Video: Over 50 Congressmen In Carter Letter - Get The Hell Out!

April 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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26 Responses

  1. DC

    That muther-fucking peanut-farmer had better never cross my path………. :mad:

  2. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)


    These Carter trips aren’t cheap …

    I want to know who funds these trips of his.

    And I don’t believe he reaches into his own pockets for his wallet/credit card …

  3. Typical White Texas Mom

    Does anyone know where I can find the letter to see if my lazy congressman bothered to sign it?

  4. Mike Mose

    Carter would sell Isreal out in minute and probably already has.

    Carter needs to be put in chains.

  5. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Ditto that for mine in Ohio …

  6. Lock and Load

    Another question:

    Is it true that he has Secret Service protection?

    If so, why should these guys be compelled to protect this jerk on all of his kiss-the-terrorist jaunts, putting their lives in danger? :mad:

    He takes waaaaaaaaay too much advantage of the American taxpayer :evil:

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: Lock and Load

    thats a good question. all former Presidents get secret service protection for life but i would be very curious to find out if they have to join him on his traitorous adventures into no-mans land. I would hope not.

  8. IP727


  9. RWC

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)
    :arrow: Lock and Load

    Yep, the scumbag has USSS protection.

    Israel’s Shin Bet security service, which is overseen by Olmert’s office and normally helps protect visiting dignitaries, has not assisted U.S. Secret Service agents guarding Carter.

  10. brovato

    maybe he’s there to show them murderous bastards how to grow peanuts :shock:

  11. Vanessa

    I cannot imagine that anyone from the unholy state of Ma would sign it but I dont know maybe hell will freeze over.

  12. BradW(the Infidel)

    the bastard, that about says it all, and his mother was actually a nice lady, a patriot. too bad she raised a drunk and a traitor….


    I just wish we could revoke his passport. How sweet would that be?

  14. Vanessa

    well I read Barney Frank from Ma is one of the signers.

  15. Michelle

    What a slime carter is.

  16. Sandy

    Most definately should not be allowed back into the U.S. :mad: He knows exactly what he is doing.

  17. POD1

    Carter is obviously lobbying for a position at the UN.
    Maybe even a cabinet position in AQ’s new world order.

    Under Secretary of Dimmitude.
    Deputy Comptroller on Kafir Affairs.
    Special Envoy to the Department of Western Servitude.

    jimmy’s got the experience and the skills, he’d a good choice for all of these.

  18. SOC

    The most traitorist act I have ever seen by a former President. Shame on you Jimmy Carter. The American publice should rtevoke his retirement for aiding our enemy.

  19. Boo Boo

    Senile old grandpa. Senile or traitorous. Oh, and a bunch of former prominent Dem congressmen and senators, cabinet members sent Nancy Peloski a letter telling her to bring the Colombia Trade deal to a vote. Stupid vile old bag doesn’t know squat about the deal. When I saw the people who had signed the letter, it reminded me that this crew of Dem congress leaders is the worst of the worst–the old crew look like rock stars compared to them.

  20. BT

    This is a continuation of the same bullshit that he began during his tenure as President.

    He has brought shame on himself and his family. Hope he rots. :gun:

  21. 31Mike

    If this isn’t a textbook example of treason and sedition, then what the hell is ?!?!?!?!?

    I just don’t get it.

    The Administration made it very clear to Carter to keep his nose out of the Mideast, but he goes anyway.

    While i was watching the video, i had the same thought as USMC Beans.

    Take his Passport Dammit!!!!!!!

  22. lrs

    Regarding the question of who is paying for his trip, I do not know if they are funding the whole trip, but it is primarily underwritten by Hamas’ USA propaganda machine - CAIR.

  23. Lock and Load

    :arrow: Irs
    Oh that’s just great - he’s being paid by CAIR :evil:

    So our Secret Service teams are being put at risk while Jimmah is a paid employee of CAIR/HAMAS…. I think American leadership has really lost touch with the entire concept of TREASON - if this ain’t it, I don’t know what is :roll:

  24. pete

    Look I hate Jimmy Carter as much as any rational person does.

    But “what if” he was sent there to deliver a message. I did read recently that Bush wants a Palestinian state when he leaves office …

    It’s a far out thought but there is something strange about this whole Carter shenanigans …

  25. Vehement

    :arrow: Drillanwr
    The letter, sponsored by Reps. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., and Shelley Berkeley, D-Nev., and signed by congressional leaders including House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, and veteran representative Barney Frank, D-Mass., lists the 26 Americans who have been killed in terrorist attacks launched by Hamas.,2933,351313,00.html

  26. Vehement

    :arrow: Typical White Texas Mom
    :arrow: Drillanwr

    Below is a copy of the letter with all signatures. It’s from Congressman Mark Kirk’s website at;

    April 15, 2008

    President Carter
    The Carter Center
    One Copenhill
    453 Freedom Parkway
    Atlanta, GA 30307

    Dear President Carter:

    On April 8, 2008, Al-Hayat reported that you were planning to visit Syria to meet with Hamas leader Khaled Meshal.

    The U.S. State Department lists Hamas as a foreign terrorist organization. Hamas terrorists are responsible for the murders of at least 26 American citizens—some of them teenagers, children and infants:

    David Applebaum of Ohio; Nava Applebaum, 20, of Ohio; Alan Beer of Ohio; Marla Bennet of California; Benjamin Blutstein of Pennsylvania; David Boim, 17, of New York; Yael Botwin, 14, of California; Dina Carter of North Carolina; Janis Ruth Coulter of Massachusetts; Sara Duker of New Jersey; Matthew Eisenfeld of Connecticut; Tzvi Goldstein of New York; Judith Greenbaum of New Jersey; David Gritz of Massachusetts; Dina Horowitz of Florida; Rabbi Eli Horowitz of Illinois; Tehilla Nathanson, 3, of New York; Malka Roth, 15, of New York; Mordechai Reinitz of New York; Yitzhak Reinitz, 9, of New York; Leah Stern of New Jersey; Goldie Taubenfeld of New York; Shmuel Taubenfeld, 3 months, of New York; Nachshon Wachsman, 19, of New York; Ira Weinstein of New York; and Yitzhak Weinstock, 19, of California.

    President Carter, do not meet with the man who ordered their deaths.


    Mark Steven Kirk
    Shelley Berkley
    John Boehner
    Roy Blunt
    Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
    Eric Cantor
    Tom Reynolds
    Robert Wexler
    Jim Saxton
    Eliot Engel
    Brad Sherman
    Mike Pence
    Dan Burton
    Barney Frank
    Mark Souder
    David Dreier
    Carolyn Maloney
    Peter King
    Jerrold Nadler
    Sam Johnson
    Thaddeus McCotter
    Michael McNulty
    Gresham Barrett
    John Campbell
    Steven Rothman
    Ron Klein
    Candice Miller
    Peter Roskam
    Anthony Weiner
    Joe Wilson
    Howard Coble
    Vern Buchanan
    Debbie Wasserman Schultz
    Joe Knollenberg
    Jon Porter
    J. Randy Kuhl
    Ted Poe
    Scott Garrett
    Trent Franks
    Jeb Hensarling
    Robin Hayes
    Denny Rehberg
    Marsha Blackburn
    Rodney Frelinghuysen
    Chris Shays
    Frank LoBiondo
    Todd Platts
    John McHugh
    Doug Lamborn
    Donald Manzullo
    Vito Fossella
    Allyson Schwartz
    John Carter
    Jim Gerlach
    John Doolittle

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