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I noticed on Day 1 the Dummycratz kept harping on the 1,000 IA and IP’s that abandoned their posts…but said nothing about the 14,000 that stayed…many of whom fought well.
The real willing suspension of disbelief here is that any Dhimoid on the Hill gives a rats ass about the troops or the good General.
It’s a show trial for GW’s policy in Iraq. Notice how the Dhimoids like Chappaquiddick Teddy read from prepared written texts. You think that old drunken fart cares anything for the troops? Oh hell no.
Also, do my ears decieve me or are the two loser Dhimoid pinhead POTUS candidates now hedging their earlier positions on Iraq?
Further, even Joe Biden is sick and tired of Code Fink…Now there’s a change?
Notice also, the patronizing statements from Dufouscratz kissing Gen Petraeous’ ass prior to excoriating him and Amb Crocker.
As always, Gen Petraeous remains a lion among fools on Capital Hill.
Kudos to him and Amb Crocker and the fine young warriors that they so ably represent. Hoo-rah.
April 9th, 2008 at 4:32 pmDan, I concur and could not have said it better…
April 9th, 2008 at 4:47 pm@ArleighB
April 9th, 2008 at 4:58 pm