacks because they want a black man no matter what and whites who want to buy racial reconciliation that way, but ironically since this choice is based upon race, it is RACIST! And Obama has proved by his actions and statements that HE IS A BLACK SUPREMACIST who knows how to bullshit and lie with a smile like no other… do not be fooled and make your choice not based upon the color of his skin but upon the content of his character, loyalty to the USA, qualifications and judgment. Farrakhan and Wright are Obama’s spiritual mentors, advisers and friends… is THAT what America is going to put in the Oval Office, is THAT your kind of change? That’s change for the WAY worse people!! (less)

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2 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    farrakhan and wright infecting BO and my bell michelle and BO and michelle infecting their children. Three generations infected. That’s why I’ve often said that the same dumb crap I heard coming out of the mouths of the grandparents in ‘75 is the same dumb crap I heard coming out of the mouths of the grandchildren in ‘02. muslims are already working on the next generation. Will we nip in in the bud now?

  2. Steve in NC

    These churches are black madrassas infecting this country with hate like the islamic madrassas have around the world.

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