You Tell Us: Who Should Be Behind That Blindfold?

April 3rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


You can pick one.

Only one.

Who is it going to be, and why?

Watch the 39 second video…then tell us who should be behind the blindfold and why.

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25 Responses

  1. Mark

    Easy, Ahmadinijad, he is the biggest threat to the world, he funds the groups that kill our soldiers, he calls for extermination of jews, he mocks us at every turn, must i go on? :gun: :gun: :gun:

  2. Kevin M

    Jonny Jihad. Jail is too good for him (unless, of course, he’s being refitted with a size 27 asshole).

  3. 31Mike

    I have to agree with Mark on this one. But without the blindfold. And make the son-of-a-bitch wait awhile.

    Let it be carried out by a male and female from each branch of the service.

  4. Caligula


    for comiting treason against the constitution by actively attempting to implement a socialist/communist political ideology and sell our freedoms for globalism.

  5. 1madpittbull

    Castro…cause that old F**ker needs to be killed the same way he and his henchmen killed off the so many of the Cuban people.

    You can’t let him die of old age, kill him while he still lives…only use.22 and start shooting from his feet up :gun: :gun: :gun:

  6. EDinTampa

    bin laden & al-zawahiri

    I’d like to be the only one in the firing squad!

  7. Rudemeister

    Actually, if you were going to use a vintage WWII firearm, like the Garand. You could probably put all 4 of those guys in front of each other. Pretty sure 30.06 ball ammo would zip through all of ‘em.

  8. Paslode

    Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Ted Kennedy because they are treasonous pieces of shit

  9. P51

    Saint Nick, his a fat bastard.

  10. 007

    osam bin laden!! :gun: NO BRAINER

  11. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Bin Laden :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  12. Jeremy Crossman

    Jane Fonda

  13. maxx

    Man, that’s a tough call.
    Well, let’s see here.
    Kim Very Ill?
    Hanoi Jane?
    John Fucking Kerry?
    The why for any of these shitbirds should be obvious.
    Too bad, I can’t pick just one.

  14. a Golden BB

    John Kerry, Treason.
    Entering into private negotiations with the North Vietnamese in Paris, 1971.

  15. mike

    George Soros. Too much of his money has bankrolled too many bad things.

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    Michael Moore. I just want to see him crap his pants before he dies. I’d use only .22 cal bullets. Might have to reload a few times while he screams like a little girl.

  17. tedders

    From Wilkapedia:
    On March 22, 1944, fifteen men of the U.S. Army (including two officers) posing as Italian civilians landed on the Italian coast about 100 kilometres north of La Spezia, 250 miles behind the then established front. Their mission was to demolish a railroad tunnel between La Spezia and Genoa. Two days later, the group was captured by a party of Italian Fascist soldiers and members of the German army. They were brought to La Spezia where they were confined near the headquarters of the 135th Fortress Brigade, which was under the command of German Colonel Almers. Almers’ next higher headquarters was that of the 75th German Army Corps, commanded by Dostler.
    The captured U.S. soldiers were interrogated and one of the U.S. officers revealed the story of the mission. This information was then sent to Dostler at the 75th German Army Corps. The following day (March 25), Dostler sent a telegram to the 135th Fortress Brigade ordering that the captured soldiers be executed. Officers at the 135th Fortress Brigade contacted Dostler to bring a stay of the execution. Dostler then sent another telegram ordering Almers to carry out the execution. Two last attempts were made by the officers at the 135th, including some by telephone. All these attempts were unsuccessful and the fifteen Americans were executed on the morning of March 26, 1944.

  18. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Leaving emotion aside, I’d pick the person who’s the greatest threat to America.

    That’s easy. Soros.

    Terrorists, jihadis, leaders of rogue states, and the like would be easily dealt with if it wasn’t for the fifth columnists in the West, undermining our efforts at every step.

    Imagine if we didn’t have He Who Must Not Be Middle-Named, Jonni Edwards, Micheal Moore, Air America,, Answer, World Can’t Wait, Code Pink, the ACLU, PETA, Kos, DUmmies, and all the rest.

    Soros can’t take full credit for all of them, but no single person has done more to fuck this country over the last ten years than him.

    Get the seditous, traitorous fucks out of our way and we won’t have to worry about our grandkids having to finish the fight.

  19. Paslode

    Another invitee…the traitor John Murtha :mrgreen:

  20. Typical White Texas Mom

    George Soros if I could only pick one . . .

    Others for consideration:

    Hugo Chavez
    Juan Hernandez
    Jeremiah Wright
    Louis Farrakhan
    Mookie Sadhr

    *** Medea Benjamin (I personally would like time alone with her in a back alley - mouse face bitch) . . .

  21. Tom in CO


  22. JewishOdysseus

    Gotta go w/traitor #1, Sen Harry Reid.

  23. just posting

    I would say osama bin laden, but I think death is too light a sentence.

  24. Vehement

    Osama. It’s about fuckin’ time!

  25. fmder

    I would have to agree with George Soros as a prime candidate, but add Kim Jong Ill in there :gun:

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