Warriors…In Their Own Words

April 19th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Click here to watch this amazing video.

Pure Truth.

Nods to Howie.

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18 Responses

  1. mike3481

    Bash, link to Video ain’t working, it’s just a JPEG.

    Though it’s a great pic.

  2. TBinSTL (just typical)

    My emails have been bouncing back from you guys for over a week now….I know I sent a link to this. I’m really glad somebody got it to you, looks great but I’m only worried it won’t get the attention it deserves.

  3. mike3481

    11:20 PDT, Link Works :wink:

  4. mike3481

    Just watched the video.

    OH MY GOD.

    Dollardites, save the link and think about sending it to all the people you know who…”just don’t get it”.

    PS - as hard as this video hits you, I have a gut feeling that Pat’s YA series on Showtime is going to hit you many times harder.

  5. Max

    I’m so proud of our soldiers. My daughter will be in Iraq by the summer; supposed to be on a base somewhere north of Baghdad. I’m glad that she is serving with the best military force on the face of the earth, bar none.

  6. mindy abraham

    To max-thank her for me. about the video, looks so much more compelling than what is out there. Even the guys who got hurt, they just have a good attitude. Wish I knew them so I could just hug them and say thanks.

  7. jimmy(the bullet)

    god i wish i could hand deliver this video to pelosi,reid,levin and anyone else in our gov’t that shits their pants when a daisy air rifle goes off beside them.god bless all our warriors,past,present and future.

  8. ssgduke54

    The movie Stop Loss can’t hold a candle to this Documentary! Soon my Son will be coming home from Iraq and when he does we are going to sit down and talk soldier to soldier what he did in Iraq. For if I can’t believe what my own Son telling me about Iraq who can I believe?!!

    We few who have suffer many great hardships so the many back home live FREE from Tyranny…..

  9. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    THANK YOU!!!

    Our military men (and women) ARE NOT VICTIMS!!!

    “The more you sweat in peace the less you bleed in war …” Sgt. Tim C. USA, USMC Iraq :beer:

  10. Ang

    what an amazing and powerful video. What amazing and powerful men.

  11. Kampfgruppe Cottrell

    God bless them all.

  12. Sandy

    This will be passed around as much as possible! Outstanding!

    Nobody says it better than them.


  13. Sandy

    WARRIORS… in their own words

    We have always had warriors, from as far back in history as one can go — warriors are timeless.

    Warriors have a moral code and are not simply trained killers (as they are all too frequently portrayed).

    If we did not have warriors, we would undoubtedly be speaking another language, German, Japanese, Chinese, or Russian.

    Warriors are born, they are not created. Certainly they are trained, but to be a warrior is a calling.

    We should be forever grateful to our warriors and to their families who are all so courageous.

    We should honor our warriors. Warriors are NOT, as they are commonly portrayed, victims with no where else to go but the military.

    This project will show people what intelligent, honorable, and brave people we have standing in the way of the free world’s demise.



    :cry: of nothing but gratitude.

  14. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: :smile: Thank you Howie and for all who have served.
    We love you.
    From: “Those Who Get It” (And it ain’t hard to understand.)
    Hoorah! :beer:

  15. Dan (The Infidel)

    S”ome people call 9-1-1 some people are 9-1-1.” Never have I heard truer words. This country continues to produce warriors, because there are a few who realize that freedom isn’t free. Whether they learned that from parents, relatives, or just figured it out on their own…so long as people are willing to step up to the plate, this country will remain the beacon of freedom’s light to the world.

    You can’t break the bonds of such a brotherhood. It spans generations of warriors. These same warriors continue to pass the torch to succeeding generations despite the cowardice of the Pelosis, Medina Benjamins and Jane Fondas of this world.

    Duty, Honor, Country, sacrifice are the hallmarks of the greatness of this country. These men, fly in the face of the Said’s, Chompskys and Zinns of this world. It’s why the libs are trying so hard to destroy the heroes and their heroic sacrifices by rewritting their history and directing their own self-hatred towards them

    The libs can’t relate to self-sacrifice, honor and placing others above self or self interests. It drives them nuts that such men as these continue to rise above these cowards.

    A great man once attended a funeral of a President. In his time he was also a very brave man in many respects. And yet despite his own personal hardships he said of the man “…he is doubly dear to us, and his memory will be precious forever. …”

    That man could be any man in this movie; or any of the US military who has fallen in battle…or anyone who ever served in the US military.

    Hoo-ah to our heroes…past, present and future.

  16. grumpymechanic

    God Bless all of our Warriors!
    Can’t wait to get a copy of the movie.

  17. RP

    Thanks for all the great comments about our film, Warriors…In Their Own Word. I’m the writer and director. You are right, you will love the movie. These guys are amazing. It has been an honor for me to do this film and develop lasting relationships with these Warriors, Heroes. We have had a tremendous response to the trailer and are grateful that our country still has people like those of you here.
    Thanks again for your support of the project and our Warriors.

  18. John

    Does anyone know the name of the guy on the welcome screen?

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