Am I The Only One That Has Seen Pfleger’s Hypocrisy? Nobody Else Has Brought This Up…

May 31st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Has nobody else seen the hypocrisy of the Raunchy Father Pfleger’s remarks? I have been watching all the news shows, and reading all of the online news sites, and many, many blogs, and I have not seen anybody bring this point of glaring hypocrisy found in the statements he made last Sunday at Obama’s church.

Pfleger said this:

“I really believe that she (Hillary Clinton) just always thought, ‘This is mine. I’m Bill’s wife, I’m white and this is mine. I just gotta get up and step into the plate’ and then out of nowhere came, ‘Hey, I’m Barack Obama,’ and she said, ‘Oh, damn. Where did you come from? I’m white! I’m entitled! There’s a black man stealing my show!’ ”

In this statement, apart from all of the obvious racial overtones and sexism, we see him criticizing her for a perceived entitlement. That she is entitled to be the Nominee based on her identification. That it would be wrong, and a miscarriage of justice if Obama were the Democratic Nominee over, or before her, a white woman. It would be wrong to have a black man become Nominee before a white woman. He implies that this is her mindset as a white woman.

The identification which qualifies her, in her mind, that of being a former First lady, “Bill’s wife”, she is entitled to sit in the Oval Office before him, a junior senator. It would be unjust for him and not her to be in there, because she was there first, she lived in the White House for eight years and so it is hers, and it would be wrong for anyone else to be in there before her. She is entitled to this. He implies that this is her mindset as Bill’s wife.

The identification with her party, especially 18 months ago, before Obama came on the scene (as described above), that she was definitely going to be the Democratic Nominee, she feels that it would be unjust for her to have the popular vote and not be the nominee after all of the hoopla leading up to Obama’s announcement to run, because the hoopla was all hers before, and therefore, she was more entitled than he, within the party. He implies that this is her mindset as the early favorite.

So he basically is saying that Hillary is a whining white ex-first lady (woman) who feels entitled to be the Democratic nominee and that for Obama to get it before her, for all of the reasons stated above, would be a miscarriage of justice. It would be wrong.

He criticizes her for whining about something she feels entitled to based on an identification with her race, her gender, her seniority in the party, and her former status in the White House. And slams it, implying that that is a bunch of shit, that being white didn’t mean that she should be the Nominee, that being a woman didn’t mean that she should be the Nominee, that being married to a former President didn’t mean that she should be the Nominee, that being the early favorite long-time Democrat didn’t mean that she should be the Nominee, and that she should just get over it.

He slams the idea of Hillary being entitled to the Nomination based on identification.

Entitlement based on identification is wrong, and bad, and horrible, according to the Raunchy Reverend Pfleger.

Then, a little later on in the rant, he says something regarding why it’s time for a black man to be the Nominee.

He is referring to the past oppression of black people in America over the years leading up to the civil rights movement era…and make no mistake, the oppression of black people no longer exists in this country in the form that it did 100, 50, even 30 years ago.

This generation has eradicated that, and a person of this generation…MY generation (me and Hussein are a year apart)…especially Barack Hussein Obama, personally, who went to a fine prep school in Hawaii, same years I went to high school in Hawaii, and I guarantee you he NEVER felt oppressed or discriminated against because he was black while growing up in Hawaii, because I grew up there as well, and I know for a fact that black people were revered, and identified with, and accepted by locals based on their color. Embraced, even.

It was white people, Haoles (how-lees), like me, in Hawaii, during that era (even today), that experienced discrimination based on race.

I could tell you shit…and that is no lie.

Anyway, Pfleger now tries to say that Obama should get the Nomination because if anyone has an entitlement to the Nomination, it is him, a black man…and he tries to justify this by talking about the black oppression in America’s PAST, that my generation neither dished out, nor perpetuated, NAY…my generation helped overcome that oppression and bring blacks equality not just in letter, but in spirit.

