Whoopi: Is Sexism A Uniquely American Thing? WTF Planet You From Lady?

April 22nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Do you think that people like Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar are really as fucking ignorant and stupid as they sound? Or do you think they have writers that have them say this dumb shit to rile up their audience, generate negative publicity (no such thing as bad publicity) knowing that there are blogs and media outlets that will run this shit (like I am now…oh man, I been duped by a bunch of fucking lefties)…or what?

Here’s how it went:

“Do you think that this issue, this, this idea that women can’t do the same things as men is strictly an American idea or is this a worldwide idea? Because I look at other countries that have women that have run their countries that have women prime ministers and such. So are we just lagging behind a little bit?”

Well now, Whoop…let me just, off the top of my head, rattle off a few countries and you tell me if sexism is rampant in that country: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Portions of Iraq, Turkey, or just about any other muslim dominated country in Asia and Africa.

And what about Africa, Whoopi, you know? You’re African-American, right? How about Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Libya, Uganda, blah blah,blah fucking blah…

Sexism. The kind of sexism we see in America these days in nothing at all like we see in….I don’t know, you tell me, Dollard Readers.

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7 Responses

  1. SOC

    Honestly, what do you expect from daytime TV. On a totally liberal network hosted by mentally limited liberal personalities, owned by a liberal biased media mogulette.
    Who fucking cares what Whoopi and Joy have to say. Fuck Barbara too…

  2. bd

    I hav jusst got stuppider reeding abowt wuupy.

    Wow, wow, and wow.

    She should take a trip to that feminine Mecca (pun intended) Saudi Arabia….

    And again, wow!

    I hope she doesn’t have a drivers license…

  3. Midnight Rider

    ignorance is bliss.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    Ignorance is bliss indeed. and its also dangerous to be that damn stupid. we have been fighting a war opposed by lots of people who are too damn lazy to even research who we are fighting. my God

  5. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Yeah, Whoopi …

    Those forced clitoris castrations we do over here in the USA have GOT TO stop … And DON’T get me started on the burkas and arranged marriages … and the raped hangings.

    The women on that show celebrate “fucked-up” in ways I can’t even begin to express.

  6. vehement

    Yes, uniquely American Whoopi. Now get the fuck off my tv and get back in the kitchen, bitch!

  7. jam

    Great for Star Trek (especially the bar scene)…a complete moron for real life. Problem is the losers running behind her, scooping up her shit and publishing it.

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