Angry Fishermen Pelt Whalehuggers With Lead Weights

May 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Looks like they fucked the helicopter up!

When I was in the Coast Guard we did fishery patrols in the Bering Sea (early 80’s) and it was our job to track these guys and make sure they were complying with regs…these Greenpeace people were a pain in the FUCKING ASS!

I can’t tell you how many S.O.S. calls we got from Greenpeace the whole time I was in…90% of the time they were just freaked out by pissed off fishermen like these LOL…

What these pukes don’t realize is it was the unscrupulous rapist longliner Japanese & Korean fishermen AND the tree/whale hugging pukes together that totally screwed up the entire salmon fishing industry here on the Oregon Coast.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe strongly in conservation and resource management (limits, seasons, restocking etc) , but the extremists (on both sides) really screwed shit up. For the first time in the over 20 years I have lived here in Oregon, ALL salmon fishing has been shut down.

Kind of funny, my father-in-law has a good buddy he fishes and hunts with, and last year his buddy bought a really nice medium sized salmon boat for the offshore salmon fishing this year…sheesh…he has been relegated to bottom fishing, which is okay, but salmon is fun, and really really good fresh from the smoker…man, he’s pissed.

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9 Responses


    I hope those Greenpeace-of-shits meet a watery grave someday! HoYaa Ruskies!

  2. TBinSTL (just typical)

    The last time I really liked the French(for a couple of days anyway) was when the set the scuttling charges in that Greenpeace garbage scow.

  3. jarhead68

    Who gave the commie bastard GP’s the chopper? What’s their true source of money?

  4. 007

    That will teach them to go along side and ram other ships!!!

    That chopper is going to take some Paching$$$$$

    I do believe in conservation, But I dont believe in GREEN Strong arm tactics!!!

  5. Phil N Blanx

    Check this site out Jarhead68

  6. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Most guys who join Greenpeace do it to meet chicks.

    Unfortunately for them, that’s the same reason most of the girls joined, too.

  7. Indy

    I grew up In San Diego(Point Loma)my entire family have been Commercial Tuna fisherman for decades.I fished for over 8 years until those azzhats made it almost impossible to make a living at it.This was back in the 70’s at the beginning of this BS. The gov. used to put what they called observers aboard some of the boats, under the guise of census takers . You had no choice, and you had to feed them. I would have feed them to the sharks if I’d known just what they were up to.The majority of the boats at that time were400-800 ton capacity perseiners(net), and the bulk of the fish caught ran with porpoise. When it started, they made it sound like we were intentionally killing the porpoise. That couldn’t be any farther from the truth.We actually put our lives in danger to save as many as possible.I could go on all day about how much I despise clueless greenies. The US was about the only country who complied with their BS. They ruined a lot of lives those pukes.

  8. Kevin

    You forgot to mention the sealines that need to be shot up by Bonnevile dam…

  9. el Vaquero

    GP is funded by all the Commie run trust funds and the Oil tyrants Funds…all need to be investigated and then need to be shot for treason!

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