Video: Novak Goes After Hussein On Guns

April 7th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


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6 Responses

  1. sully

    Superobama still ‘pressing the wrong voting button’… :roll:
    pulling the wool over the eyes of the audience response units that faint when he speaks.
    the guy isn’t “post-racial” or “post-partisan”. Every speech he gives is racial and/or partisan.

  2. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    O’bambam wants to take your guns from you. :gun: :gun:

  3. kitkat

    Hussein OB pushes the wrong button so often, he may vote for McCain and say it was a mistake (recount). Those voting for him aren’t any brighter than those stupid bulbs my kids put in my fixtures. (Kids gone, they’re gone). :smile:

    Wish I had money to buy a real :gun: RIP Charlton Heston. My father passed away in Mar(MSgt USAF Ret - 1918-2008) and I kept his NRA hat he loved to wear. No guns in assisted living.

  4. Mark Tanberg

    If we would look to and demand that this supreme court use the founding fathers comments on this and all amendments when applying the law, there would be no issue to discuss.
    Ever since the rule of precedent was used to over rule ORIGINAL INTENT our laws are what ever they choose them to be.

  5. jam

    Typical white question: Can we expect to see the eventual end to these absurd “gun free zones” elsewhere if the Court strikes down the D.C. gun ban?

    If Hussein had anything but air between those Dumbo ears, he would know that the D.C. gun ban is responsible in a big way for the high crime rate there among his half-brothers.

    I don’t think Hussein gives a shit about his half-brothers of either color. I hope people wake up to that fact before there’s a swearing in. Not a pretty picture, is it?

  6. Howie

    The other side of this argument that is consistently pushed by the left is the regulated militia.

    We are told over and over that our state militias are the National Guard, just a few things to think about:
    1. If the __________ (Insert your State here) National Guard is the States militia why are they going over seas to fight a Federal War?
    2. Who trains all of the National Guard Units?
    3. Who supplies all of the National Guard Units?
    4. Who pays the National Guardsmen?
    5. If the National Guard is the States militia why does the Governor of the State have to ask for the National Guard to be deployed?

    The answers to all of these question is the United States Army. That is why it is called the Army National Guard, and they go through Army boot camp, and are deployed to foreign theaters of operations.

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