That oppression and prejudice that Barack Obama’s generation did not experience…yet he says:

“It’s like saying to a woman who has been repeatedly raped over and over and over and over: ‘You need to get over it.’ The hell I do! Get the sucka who’s been rapin’ me and make him pay! For America has been raping people of color and America has to pay the price for rape.” (crowd goes wild)

Excuse me, America has to pay the price?

Let me get this straight. He is saying that Barack Obama is entitled to the Nomination because he is a black man and therefore identifies with all of past Black America which has suffered, and that America has to pay, and therefore, a just payment, justice, would be Obama geting the nomination. That he is entitled to it based on his identification with his race.

That he is entitled to it based on the identification with the oppression his ancestors suffered and therefore he is due justice.

This he implies. That Barack Hussein Obama is entitled to the Nomination based on his identification.

After just ranting and raving about entitlement due to identification is wrong, horrible, evil, mean, and nastay…

What a fucking hypocrite.

What say you?

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20 Responses

  1. TerryTate

    Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner…

    Best observation on this lunacy yet.

    Good job there Bash.


  2. jarhead68


    Nail on Head.

    Home Run.

    Nothing else to be said.

    Everyone associated with Hussein is a douche bag.

    You rock.
    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  3. jarhead68

    Ooops, Not enough beer. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  4. jarhead68…lit…tle…mmmmmooooorrrre…burp…beer. :beer: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


    Well said, Sir. I nominate you for the Bashage award!

  6. The Angry Redneck

    I haven’t seen as much racism in America as I have from Obama supporters, largely from his Church. In my opinion, because of things that have come to light during his campaign, separatism will increase, racial tensions have already increased, and racial polarization will inevitably affect all. And, surprisingly, it’s not from your average white American…it’s from jackasses like Pfleger and Wright, and the rich, never-worked-a-day-in-their-lives libtards.

    Pfleger is about as German as they come…who knows more about oppression and crimes against humanity than Germany just 65 years ago? Didn’t they try to eradicate an entire race of people? Does the word “aryan” mean ANYTHING to this asshole? How about “master race”? Who the hell is he to dictate entitlement to anything? If the Catholic church was smart they’d excommunicate this asshole. And people give us Baptist’s a hard time…

  7. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    It is easy to dislike this evil Catholic priest Pfleger . The Catholic Church, all the way from Rome, to their credit, today tried their best to distance themselves from him. He is a disgrace to the church and his race. He is the typical white-whiner-liberal that attempts to bear guilt.
    The way he rants and raves on stage, you would think he is black in his tone of voice and simply the way he carries on.
    In other words: a freaking phoney of the first degree.
    He should be excommunicated asap.

  8. Chandler

    Good observation, Bash! Funny though. Barak didn’t come from slave families in America. His dad is from Kenya and his mom is white. No ancestors were oppressed in “white America”. Does that still satisfy the whole Nomination by Identification theory?

    I wonder if Father Phlegm preaches like that at his Catholic church in Chicago? I would venture to guess that he doesn’t. Mocking a race…nice!

  9. Erik Marsh

    Good breakdown but really. Your preachin’ to the choir here man. The real problem is that Mr. Cleaver who watches NBCBSABC every night when he gets home or Mrs. Cleaver who watches GMA and the O, will never hear more than 20 seconds, will never hear a comparative analysis, don’t want their dancing show interrupted and only care if there’s a chance their picket fence life gets taken away. And I’l tell you what 200% increase in fuel and food costs are more pressing than death from al qaeda because that’s all the msm talks about about whose glorious sound bites do they always play?

  10. Dan Maloney

    It figures he is a member of that supposedly Catholic group Pax Christi. Racism is supposed to be one of the things they fight, not spread. Hypocrisy is rampant on the radical left.

  11. Brad (Future Priest)

    As I’ve said before, if good, orthodox men don’t step up to the plate for the Church, this is what we get.

    It’s times like this that I’m grateful for priestly celebacy.

