Zogby Polls Arabs Worldwide, Three Most Favorite Leaders Are…

April 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Across the Arab world, Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is the most admired leader, followed by Syrian President Bashar Assad and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, according to a poll released Tuesday.

The poll found that a majority of Arabs see the three - Nasrallah, Assad and Ahmadinejad - as the only leaders standing up against US influence in the Middle East.

The poll was carried out by the University of Maryland and Zogby International, covered some 4,000 people in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates. It has a margin of error of about 1.6%.

The survey showed that eight out of 10 Arabs have a negative view of the US and Arab governments backed by Washington.

Eighty-three percent had an unfavorable view of the US, while 70% had no confidence in the superpower, the poll found.

More than 80% of respondents identified the Arab-Israeli conflict as a key issue, but just over half - 55% - did not believe there would ever be a lasting peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians, despite US efforts to broker a deal by the end of this year.

The poll showed that the number of Arabs who support Hamas is larger than those who back its rival Fatah faction.

With regards to the war in Iraq, only 6% of Arabs believe the US military surge has worked. A majority of Arabs believe that if US troops withdraw from Iraq, Iraqis would be able to bridge their differences, the poll showed.

In the Lebanese conflict, a majority of 30% expressed support for political parties and politicians affiliated with Hizbullah, while only 9% backed the US-backed governing coalition.

On the conflict between Iran and moderate Arab countries, many Arabs don’t seem to view Iran as a threat. Nearly half of Arabs believe that if “Teheran acquires nuclear weapons the outcome for the region would be more positive than negative,” the poll said.

Asked which world leader they disliked most, US President George W. Bush was at the top of the unpopularity poll with 63%, followed by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert with 39%.

The Arabs were also asked to comment on the next US presidential election. Eighteen percent of respondents believed Democratic contender Barack Obama had the best chance of advancing peace in the Middle East followed by 13% who saw Hillary Clinton as their best hope.

Only 4% chose Arizona Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee for the election. The remainder said either that US policy would stay the same whoever won or that they were not following election.

(Jerusalem Post)

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9 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    Does the University of Maryland and Zogby International understand that freedom of speech does not exist in the areas they polled?

  2. Steve in NC

    Zogby grew up in Utica, New York, the son of Lebanese Catholic immigrants. His brother is James “Jim” Zogby, founder of the influential Arab American Institute. Jim Zogby is also employed part-time by Zogby International.

  3. SOC

    Hitler, Tojo, and Musolinni

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    So there are lots of muslims who support Jihad against the west and Israel while opposing governments that are friendly with us. im shocked ~sarcasm off~

  5. Jim Jam

    No surprise here - radicals jihadis support evil radical fundamentalist leaders.

    I couldnt think of 3 worse people on earth if I spent time trying (that incudes Barry Obama who is pretty awful).

    looks like the way to get respect in the Arab world is to become a terrorist with a mole or mustache somewhere on your ugly face.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Zogby is also a “soft jihadi” in disguise. Listen to his TV program sometime. This mofo a pro-jihadi tard.

    So what do you expect from a guy with an an anti-American agenda?

    As far as the Islamo-facist world is concerned… they all only read pro-hizzy and pro-jihadi newspapers. Their mushy little skulls are filled with jihadi propaganda that is regurgitated 24×7 on TV, the radio and in the mosques.

    Zogby is only preaching to his choir. So what else is new?

  7. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    I’m curious what the results would be if they polled Iraq.

  8. mike3481

    Hey, what about Achmed the Dead Terrorist?


  9. cnchess

    All polls are crap because they are baised by either the phrasing of the questions or by selection of the population to be polled.

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