Ahmadinejad Wants To Meet With Pope…Would Jesus Meet With Him?

May 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Okay, all over the news today, Ahmabigdickwad has officially asked the Vatican if the Pope would meet with him.

Motive? It’s not peace, I’ll tell you that. The Munchkin King is merely seeking credibility.

But I saw Neil Cavuto interviewing some guy from the vatican about it and Neil asked the guy “Would Jesus meet with Ahmadinejad?”

May I be so presumptuous as to say that I believe Jesus would meet with him. But I guarantee you he would tell Ahmadinejad things he would not want to hear. Things about whitewashed tombs and dead men’s bones.

Things about straining out gnats to swallow camels.

Things about thinking he is heard for his many rote prayers.

Things about clanging symbols.

Things about blind guides.

Things about motives regarding Jerusalem.

Things about false teachers and false prophets.

Things about false messiahs.

Things he does not want to hear.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be told the truth by The Truth, and he would not like it.

Not one bit.

Yeah, Jesus would see him. And he will see Jesus, one day. And unless he has a radical change of heart between now and then, I wouldn’t want to be The Munchkin King on that Day.

Woops, it’s not Sunday…too bad. I’m preaching anyway…

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4 Responses

  1. skip1

    If the Pope meets with him, why not the US Preisdnet.

  2. Reign in Blood

    :arrow: Skip1

    The reason is the Pope is NOT the leader of the free world and if he projects an image of weakness to the Iranians it would not effect the potential fate of many countries in the region. The first and foremost being Israel, among many others. :idea:
    Also, to meet a leader of a dictitorial regime without preconditions and stiff resolve by a US president would do just that, project weakness. The Pope truly has no power in the international scheme of things.

  3. Brad (Future Priest)

    “The Pope truly has no power in the international scheme of things.”

    Umm… John Paul II and Polish Solidarity?

    There’s a reason why Osama and his crew haven’t tried to bomb the Vatican. 1 billion pissed off Catholics is a scary thing.

  4. Max

    Of course, Jesus WILL meet with Aminwhatshisname on HIS terms. That is to say, whatshisname will be on his knees proclaiming Jesus as Lord, although it will be too late for him by that time.

    “For it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” (Romans 14:11)

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