  12. monkeysdad (Sur Tejas Gringo)

    Bash I can Identify with the Hawaii part. I was stationed there for 7 years. The papolos were treated better than the haoles for sure bra…

  13. Mike W

    Bash, Of course the media wont bring this hypocrisy to light because they would be slammed as racist in a heart beat.From S&L they posted a fox report from June 2007 where Obama said”
    “Somewhere along the way faith stopped being used to bring us together and started being used to drive us apart… Faith got hijacked partly because of the so-called leaders of the Christian Right, who’ve been all too eager to exploit what divides us. At every opportunity they’ve told Evangelical Christians that Democrats disrespect their values and dislike their church, while suggesting to the rest of the country that religious Americans care only about issues like abortion and gay marriage, school prayer and Intelligent Design.”

  14. Lftbhndagn

    Bash - WONDERFUL job - BUT Im gonna say it! Im Catholic and one thing you missed in regards to this SO CALLED Priest:


    :arrow: I really believe that she (Hillary Clinton) just always thought, ‘This is mine. I’m Bill’s wife, I’m white and this is mine. I just gotta get up and step into the plate’ and then out of nowhere came, ‘Hey, I’m Barack Obama,’ and she said, ‘Oh, damn. Where did you come from? I’m white! I’m entitled! There’s a black man stealing my show!’ ”

    Well now - Its clear to me that Pfleger also feels the same way…
    In regards to his parish - Priests are only allowed to two 6-year terms in a parish and then must move on to another… Pfleger, rather then addressing his parish and saying - “This is the way it is, the priest that follows me will take good care of you…. LIKE HE SHOULD HAVE, pissed & moaned and sided with his parishioners in a protest to keep him there…. Cardinal George caved in and had to give him special treatment if you will, Exceptions for Pfleger had been made under the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, giving him a third term. Protests from parishioners who did not want Pfleger to leave at the end of that term led George to extend the priest’s appointment indefinitely in 2002.

    SO - in many ways - Pfleger and Clinton can be put in the same boat. Pfleger feels as though he is ENTITLED to stay there because he has a better “Black Voice” then any other priest…
    Also, that the entire parish would collapse without HIM to lead that community…..

    So here we go…..

    I really believe that I (Fr. Pfleger) just always thought ‘This is mine.(St Sabina) I’m the “blue-eyed black soul”. , I’m the best and this is mine. I just gotta get up and step into the plate’……

    Not only that - -

    Pfleger gave Obama’s campaigns $1,500 between 1995 and 2001, including $200 in April 2001, about three months after Obama announced at least $100,000 in grants to St. Sabina programs.

    Chicago Tribune for that last quote

  15. mike3481

    :arrow: jarhead68

    Ooops, Not enough beer.

    Is there such a thing…this is America after all :wink:

  16. sully

    Talk about hypocrisy… how has Axelrod not been called out for his being a ‘lobbyist’?

    Anyway, identity politics is all Obama REALLY has and his bro’s from da hood keep fuckin’ him. When I see this shit it makes me laugh.
    Again. Any candidate that lives by identity politics should die by identity politics. Yes there are alot of dumbfucks out there that will drink the white guilt kool-aid, but it ain’t playing well in the swing states. And that’s a good thing.
    Now, who’s up next?
    Ah yes…. Farrakhan hisself.

  17. Jeff

    “It’s like saying to a woman who has been repeatedly raped over and over and over and over: ‘You need to get over it.’ The hell I do! Get the sucka who’s been rapin’ me and make him pay! For America has been raping people of color and America has to pay the price for rape.”

    This argument is pure bullshit. This generation of whites hasn’t raped anyone, therefore we don’t owe anyone anything. Quite the opposite actually.

    I was denied a college loan years ago. The reason, I am a white male. So, who is raping who? After 18 years, I still hold a serious grudge concerning that denied loan. If Obama thinks I owe him, he can kiss my ass.

  18. azbastard

    just fill the plate up, the blue prints have been drawn

  19. Mike Mose

    Great work Bash.

    The reality is the Barack Obama’s family owned slaves
    When you hear these nut job Preachers of his scream racism and how America has owned the blacks for generations, know Obama’s family owned slaves and to this day he plays every Black person like a fool.

    His family owned slaves.

  20. jam

    Keep up the good work, Bash! America needs a lot more guys like you who get it.

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