What They Do To Witches In India

April 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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11 Responses

  1. Kevin M


  2. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Does she weigh less than a duck?

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    A rather quaint ancient custom eh? No trial, no evidence…no courtroom, no judge….What are they going to do next? The dunking stool or burn her at the stake?

    There’s another part of the world that needs some genetic alteration.

  4. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I really wish there was some text to go with this. While guessing at the context is fun and all(and leads to predictable Python references) I would like to know more of the before/after etc.

  5. Steve in NC

    she turned me into a newt…

  6. RVN68MIKE

    If she was a widower or they didn’t like the dowery they would have torched her, so a little slapping around for being a witch ain’t to bad. This is the social/educational level of India, our great fellow democracy. :sad:

  7. Mark Tanberg

    this is why morality has to be the base of nation building
    and where does morality come from?

  8. wjin@nyit.edu

    haahahhahahaahahah ahahah this is so ridiculous wow

  9. TedB

    The people out in the boonies of India are simpletons. If anyone of any authority says something they believe it, the balance just go along because they learned that it does not pay not to. Honor killings abound, I used to read about them every week in the Times of India when I lived there. Combine an ancient almost animist culture with modern society and you get WTF?. We would shake our heads at some of the crazy shit that would go down over there.

    The muslim cultures are not far off from them.

  10. cplusmc

    In the U.S. she wouldn’t have been beaten. She would have married a douche and ran for President.

  11. Militant Bibliophile

    So, roughed up, painted, flogged, and walked out of town? There are people in LA and NY who pay good money for that treatment!

    No, in all seriousness, the witchcraft thing is primitive beyond belief, but at the same time, their treatment was fairly humane as witch-hunting mobs go.

    Unless, of course, there was a pyre off camera somewhere. That would change everything.

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