Video: John Bolton Rips Dhimmi Carter A New One

April 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


“He is embarassing himself, as well as lending legitimacy to a terrorist organization.” John Bolton elaborates on Carter’s stupid trip as well as the long-term fallout we can expect.

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17 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA

    Bolton for Sec. of State!

  2. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    Send McCain packing and nominate Bolton for Prez. :twisted:

  3. SOC

    Maybe we can hope he puts too many stones in his boat and it sinks.

  4. Reagan T.

    I hope bolton ends up in the administration somewhere. That guy is too damned smart

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Dhimi Carter is an evil man. He cannot tell the difference between a terrorist and a non-terrorist. He calls evil good and good evil. It’s a red flag for anyone with a working moral comapss.

    Carter once claimed to be “born-again”. He has since proven that he is a liar.

    There’s no room in diplomacy for a Jew-hating Dhimi like Carter.

    What is needed is a brilliant guy like Bolton whom we Republicans should draft as our Presidential nominee.

  6. MikeMose

    Hamas President Jammah Carter

  7. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    McCain should appoint Bolton Secretary of State and have him clean out that den of vipers.

    Probably won’t happen, though.

    I actually walked passed him on the street once. I would’ve said, “Give ‘em hell, Ambassador!” or something, but by the time I was sure it was really him it was too late.

    He didn’t have a security detail, either, like most of the parasites in Turtle Bay do.

  8. ssgduke54

    :evil: Jimmy “Peace in our Time (Chamberlain) Carter is showing how history is repeating itself again!. Just like Prime Minister Chamberlain of England sold out the country of Czechoslovakia to Hitler and proclaim loudly to the citizen of England “Peace in our Time”!! A year later Hitler broke his promise and went on a Blitzkrieg through out most of Europe and England was almost nearly destroyed! Now Peanut Farmer Carter wants to replay that role again by selling out Israel for our “Peace in our Time” crap! Now that I think about it another repeat in history is like that hag James Fonda who went over to N. Vietnam and was singing a song to the N. Vietnam solders that were recently shooting down our Pilots and giving moral support to the enemy! And We Did NOTHING ABOUT IT! :gun: :twisted:

  9. TJ (The Kafir)

    I hope that someone oragnizes a massive protest at the carter center calling carter a traitor/nazi terrorist. Should also protest the DNC love fest in denver for endorsing this scumbag. :oops:

  10. Chris, St. Petersburg

    Nobody takes a back seat to disrespecting Carter quite like me, but the Fox guy and Bolton were both mistaken. Carter made a very strong statement regarding the rockets into southern Israel and Sderot and he caught a lot of shit for it. From what I can quickly find, that side of it has been rapidly taken down, but trust me I read it as it happened. Here’s something from immediately after, when Carter’s in Sderot and being made fun of, after he made a statement that was something like, “The rockets being fired into southern Isreal are a War Crime.” Seriously, that’s what he said (or close) and he caught huge shit over it, then it dropped from being easily tracked back:

    Carter is scum, but we shouldn’t be shooting blanks when I promise he made documented protests about the rockets from Hamas. Don’t go off on that jerk for not doing something that he did do; there is so much sludge that is Carter, you don’t need to make something up.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    We don’t make stuff up about Peanut head. The guy is a scumbag of the first order. He lends legitamcy to an org that is dedicated to the destruction of Israel, makes anti-semetic comments in his recent book, let the Iraniac jihad take over Iran, and now wants Israel to give up more territory?

    Carter ain’t president anymore. If he wants to suck jihadi dick, he ought to give up his passport and go live with them.

    Carter can talk all he want. Carter has always been “just words”.

    He’s got all the balls of a impotent bull moose.

  12. mike3481

    Cater thinks this kind of crap is going to give him a respectable legacy…is it any wonder he was a disaster as POTUS :shock:

  13. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    John Bolton would be a great Sec. of State.
    He tells it like it is. He usually has answers and his comments are right on. :beer:

  14. Kurt(the infidel)

    Im just going to mention how disgusting this little adventure by Dhimmi Carter is, and now because of some news fresh off the wire at 1120pm eastern time i am even more disgusted now then ever.

    Hamas fired 7 missiles on friday towards the town of Sderot, same as usual. one started a fire near a school and 2 more hit electricity stations so now those poor people are out of electricity throughout the whole town.

    screw you Carter! stay with your jihadists buddies and i hope you enjoy the blood on your hands by legitimizing this filthy group!

  15. Willys

    And to think, we gave up Gerald Ford for this wet creep.

  16. ssgduke54

    Willys quote:
    And to think, we gave up Gerald Ford for this wet creep

    :oops: Not as bad as what I did! I actually voted for this corrupt sole! I fell very stupid now for voting for that Peanut Farmer! After Carter dismal failure as a President I decided to change my Political Party (Democrat) to be a Independent voter! I have a little warning to the Democrats! If you allowed this Peanut Farmer attend your Convention then your political party is truly corrupted and your chances of have your Presidential candidate in office is out the window for good. Also your Party will truly implode a political party smaller then the so called Green Peace Party! You have been warn Democrats!!!

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