A Global Force For Good: America, Fuck Yeah!

May 30th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.



The United States played an important and positive global role in the 20th century, and continues to do so in this century.

Its willingness to dig into its pockets in the fight against terrorism, and to support liberal democracy in the Middle East, are important when too often other powers prefer to close their eyes.

America’s actions undoubtedly make the world a more peaceful and stable place. Its support for economic globalisation promotes global prosperity and encourages international co-operation.

And yet, as the results of a poll by Telegraph.co.uk show, its standing in Europe is low. In Britain, France, Germany and Russia, more people thought that the United States was a force for evil than for good.

The wildcard in the poll was Italy, where 49 per cent (compared to 27 per cent) thought that the US was a force for good.

Admittedly, strong religious views may have influenced respondents’ willingness to label a country as “evil”. This rise of anti-American sentiment should be of concern; it indicates that more must be done to win hearts and minds the world over.

Nor is the poll particularly good news for John McCain, showing as it does overwhelming European and Russian support for his Democrat rival Mr Obama.

Mr McCain suffers from the contamination of the Republican brand caused by President’s Bush’s unpopularity (currently skulking at below 30 per cent).

It’s worth bearing in mind, though, that the Democratic primaries have dominated news coverage of American politics, and perhaps the Europeans simply do not know the Republican hopeful himself well enough yet.

Regardless of who wins, there will be a need to project a more positive light of the United States in Europe, but without ditching America’s vital global role.

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15 Responses

  1. Marc

    Team America FUCK YEAH!

    Why do people strap an inner tube around themselves and attempt to swin the Florida Straits? Because America is Awesome!

    Why do people stowaway on ships heading to American ports? Because America is Awesome!

    Why is there a major waiting list of LEGAL Immigrants trying to get into America? Because we as a People and a Nation are AWESOME!

    I thank my lucky stars every day that my parents brought me and my siblings over here as kids, and thank god I am an American.

    American as long as I have breath will always be a beacon of hope and prosperity for those whom want to come here legally and follow the laws they will be welcomed, and in return of this social contract they will be able to make a life for themselves with unlimited opportunities.


  2. Rob

    Europe’s old time for a change :wink: :gun: :gun: :gun:

    We shouldn’t set our goals low. Only seize stratigic places. Germany, Belgium, etc. Afterall they have the good beer. :beer: :beer: :gun: :beer: :beer: :shock:

  3. Mike Swann

    The Eurotrash want another pushover, party animal. Hussien is especially desirable for them because he has 0 foreign experience.

    Feinting freindship, he will probably be the darling DUCK for the EU, middle east and Russia.

  4. mike3481

    :arrow: Marc

    :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :wink:

  5. rightangle

    Aren’t many European countries electing right or center right politicians a la Merkel, Sarkhozy, Berlusconi, and now London opting for Boris Johnson as mayor?


    I read a comment on a (Ray Charles) “America the Beautiful” video the other day by a naturalized citizen who was still abroad but that soon would be returning to his new Home- says the flights back to our shores still gets him choked up. Reminded me that America is more than a wide swath of the North American continent. It is a belief and way of life that many “non-citizens” identify with and also hold dear.

    Included in that contingent are our Canadian neighbors. Many Dollardians I’m sure remember the early 70’s speech by Canada’s own Gordon Sinclair that was reprinted by many mags shortly after 9-11. I re-read it and found parts eerily similar and some parts that define some changes to America today. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers, it has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again but generosity…..
    If ever our two countries designate a Canadian-American Day or American Canadian Day, I propose June 3, the late Mr. Sinclair’s birthday.


  6. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Who cares what those silly Euro polls say.
    We know who we are and what we stand for.
    Fu*k the rest of the world!!!!!!!!!!! :beer: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  7. Zeke Eagle

    “European and Russian support for his Democrat rival. Obama”

    They are welcome to him, we need an American President.

  8. RC

    Europeans need to harden the fuck up or the only poll they’ll be answering to is one from the local Imam:

    Conversion, dhimmitude, or death? Which is it??

  9. Bill Smith

    Amen on Mr. Sinclair.

