Is Wright Anti-Hussein And Stumping For McCain?

April 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


…or is he a good old profiteer?

…or what?

Bash, here:

I tell you what, aside from the obviously disturbing fact that this guy is getting a heroes welcome wherever he speaks and that these people are cheering him on, it sure does seem to me that he and Hussein have had a falling out, or if he is on Hussein’s side and trying to help, then they are digging themselves a very deep grave to be tossed in after they lose on election day and I’ll tell you why, watch the clip first:

The argument he makes here is an anti-Bush argument. Same old “Bush lied, dodged service, sends other people’s kids to fight and die in an unecessary war” argument. You can’t use this strategy against McCain because:

1. McCain himself, as everybody knows, is a Wartime/POW/Hero and…

2. …he has two sons serving right now, both have either served or still are serving in the Sandbox.

3. …and the reasons for going into Iraq are all moot points now, we are in a completely different situation.

But one more very important thing to consider. You saw/heard it from Hussein this weekend, he is beginning the “politician’s dodge” on pulling troops out of Iraq, Hillary wised up and did that a few months ago. They say things like:

“I will end this war!”

“I will begin withdrawing troops from Iraq!”

…and Hussein said this weekend to Chris Wallace: “I will listen to the Generals and the Joint Chiefs, but ultimately it will be my decision to strategize blah blah blah…”

They say things like this for their constituency, but in reality these are U.S. Senators. They see intelligence reports regularly. They know the state of the Middle East and the volatility that exists there. They know about the dangers to Israel, Europe, American interests in the region, and America that are never expressed to the public.

They see stuff that is classified.

Stuff they don’t show or tell the American Public because if they did there would be widespread panic. If people knew the true state of danger that radical islamic imperialist jihadis pose to America, it’s allies and interests, and the rest of the world, they would be 100% behind keeping our troops in theater and wiping the scum off the earth.

So you can see “President Hussein” saying “I have spoken to the genereals and it appears that we need to redeploy to Afghanistan because of grave danger.”

You really think the CIA and the Joint Chiefs and DHS are going to allow the next President, should it be a hostile liberal Democrat, to put Israel, American Interests in the Middle East, Europe, and America itself at further risk?

No fukn way, Jose. Think long and hard about that.

Also note, Hillary and Hussein talk about getting out of Iraq, and use the keyword “Redeployment” and talk about how we have neglected Afghanistan, because that’s where we’re headed no matter who sits in the Oval Office.

That’s not to say we want Hillary or Hussein in there. No.

You know why, because at the end of the day, when whoever is president sits at that table with the Joint Chiefs, and Petraeus, and Odierno, and all of the intelligence reports, and all of the guys you and I never hear of or know about who serve this country under deep cover and at great peril to their lives every single day the average American sips their fukn coffee and eats their fukn donuts and clicks their fukn mouses (mice? i dunno)…the only thing that really matters is keeping the American people safe and no rational, sane person could call off operations in the Middle East and bring everybody home without putting it all at further risk.

It ain’t gonna happen. And you know what?

More Americans know and understand this than you might think.

So, back to Jeremiah Wrong…what he is doing in this clip is actually a benefit to John McCain, and not Hussein. Match that with this clip and you have a man who is on the warpath against Barack Hussein Obama. Oh yes, that’s right. He said “Barack Hussein Obama” over and over again and you know what? He himself has said “They take sound bites of mine and play them over and over again.”

So he says “Barack Hussein Obama” over and over again, and then says something along the lines of it being Arabic, not islamic, there are Christian Arabs, blah blah blah knowing FULL WELL that many people are going to take the “soundbite” of him saying “Barack Hussein Obama” over and over again knowing FULL WELL that subliminally and subconsciously, this is damaging to Obama, and not a help.

Any fool can understand that if you are in Obama’s camp you want to avoid that whole area of discussion because all it does it brings an average American’s thinking to Middle Eastern culture, and deep down inside, subconsciously and subliminally, because of 9/11 and Iraq, and subsequent events right up to this day, anything having to do with Middle Eastern Culture, Islam, or Arabs (regardless of religious affiliation) creates a negative subconscious atmosphere and when given a choice, Americans will choose safety and security, over some intangible “change” that day by day, as long as the Democratic primaries continue on, seems more and more like the same old political “Two cars in every garage” bullshit.

At the end of the day Americans don’t want another 9/11. We want a safe and secure America.

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7 Responses

  1. Irish Gal

    I’m thinking the great Rev. Wrong is thinking way more about his pocket book than he is about BO’s politically ambitious future. Isn’t capitalism great….

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    I cant believe all the people who stood up and cheered for this lunatic. IMO he doesnt want Obama to win and become President. he is only worrying about himself at this point.

    oh and i especially liked his comment when he said if you criticize his remarks then you are criticizing the whole black church and talking bad about his grandma. I hope hes wrong or that doesnt say much at all for the black community

  3. Pat Hickey

    This self-serving racist crumb is tuning up the media for a road show that will net this opportunist millions.

    Bill Moyers used tax-payers dollars on PBS to shill for the Wright Stuff Freak Show.

  4. Rob

    I think if Obama is in the general election McCain should hire Wrong for his campaign. So far he’s been a HUGE help to McCain and Hillary.

  5. ssgduke54

    Obama will probably beat Hillary but he can kill his chance of beating McCain good bye! This “I hate America/race baiter” is really (pardon my pun) showing his true color! And that color is the color of MONEY! For when you use the race card to justify your actions then in my opinion you are equal or worst then a RACIST

  6. Word-Drum

    Bash, Good to read your extended thoughts. Your point is also bolstered by Wrong’s book, soon to be released. Maybe a million or two from that, and living in a fucking palace…not bad for just talking shit.

  7. Pete

    How is it possible to sit in a pew for 20 years and listen to that crap if you don’t agree with it? I think hussein is the snake in the genesis story and america better not take a bite from that apple if we know whays good for us.

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