Violence At Neo-Nazi Demonstration In D.C.

April 20th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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10 Responses

  1. franchie

    freedom of speeches ? !!!!!

  2. hegelbot

    To the DB at the end of the clip. What is ironic about large crowds coming out to counter-protest neo-nazis? Seems to me to be fairly common place, but i guess he meant his own attendance at the counter protest to be taken ironically.

  3. hegelbot

    creepy page franchie, interesting to see that they consider, the black panthers, Jewish defense league, and drum roll…..anti-immigration to be hate groups.

    The site goes to show these people can’t or won’t distinguish between racism, prejudice, nationalism, supremacist, and segregationist.

    It’s one thing to speak out a against criminal organizations and state discrimination, it is quite another to draw analogies between criminal hate groups and people who simply have different points of view.

    The Minute Men do not equal the KKK.

  4. franchie

    well, I don’t on wich side is situated “Splcenter”, I found the info there :

    from a student in journalism, if you manage french, it says, to sum up, that the “fashist” groups are increasing

    focusing especially on immigration (latin)

  5. Tom in CO

    Yeah, because borders are just there for show :roll:

    These folks are in their own deluded world, but they have the right to assemble as much as those code pink pukes. Plus, they don’t vandalize!

  6. TedB


  7. Mike from the Republic of Texas

    Hey Franchie how would you and your countrymen react to Morrocans not only entering your country illegally but, (here is the part that makes my blood truly boil) claim to have a right to 2/3 of your country because they say so. Completely ignoring any treaties or any other documents and they feel they have the same rights as French Citizens in your country how would you react…

  8. franchie

    Actually, Mike, the Marrocans do not enter illegally in our country, but back people do ;

    and as far as saying that our country or rather Andalucia were Arabs territories, only fool like lybian berberes pretend so.

    Anyway, I am waiting for them with a hammer

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    Sounds like the Neo-Nazis ought to hook up with the Wrong Rev Wright. After all he’s just another racist POS just like the Neo-Nazis are.

    Too bad the rest of the world can’t see the difference between evil and good. Lumping the racists like these tards and the racism of a Jeremiah Wright is just pure common sense.

    Then again libs can’t see the forest for the trees anyways. So its a waste of time trying to show the differences between that which is evil and that which is not.

    Oh well. Every time the Neo-Nazis show up anywhere they are always outnumbered by people who are more than willing to kick their asses.

    It is unfortunate that these POSs don’t bother to read history. Siding with Hitler and his Aryan insanity makes about as much sense as siding with the Islamic Aryan insanity.

    Ah, well, in a free society, once in awhile we have to see this kind of shit. However, the large crowds indicate that while the Nazis can protest, the rest isn’t tolerating them at all.

    Its a double standard. If this crowd were to apply the same logic to the race-baiters like Wright and Farrakan or the Islamo-nazis like CAIR, or the anti-constitutionalist Christian-haters like the ACLU and AU…we’d be rolling as a country right now because dingbats like Hilda and Magic Man would be laughed off the podium.

  10. Vehement

    Another bit of irony, the only 5 people mentioned being arrested were the one against the violent hate monger. Yes, protest violence with violence.

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