    Whenever I meet some supercilious, arrogant European I remind him that his superior culture let not one, but TWO hideous world wars get started, and we had not only to send them massive amounts of supplies, but also to come to their aid militarily. And their biggest bitch at the time was that we didn’t come SOON enough. When it was all over, we then had to dig even deeper, and “lend” — cough, gag, cough, cough — them even more billion$$.

    Oh, they’re really brilliant at diplomacy. We should take lessons! Yup! Just like the guy in Las Vegas who gives his wife $100, and he takes $1,000 to gamble with. She points out that he lost the night before, so why does he get so much more? “Because I know how to gamble!”

    Spain decided that kissing terrorist ass was the superior way to deal, so they elected some limpdick lefty. Answer? Terrible train bombings. The French? Germans?

    And we’re worried what this pathetic bunch of children think of us?! They don’t even know how to save their OWN lives!

    Unfortunately, we have a whole lot of Euro-centric egg heads running our universities, and public schools, and a lot of Americans now buy into this :”can’t we all just get along by rolling over” crap.

    A previous poster is right. Our immigrants, the ones who come here to BE AMERICANS, will help to save us from ourselves, because they know EXACTLY what we have here, how very valuable it is, and they know WHY they don’t want to be in Europe and elsewhere anymore. I’m NOT talking about illegals. These newest immigrants are just the latest group of Americans who happened to be born somewhere else. We need ‘em.

    Stars and Stripes Forever

    Europe, learn to love your own countries as much as we love ours, defend them for real instead of relying on us, and then hating us for it, and maybe we’ll begin to respect YOU. But I’m not holding my breath.

    Basically, Fuck off, and let the adults handle this.

  10. Q_Mech

    The same countries that can’t bring themselves to actually fight in Afghanistan. Pshaw.

  11. Bill Smith

    Now, Q_Mech, that’s not entirely fair. They can fight. It’s just that, if attacked, they need a vote of their Parliament — by 2/3 majority — before they can load their weapons. But, you may have a point. They haven’t quite worked out yet the chain of authority from the EU in Brussels over whether they can chamber a round. Then, of course, there is the matter, of authority to actually point their weapons at the attacker. But, then there is the question of what to actually call the attackers that seems to be the sticking point. A committee has been formed to study the matter.

    But, Q_Mech, the U.N. has appointed a special ambassador to determine if you are a racist for raising the possibility. He’s arriving tomorrow.

  12. mindy abraham

    I wonder why they hate us so… We are willing to help others, go in with aid if disaster struck. If eurpope ever needed help, who would they call? The U.S.A :twisted:

  13. cnchess

    Of course they want us to elect democrats. That will weaken us so much that they think that their little corrupt economies can catch up.

  14. Kufir Ken

    :arrow: Nor is the poll particularly good news for John McCain, showing as it does overwhelming European and Russian support for his Democrat rival Mr Obama.

    Gee… that makes me glad that those idiots don’t get a vote over here…

  15. Phil N Blanx

    mindy — The answer to your question is found in the article; “It’s worth bearing in mind, though, that the Democratic primaries have dominated news coverage of American politics…”

    Add to that a media obsessed with anti-America hate including supposed torture at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, false stories about Koran flushing, former and current self-serving US politicians dissing the US on foreign soil, the UN disinformation campaign against the US, Pallywood and other terrorist-sympathizers in the media, and the list of anti-US hatemongering goes on and on by a media that is hostile to America even here in the US.

    Until we can bring some real balance to all media in the world I expect polls to show the US as an evil in the world rather than the wonderful source of good dollardheads and many others in America and the rest of the world know it to be but just don’t have as loud a voice.

    IMO it is the media, not the terrorists (that are getting their collective asses handed to them by the US military) that is the greatest threat to the world at this time.

    We need to keep hammering the media by continuing to point out their lies and distortion of the truth, boycotting their sponsors if they continue to advertise with them, hammering their ombudsman and otherwise making the medias lives the living hell they daily spew on the US.

    Unless we change the media, this false impression of the US will continue in the world. All the while we observe the obvious dichotomy of countries in the EU, Canada, Mexico and others electing more conservative leaders that want to build relationships with the US all while the supposed ‘evil’ Republican Bush was/is the President. But the media is so out of touch with reality, don’t expect that to be trumpeted by the media during a US election year.

    I wish like hell American civilians would take it to the media with the same enthusiasm our American military has taken it to the terrorists.

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